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Logan's Miracle Room
Texas Termite
| 11/20/03
| Texas Termite
Posted on 11/20/2003 10:39:47 PM PST by Texas Termite
Edited on 11/22/2003 8:52:31 AM PST by Admin Moderator.
Logans Miracle Room
Welcome to Logans Miracle Room.
- This is the room in which Gods miracle of a little baby boy named Logan was performed.
- This is the room where thousands of people joined in prayer daily to our Heavenly Father asking Him to let us keep this precious little baby.
- This room has seen many tears in the bad times when we were begging God to let him survive, and its seen much laughter in those good times when he was making progress.
- This is the room where people from all over the world came to know Logan and became familiar with his struggle to live.
- In this room we saw a tiny micro-preemie baby weighing only 1 lb 9oz, with less than a 20% chance of survival become a healthy, blue-eyed testament to Gods love.
We were all a part of this miracle through our prayers for his healing, and we thank God for the blessing received from being chosen to be a part of Logans life.
We ask that you come forth with your sick little ones and loved ones.
Tell us about the sickness, and your grief and your sorrow and your dread for tomorrow.
We understand.
Weve been there, too.
Join with us and experience the power of prayer.
With God, all things are possible.
Hi there everybody!
Your responses have been AMAZING!
I have tried to get everyone's requests up!
PLEASE Freepmail me if I have missed you or you would like to add an update!!!!
M0sby (that's a zero)
Prayer Requests through 11/21/03
God Blessem' all!
Click on the blue underlined words to see the links to separate threads! (The big numbers come from Logan's original thread!)
If you want to read more about someone's request, click on the blue numbers and it will link you back to the original request.
2,010 Shandon Belle's grandson Ryan recovering from stroke
Remaining triplets in Logan's hospital NICU (DOING WELL! 10/24/03)
2,544 Gitmo's son Jesse foot surgeries and foot problems
Eli Spot on x-ray of spine MRI needed. (Results are in...NO TUMOR!!! 10/27/03)
for Simcha7 recovering from surgery- (RECOVERED from surgery!!! PRAISE GOD!!)
Roni- (She is CURED from her congenital lack of white blood cells and subsequent bone marrow failure!!)
Terri Schiavo- prayers for her fight for life
Texas Cowboy and his daughter, Faith with MS and complications. (Doing MUCH better after a visit from Dad!!! Walking with a cane again and at times unassisted!! 10/27/03)
5,145 No More Gore's Sister, Kristi. Lots of testing for MS-like symptoms..
FReeper gubamyster's 3-year old son James is in intensive care as he was a near drowning victim last Saturday afternoon.(Separate thread) (James is MUCH better (check out post #389 on that thread) MIRACLE!! 11/20/03)
5,359 Quix Brother, Ben and Sister Lanelle in serious accident. Ben in coma after brain surgery. Will have to wait a few days to know how well the surgery went.
SIMCHA7 Prayers for the arthritis affecting her days.
27 by Wiser now who's Son-in-Law, George, EXTENSIVE back surgery the day after Thanksgiving..Also, prayers for him to know the Lord.. (11/20/03)
47 by Poised Woman. Adult son has not contacted the family in a year.(11/20/03)
65 by STARWISE. Mom, Jennie, recuperating from a quadruple bypass. Losing strength, mobility and HOPE..(11/20/03)
6,157 Texas Rose's son, Judd has been diagnosed with hypertension even though he is only 27. Prayers for his health. (11/21/03)
103 posted on 11/22/2003 11:22 AM EST by Texas Termite (I love my Freeper Family!)
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KEYWORDS: godbless; illness; logan; michaeldobbs; miracle; prayer; preemie; religion; texastermite
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To: Texas Termite
Please add Mavis Flint. She and her family have had mega problems with their health and she now has brain tumors. She needs peace and healing. Thanks. M
posted on
10/13/2004 10:05:29 AM PDT
(GOD is STILL in control, even if Bush loses in 2004!)
To: Okies love Dubya 2
Thank you, Okie. Theodore is in God's loving arms now.
He had a long and love filled life, and God welcomed him home with a, "Well done, my son".
I pray for God's healing for your husband and the family.
Theodore has already been healed.
To: Marysecretary
My prayers go up for Mavis.
