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W's Legacy: A List of the President's Conservative Actions
Here, there , and everywhere | 1-13-04 | Constantine XIII

Posted on 01/13/2004 8:53:57 PM PST by Constantine XIII

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To: Burkeman1
Your point about Bush and judges holds some validity but it is a long shot I wouldn't want to bet the farm on. Seven of the nine justices we now have were appointed by Republicans and Bush the Lesser has already shown that he has no stomach for a drag down, knock out fight on appointments. What Bush has shown he will go to the matte on is massive domestic spending, pursuing the agenda of the petrolleum-military-in****rial complex and morphing the US nation state into a bilingual North American Union with Mexico.

BTW did you see this one posted last night? Bush Plans $1.5 Billion Drive for Promotion of Marriage And from the article "A lot of conservatives are very pleased with the healthy marriage initiative" which goes to show the DC based conservatives and the Republicans in general are just as desirous of energetically sucking the federal teat as much as the Dem and liberals - it beats having a real job.

P.S. Something really weird going on here. When I preview my post the word i n ******* r i a l like in petroleum-miliitary-in****rial complex comes up with stars in it- and I'm not typing it that way - it's a conspiracy I tell you.

41 posted on 01/14/2004 7:24:55 AM PST by u-89
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"in terms of domestic policy we now have a president well to the left of JFK. Sorry, can't vote for the man again."

So you can't bring yourself to vote for the FIRST President in our history to sign a federal ban on abortion into law??

You can't vote for a President who has cut federal income taxes more times than any other President??

You can't vote for a President who is building our nuclear missile defense systems (operative this year)??

Perhaps you prefer someone over in JFK's Party...

42 posted on 01/14/2004 9:50:44 AM PST by Southack (Media bias means that Castro won't be punished for Cuban war crimes against Black Angolans in Africa)
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To: Southack
My candidate at the moment is named None Of The Above, certainly not any of the 9 dwarf 'Rats.

Ban on abortion, is it? You meant to say, a ban on a rarely used abortive procedure. Symbolism over substance, but, OTOH, I suppose you have to start somewhere.

Lowered income taxes? Not mine, sorry. Maybe these vaunted cuts will kick in for me this year, but probably I don't make the ''right'' kind of income, as decreed by our benevolent gummint.

43 posted on 01/14/2004 10:42:47 AM PST by SAJ
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To: Constantine XIII
44 posted on 01/14/2004 3:01:07 PM PST by Constantine XIII
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To: u-89
I admit that Bush hasn't shown the proper attention to the judge issue that he should (perhaps if there was no stupid Iraq war he would). But- he must know that for many many conservatives- most of whom feel "Betrayed" all ready to one degree or another on this site alone by Bush- would go absolutely Ape SH@T if Bush puts up anyone less than an equal to Bork in outlook for any judicial nomination. There are many conservatives who feel the same way as I do wether they support the Iraq war or not. If Bush does not deliver solid strict constructionist judges- many Conservatives are done with the GOP for good.

So yes- I "hope" Bush does the right thing. The possibility exists at least that he will. But I know for a fact that Dems won't do the right thing and we would get judges who would render opinions that would make Roe v Wade look like the work of judges with restraint.

The federal gov is spending more than a billion to "promote marriage"? Why not a national fitness program? Or national youth program? Or a program to make babies to build democracy abroad? Absolutley pathetic. And some will call this "conservative." Good to see you back U-89.

45 posted on 01/14/2004 4:56:01 PM PST by Burkeman1 ("If you see ten troubles comin down the road, nine will run into the ditch before they reach you")
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To: Richard Kimball
The more the leftists hate Bush, the more conservative votes he gets. I sincerely believe that the Rats love BJC as much as they do because the right hates him so much.

You have one putted and hit the nail on the head my friend. The irrational hatred of Bush by the Left and the sickening bias against him in much of the mainstream media conditions conservatives to support anyone so unjustly attacked who calls himself conservative even if he never acted like one. Nixon had the same benefit. The man did more the LBJ to expand government but because the hard left so hated him "Conservatives" wasted effort and ten years of political capital supporting a wretch who was not worth defending. They didn't do it because they loved Nixon or believed he was "right"- they just hated the over the top antics of Left. Pure drama- and we saw it again with Clinton.

But there was a difference with Clinton. We didn't hate Clinton because of his politics or ideology (he has no principles or beliefs or political center)- we hated him just because he was a corrupt SOB and most likely a traitor. The Left didn't hate Nixon because they thought he was corrupt or that they hated his "Watergate" venture- they went after him because they hated what they thought he stood for. In point of fact- Nixon stood more with the Left than against them.

