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Heavy Fighting in AR Ramadi Iraq~~~ Sadr's fighters have attacked US Forces.
Fox News
Posted on 04/06/2004 11:53:54 AM PDT by Dog
Just broke on Fox
TOPICS: Breaking News; Foreign Affairs; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: almadhi; alsadr; iraq; mahdiarmy; ramadi; religionofpieces; sadr
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To: justshutupandtakeit
And after we do what we should do with these terrorist/criminals
(and of course with no mercy at all), let's round up all the stupid-a$$-crat,
commie liberals and do the same to them as well................
To: ItisaReligionofPeace
Gee, thanks for your consideration.
Actually, when I have sent e-mails to Fox, including Ailes, they usually answer. Maybe I don't agree with the answer, but I get one.
To: Miss Marple
If you think you can get O'Really (intentional) in trouble by writing Ailes, by all means go for it.
To: PattonReincarnated
that US forces remain in Iraq for peacekeeping purposesI think that is exactly what is planned. Someone from the administration recently described the situation after 6/30 to be Iraqi's in charge politically with a strong US military presence.
That kind of situation makes sense, as it would be chaos otherwise. That approach is also consistent with what Bush has said and his commitment to see that our troops have not fought in vain. I see this as not like our exit from Vietnam, but more like our continuing presence in S. Korea.
posted on
04/06/2004 7:53:29 PM PDT
(Wars should be fought to be won, this one is)
To: Ragtime Cowgirl
I join in Pegita's prayer!
posted on
04/06/2004 7:54:52 PM PDT
(Glad to be a monthly contributor to Free Republic!)
To: All
LTC North on w/ Greta right now saying the "heavy casulties" mantra is BULL!
This is a joint Iraqi/USMC operation
They are using a scaleable force and have enough resources on hand to handle anything that pops up.
The Marines "own the night".
Ollie referring to Fallujah and Ramadi as guerilla warfare.
Also says the media was phoned and told that the next American vehicles that drove by would be ambushed. So once again the media knew in advance and did NOTHING! That's not the first time the media knew we were about to be attacked in Iraq and did NOTHING to warn us.
One point I must add. 12 casulties is bad but it is NOT...I repeat NOT "heavy casulties".
posted on
04/06/2004 8:01:44 PM PDT
(HOOAH!!!...Not Just A Word...A Way Of Life!!!)
To: Alamo-Girl
I join you in praying for our troops, and for our faithful (and patient) FRiends. ((Hugs))
posted on
04/06/2004 8:15:18 PM PDT
Ragtime Cowgirl
("Today we did what we had to do.They counted on America to be passive.They counted wrong."- R Reagan)
To: oceanview
no 9/11, no anthrax in the mail shortly afterwards - no iraq invasion. Well, I think that most of us agree that it would have been impossible for GWB to invade Iraq without the climate 9/11 created. The question is: once Bush was able to count on support for a full-scale invasion, WHY did he want to go in? Was there an underlying motivation other than "most dangerous regime/most deadly weapons"? That's what we're taking a crack at.
To: swarthyguy
Sorry for the lateness of the post but...but.....AP, Reuters, and AFP all have a slant...just like 90% of the news outlet...reading Yahoo news sources...they tell the pertinent info in the first paragraph then the rest of the story is biased....I don't take ANY news source as gospel...I wait til at least the majority of news sources start confirming reports before deciding how to react....
Did you watch CNN or read their website when we invaded Iraq???....they were all DOOM & GLOOM.....if you had been watching prob would have committed suicide...they made it sound like this is it...we'll all be dead tomorrow.....just pick and choose your outlets wisely....and think for yourself...don't let a reporter guide your thoughts and feelings...
posted on
04/06/2004 8:30:59 PM PDT
(LANTIRN - Designed to kill, maim, and destroy ....America's enemies...)
To: All
Iran is "helping" this uprising with $ and men according to Healing Iraq Website.
To: dandelion
To: RightWhale
Hopefully also mass call-ups of all available virgins....
To: PattonReincarnated
In your plan, you've got 1 division going to Syria's border (along with a fresh division from the States), one to Iran's border and one to Saudi's border. Since we only have the following forces recently deployed in Iraq, or on the way:
1st Marine Division
1st INF Division: deploy Iraq 3/2004 +plus NG Bde (from Vilseck, Ger.)
1st CAV Division: deploy Iraq 5/2004 (relieve 1st Armored Div., 2nd ACR) (from Ft Hood, TX)
And these Brigade-sized units:
82nd Airborne Div 1st Bde: deploy Iraq 1/2004 (4-6 month deployment)
25th Inf Div: 2nd Bde Strykers deploy Iraq 1-2/2004
2d INF Div: 3rd Bde Strykers deploy Iraq 3-4/204 (to Mosul)
I think we're too light to do something like you've outlined, unless Iraq gets REAL peaceful real soon.