May God remove the tumors, and give her His peace.
To: cubreporter; Brad's Gramma; Texas Termite; All
Just heard from Nana! She's home and feeling fine!
Her only complaint was that her stomach was swollen.
I suggested that she might be pregnant, and now all my male children have been cursed to the seventh generation.
To: Texas Termite
Praise God for all He has done...but man after having a baby of mine it is SO hard to see that lil child all plugged up like that.
posted on
10/13/2004 10:56:57 AM PDT
To: TexasCowboy
Glad to hear it. Good for her. Cant' keep a good woman down. :)
posted on
10/13/2004 11:12:57 AM PDT
(-I trust Rush...he will prevail in spite of the naysayers.)
To: TexasCowboy
Thanks, TexasCowboy. She's been so sick for so long.
posted on
10/13/2004 11:31:31 AM PDT
(GOD is STILL in control, even if Bush loses in 2004!)
To: Okies love Dubya 2
We'll be praying for your family, Okie...I'm SO sorry that you lost your Pappaw. He IS at Home now...he's healed and at rest.
God bless you and your family!!!
posted on
10/13/2004 12:28:03 PM PDT
Brad’s Gramma
(Donate to John Thune.... ..... let's kick out Daschle!!!)
To: Marysecretary; M0sby
M0sby...please see #1,161
Mary, we'll all be praying for Mavis that she is HEALED!! You ALL need God's peace right now, don't you?
Thanks for coming over here & requesting prayer.
posted on
10/13/2004 12:29:56 PM PDT
Brad’s Gramma
(Donate to John Thune.... ..... let's kick out Daschle!!!)
To: TexasCowboy; Texas Termite
Nana's PREGNANT???????
posted on
10/13/2004 12:30:39 PM PDT
Brad’s Gramma
(Donate to John Thune.... ..... let's kick out Daschle!!!)
To: Brad's Gramma
To: luckystarmom
Joining in prayer for your dad and for you.
To: M0sby; Texas Termite; TexasCowboy; Brad's Gramma; farmfriend; Simcha7; Yaelle; ...
Prayer Request~ See Thread:
(f you want ON/OFF this PING list...please let me know.)
posted on
10/13/2004 3:44:20 PM PDT
((PROUD WIFE of MSgt Edwards USMC))
To: M0sby
To: M0sby
OMG. I am praying for the Marine and his family.
To: M0sby
See below for NEW requests and UPDATES...
October 13th, 2004
Prayer Requests from Logan's Original Thread:
LOGAN'S Miracle room!
(If you want to read more about someone's request, click on the underlined numbers and it will link you back to the original request.)
New Requests and Updates October 13th, 2004
For her Grandfather (in Law) Theodore, who passed away on
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
He was 79.
~REST IN PEACE, Theodore~
For her brother, who passed away on
August 25, 2004
He was 48.
1,082, 1,137, 1,164 Update on Nana...Well, Nana went in for gall bladder surgery, had surgery, got done from surgery and is home! So that is GOOD NEWS!! There are a LOT maore Gall Bladders in the news:
1,113 by luckystarmom for her dad's gall bladder surgery
1,115 by Brad's Gramma for I'm ALL Right! who is having gall bladder surgery around the 20th(?)
1,161 by Marysecretary for Mavis Flint, "She and her family have had mega problems with their health and she now has brain tumors. She needs peace and healing."
Update on M0sby's Father-in Law, Jack. It appears that the end is near. Please pray for this brave WWII vet. Please also pray for my husband, his son, FReeper M1911A1.
Requests from the beginning!
6,182, Ongoing prayers for baby Logan who STILL needs our prayers...a million updates and PICTURES on his thread.
925, 966 by SwinneySwitch for Zachery ..a little preemie baby who has been struggling with life-threatening conditions. (He lost his twin brother,Tyler, to preemie related complications on 9/29/04)
- 2,544, 175 Gitmo's son Jesse foot surgeries and foot problems.
June Cleaver's husband, FReeper Proud Legions who is the hospital with a condition called carotid dissection. On blood thinners to prevent a stroke. Prayers for healing!
335, 688 Texas Cowboy and his daughter, Faith with MS and complications.1,001 by Texas Cowboy. Update on Faith!!! Good news!! "After a multitude of tests she's back to square one, but she's feeling better than she has for many months."