46 posted on 01/14/2004 5:35:11 PM PST by Burkeman1 ("If you see ten troubles comin down the road, nine will run into the ditch before they reach you")
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To: Burkeman1
>Good to see you back U-89.

Why thank you Mr. Burke. I'm self employed but do not have a permanent long term business - I have these ventures and schemes and sometimes it takes up a lot of my time while others it's more laid back. Been hectic of late so haven't had time to post in months but I've been lurking.

Speaking of lurking I noticed here and elsewhere that you will be voting for Bush based solely on the judge issue and as you just replied to me you "hope" Bush will do the right thing. Well I plan on being the skunk at your garden party but please remember I'm at least a friendly skunk.

Thomas Sowell said once that conservatives were like Charlie Brown and the GOP was like Lucy. Lucy would want to hold the football while Charlie ran and kicked it but she would pull the ball away at the last second and Charlie would go for a flying loop. Lucy did this every time and Charlie was leery of her but each new time she approached him she promised this time it would be different and Charlie went along in good faith and got hurt. We now have a GOP congress and the presidency and they are spending more and enlarging the government faster than the Dems we railed against ever did but now the cry is if we only had more senators things would be different. Or knowing how people like you feel if only for the judgeships and nothing else conservatives should support the GOP or finally the old scare tactics - would you rather have a the Democrats in power??? Well we now know the Dems couldn't do worse on anything other than judges so as you conclude the judges are the last hope. As I mentioned in my other post the judge business is a very shaky bet.

To be brutally honest I believe the game is over. Conservatives are like the body of a chicken that was beheaded, frantically runing around not knowing yet that its dead. The old republic is dead and gone and it can not be retrieved. Even if there were more so called conservative judges they will not stop the socialism as it is not politically possible to do so. They will not stop the unconstitutional activities of the Feds as the federal programs have 60 plus years of precedent. They will not stop the dissolving of the the borders as the elites, even the conservative elites no longer believe in the nation state like the late Bob Bartley of the WSJ. As Buchanan said in an article today the numbers are mounting where the culture of the nation is being irredeemably changed. Bush/Rove know that they need conservatives for now but they are not the future - the future is ethnic group politics and socialism. Within a few election cycles the conservatives will be no longer needed as the numbers of true believers in limited government shrink and their numbers will have been replaced by 3rd world parasites and moderate, centrists and ex-Dems. The old right is now being portrayed as extremist and racist and will only continue to be marginalized and finally when safely no longer needed ostracized. The only hope is for the Bush to lose. In divided government the small amount of conservatives in the house can block the worst aspects of a Dem president and the 5th column republicans in congress. The only other hope is the Free State Project where if we concentrate our forces we may have one state out of the 50 where there is some liberty left.

47 posted on 01/14/2004 7:13:26 PM PST by u-89
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To: u-89
I am well aware of what you say and foretell. But the conservative in me demands that I vote for Bush one last time. I pretty much know he will betray conservatives. But at least I can say I was there till the end.

After that it is a race to see what state has balls first.

48 posted on 01/14/2004 7:25:16 PM PST by Burkeman1 ("If you see ten troubles comin down the road, nine will run into the ditch before they reach you")
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To: Burkeman1
I understand your situation and I do not make fun of you regarding your decision but I predict that you will be like Charlie Brown and will be kicking air with this vote and yourself for it in less than two years from now. I gave up on Bush the Elder halfway through his term but voted for him again anyway because I could not stand Clinton so much and actually thought that my vote would help. Since then I have voted where my heart was so I could at least live with myself even though I was part of a minuscule minority guaranteed to lose. Getting creamed at the polls is not a good feeling but voting in the affirmative for something I passionately believe in is for me essential.
49 posted on 01/14/2004 8:02:30 PM PST by u-89
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To: Constantine XIII
Put Kyoto where the sun don't shine

Partial Birth Abortion Ban

Praises God and Jesus regularly

Drives the Rats crazy

2 Tax Cuts

Freed Afghanstan and Iraq

Thumbed his nose at the UN

Told france and old europe to get lost

Restored honor to the WH and patriotism to the US

Unfortunately he is not Conservative enough for many who would never get elected like myself.

Pray for W and Our Troops

50 posted on 01/14/2004 8:09:11 PM PST by bray (The Wicked Witch of NY and Her 9 Flying Monkeys are In Flames!)
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I'd have to agree. Bush is becoming just another politician that cares only about politics and reelection.

He joins the rest of our elected officials (federal, state, local) that just flat out can't or won't do their jobs. The government today couldn't run a corner lemonade stand.

