Swift vet ping...
I listen to the news with my remote in hand for fear of having to hear Edwards introduce the "War Hero" again.
"I have an eyewitness, firsthand account of what happened," said Larry Thurlow, who commanded a swift boat. "And the story he now tells is so drastically far from what actually happened, if I didn't know he was recounting this particular day, I wouldn't even recognize the story."
Got any clues as to who the "eyewitness" is???? First I have heard about this.
PI digs into Kerry's war past
Group defends investigation; veterans say comments distorted
11:40 PM CDT on Monday, July 12, 2004
By WAYNE SLATER / The Dallas Morning News
AUSTIN Opponents of John Kerry have hired a Dallas-area private investigator to gather information aimed at discrediting his military service, say several veterans who served with the Massachusetts Democrat in Vietnam.
Several veterans who have been contacted in recent days accused the private investigator, Tom Rupprath of Rockwall, of twisting their words to produce misleading and inaccurate accounts that call into doubt the medals Mr. Kerry received for his service.
"They're just distorting things," said Jim Wasser, who served with Mr. Kerry. "They have nothing to go after John Kerry for, so now they're trying to discredit him."
Mr. Rupprath was hired by Swift Boat Veterans for Truth on the recommendation of Merrie Spaeth, a Dallas public relations executive assisting the anti-Kerry group.
Thanks for the ping!
JOHN KERRY = Enemy of Vietnam Vets
Kerry is a turd!
Thanks for the ping!
I hope the GOP turns Adm. Denton and Zell Miller loose on the Kerry campaign, and soon.
Hey, thanks for the update ping! Maybe this information is going far and wide, soon; we hope, eh?!
I hope what an earlier post said in this thread by GraceCoolidge is right on the money.
".... now I'm hoping that these veterans are just "holding their fire" for the convention. I hope there is a big onslaught planned by this group..."
Keep up the good work Interesting Times!! Can't wait for the upcoming onslaught, LOL.
Bump! (thanks for the ping) :-)
Thanks for the ping I.T.!