Here are the units that are leaving Iraq:
1st Armor Div: Iraq Return U.S. 4/2004 Relieved by 1st CAV
4th Inf Div: Iraq Return U.S. 4/2004 relieved by 1st INF
2d ACR: Iraq Return U.S. 3-4/2004 relieved by 1st CAV
3d ACR: Iraq. Return U.S. 3-4/2004 relieved by Strykers
173d Airborne Brigade: Iraq Return Italy 4/2004
Not sure which units might be kept in Iraq a little longer to deal with this uprising. I'm pretty sure NONE of them will be kept there to be placed on the borders of Iraq's neighbors as a threat to them. "No (NEW) war in '04" seems to be Karl Rove's goal. Could the Iranians and Syrians be taking advantage of that? Probably.
To: mitchbert
The AC130 is the Maxim gun of our time. Do to this "Mahdi's Army" what Kitchener did to the last one at Omdurman!!!
GO USA!!!!!!
To: johnb838
"Are we Still supposed to be scared of the word jihad? How 'bout fatwa? Like the democrat tactics, eventually the magic wears off and they're just bums in dirty nightshirts screeching about a god that hates them."
Good question...and good answer....I think Jihad is more of a psychological instill fear in their many jihads have been waged in the last 10 years???....I don't see 1 billion muslims going jihad on anyone.....just the fanatics react to a jihad...and they are easy to when they yell jihad...we tend to say...ok whatever...
posted on
04/06/2004 8:52:02 PM PDT
(LANTIRN - Designed to kill, maim, and destroy ....America's enemies...)
To: Miss Marple
Exactly where is she? I haven't seen her in years. Well, I found a little something about 'Mo' from the Washington Post....
Dean's wife, Maureen, wrote her own memoir -- "Mo: A Woman's View of Watergate." The former financial consultant for Shearson-Lehman Bros. also penned two Washington novels, "Washington Wives" and "Capitol Secrets."
The Deans are at the center of Watergate conspiracy theories that sound as if they came from a steamy Washington novel. They filed a lawsuit prompted by the published allegations about them. The 1991 book "Silent Coup: The Removal of a President" suggested that John Dean masterminded the Watergate burglary to obtain documents linking Maureen and her roommate to an alleged prostitution ring. "It's all nonsense," says John M.Garrick, the couple's lawyer.
The Deans sued "Silent Coup's" authors and two sources, G. Gordon Liddy and Phillip M. Bailey. Garrick said court approval is pending for an undisclosed settlement between the Deans and St. Martin's Press, the book's publisher.
Dean currently lives in Beverly Hills, Calif. with his wife, where he works as a writer, lecturer, and private investment banker. He has also written a screenplay, "Pentagon Papers," which he sold to Turner Television.
posted on
04/06/2004 8:54:11 PM PDT
O Neill
(Oh we're out here havin' fun, in the warm California sun...)
To: kcvl
Al Franken on CNN saying that we are in a QUIGMIRE! How original. With pithy commentary like this, his radio career shoul last, oh, 8-10 weeks.
PS: God bless our brave armed forces and keep them safe as they destroy our enemies, so that they may return home to their families soon.
To: BushMeister
Well there are two FULL National Guard Divisions that have yet to be called up lately for anything that could be used is need be.
49th Armored Division TXARNG. Works closely with 3 Corps as their round out division has seen recent action in Bosnia.
40th Infantry Division - CARNG. Not sure if they've done much lately but they need to get the training.
There are divisions that are not pulled together from several states either. Both are self contained within the borders of Texas and California. The only ones that are that way.
posted on
04/06/2004 9:00:19 PM PDT
(HOOAH!!!...Not Just A Word...A Way Of Life!!!)
To: Mad_Tom_Rackham
Actually a "quagmire" is having to at any time listen to Al Franken try to be funny.
Now THAT is a quagmire.
posted on
04/06/2004 9:02:24 PM PDT
(HOOAH!!!...Not Just A Word...A Way Of Life!!!)
"Have you seen the Video of the marching in the streets?"
Sorry for being so late...trying to catch up on the thread after a few thinks if they keep this up...we just might start dropping 500 pounders in the middle of these crowds...not that I'm saying we should do it now...just if this crap keeps up....we'll start seeing the demonstrations as troop marshalling yards and bomb them...
posted on
04/06/2004 9:07:58 PM PDT
(LANTIRN - Designed to kill, maim, and destroy ....America's enemies...)
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