Their budgets are a joke. Their accounting is Alice in Wonderland stuff. Their is absolutely NO accountability and no one is ever held responsible or fired for not doing their job. 99% of government agencies can't even be audited because there is no records or books kept.

But the sheep and the idiots they pay off just keep approving more spending and more taxing and then call us that get tired of it names for not "caring" or "protecting the children", etc.

Every single year they say they can't "cut" anymore but have never cut anything. As we both know a "cut" in their world is only getting an increase of 5% instead of 10%. There isn't a program or agency out there (maybe a few) that actaully get LESS money than the year before.

The entire system is corrupt and there isn't anyone with the nuts to change it. And thus the cycle continues and more and more people don't bother to vote leaving only the unionized government employees to vote themselves bigger budgets and bigger salaries and more hiring of cronies.

Federal welfare reform supposedly lowered the rolls by 60%. Did those agencies lose 60% of their budgets and employees? No.

If private businesses ran like government agencies they'd be shut down and their officers arrested. Just like Enron. But what did Enron do that the federal government doesn't do? Social Security, Medicare, and every other program is run even worse and no one goes to jail.

Here's an idea. Let's elect a president that tell the AG to spend less time and resources on busting pot smokers and start busting a-holes in the government that don't do their jobs. Personally, if I became president, the day after inauguaration I'd fire every single federal employee (except for the military) and start over from scratch with zero based budgeting. The new a-holes I'd rip in the CIA alone would be fun.

And if Congress whined, I'd veto every single budget they sent, shut down the entire government and hire a payroll service to send out Soc Sec checks.

And I'd screw the press. Why do we spend tax money on press offices and travel offices. I'd give the press my itineray and they could make their own arrangements. I don't care talking to them or photo ops. I don't plan on being reelected and couldn't care less.

I'd seal the borders and tell anyone that complained to shove it and throw them over. I'd put signs on the Mexican border stating that anyone caught crossing will be shot on sight. Period. Vicente Fox can kiss my a$$ and if he didn't like it I'll tell him I'd invade his pi$$ant little country and take his oil and natural gas and let American businesses go down there and create jobs. A Taco Bell on every corner in Mexico City...that'll show 'em! lol

And don't get me started on France. They'd be on my list of terrorist sponsoring states since, wow, they support terrorist states.

As to the leftist idiots, they can protest all they want. That's their right. But as soon as they break the law or destroy property doing it, I'd throw them in jail and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. And force them to make reparations to the property owners. Sure they'll compare me to Hitler, but they'll do that no matter what. Oh, and they can start paying 100% of their BS arts programs. If they want opera, they can pay for it. I'm not going to force people in Peoria to fork out tax money so some rich liberal can subsidize his butt kissing fetish of wearing tuxes and listening to fat ladies sing in Italian.

And then I'll sue Boston for every wasted dime of taxpayer money they forked over to the mob to build giant holes in the ground. I don't think it's fair to ask every citizen to pay $15 billion in corrupt laced contracts so they can have pretty trees to look at. I'll whine like the idiots do about "how much healthcare that money could have bought our poor elderly, blah, blah, blah".

I'd increase defense spending to $750 billion or more and eliminate every single worthless pork project or agency that can't offer a true benefit for it's cost. If some yahoos in some backwater city want a museum...they can pay for it themselves. I don't care about some giant ball of twine they want to put in a building and name it after KKK Byrd.

And that's just for my first week in office.

Week number two: < g >

Oh, but I'm too radical. I'm insane.
51 posted on 01/15/2004 1:51:14 AM PST by Fledermaus (Please Mr. Bush, don't make me a one issue voter based totally on the war on Islamic fascism.)
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To: Fledermaus
You got it, Batsy.

Somehow, though, you forgot about going after tax-exempt ''charities'', foundations, and NGOs that meddle in politics. FIRST thing we do is remove their tax exempt status. Let 'em scream -- the screaming will **really** start when the AG begins filing RICO actions against 'em.

Oh, yes, almost forgot -- the AG needs to officially label ALF, ELF, PETA and their ilk as terrorist organisations (which, by any reasonable definition, they are).

52 posted on 01/15/2004 7:10:05 AM PST by SAJ
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I'd settle for auditing those 501(c)(3) organizations before taking away their tax exemption first. But, as usual, when they flunk that no one will do anything so you are correct. Just strip them of their status.

Heck, let's just remove 501(c)(3) from the code.
53 posted on 01/15/2004 11:55:05 PM PST by Fledermaus (Please Mr. Bush, don't make me a one issue voter based totally on the war on Islamic fascism.)
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