5,145 No More Gore's Sister, Kristi. Lots of testing for MS-like symptoms..
- SIMCHA7 Prayers for the arthritis affecting her days.
- 47 by Poised Woman. Adult son has not contacted the family in a year.
- 65 329 by STARWISE. Mom, Jennie, recuperating from a quadruple bypass. Losing strength, mobility and HOPE.
156 Prayer request from Termite for his great aunt, Ruby, who has macular degeneration and is rapidly loosing her sight AND her daughter, Cindy, who has a terrible disease, Adhesive Arachnoiditis (see link for details
988 by Cake_Crumb, who's Grandson - born October 20 - is still in the hospital. Now awaiting surgery to correct complications due to an intestinal infection he got when he was two days old.
7,484 by I'm ALL Right! who has been diagnosed with a rare brain malformation called a Chiari Malformation (I). It causes headaches, dizziness, numbness, memory loss...(in extreme cases it could lead to paralysis) all kinds of nice symptoms. The only treatment is surgery, so I'm pretty nervous about it.
by hilaryrhymeswithrich who's dad has been diagnosed with prostate cancer and additional family stresses causing the family lots of grief at this time.
639 by oceanpearch for her son King Vanity who is still recuperating and homebound from bronchial infection and asthma.
764 by DLfromthedesert for her sister Lucia, who had surgery several years ago for removal of a brain tumor. Her latest CT Scan showed a new growth. 999 by DLfromthedesert. Update on Lucia!!! Good news!! "The new tumor has not grown and she does not need to see the doctor again for several months. "
794 by Starwise who's friend has myelofibrosis, a pretty much fatal disease of the bone marrow .. it becomes scarred over and doesn't produce red blood cells.
137 by SwinneySwitch. Joanie is having problems carrying her little girl, due in May, and is staying at home.
848 by Maigrey "There is a FReeper, whom I will decline to mention out of respect for her, who is in a really bad spot in her life right now, and needs some serious prayers. Her treatment isn't adequate, but is hopeful for recovery."
By M0sby for Father-in-law, Jack who has stage 4 cancer. Please pray that he is comfortable and at peace. Father of FReeper M1911A1.
God Blessem' all!
Also, remember, that if you have pictures you would like to post with your requests
TexasCowboy has offered to help with the posting of these.
Click on his name to get in touch with him!
(and they are also fun!)
Please let me know of new requests and any updates!
posted on
10/13/2004 4:25:46 PM PDT
((PROUD WIFE of MSgt Edwards USMC))
To: M0sby; Texas Termite; TexasCowboy; Brad's Gramma; farmfriend; Simcha7; Yaelle; ...
Prayer Thread Update ~ See Post:
(f you want ON/OFF this PING list...please let M0sby know.)
posted on
10/13/2004 4:29:56 PM PDT
((PROUD WIFE of MSgt Edwards USMC))
To: Brad's Gramma; TexasCowboy; M0sby
Oh you 3 are in BIG trouble. When my Nana gets her hackels up, well, I'm afraid y'all are about to find out!!! Pregnant indeed!!!!! LOL
I'm gonna go hide behind my mommy, because I have a feeling my Nana is going to start coming thru like a steam engine when she finds out what y'all are saying about her.
Hope y'all are prepared..... you've been warned! gggggg
*TT* and Mommy
posted on
10/13/2004 4:31:05 PM PDT
Texas Termite
(United we pray and United we stand!)
To: Brad's Gramma
Prayers up!
And I haven't forgotten anything, just been really bowed up lately. ;-)
I'm moving into a nice house this month!
To: Texas Termite; TexasCowboy; M0sby
Well, just hide now, OK? It's mighty funny that your Nana's gonna have a baby...and you're gonna have another aunt or uncle!
You crawl over to her later on and give her a H-U-G-E hug from me, OK? Tell her to take it easy. Tell her to get better. Tell her she's gonna NEED all the strength she can get what with watching you AND the baby!
Termite? I think it would be wise of me to leave now, huh? Sure hope everyone knows we're just joking. :-)
posted on
10/13/2004 5:26:37 PM PDT
Brad’s Gramma
(Donate to John Thune.... ..... let's kick out Daschle!!!)
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