To: lapsus calami
49 posted on
06/12/2016 3:04:52 PM PDT by
(No tagline for now.)
To: Theo
54 posted on
06/12/2016 3:07:12 PM PDT by
(Zen is not easy. It takes effort to attain nothingness. And then what do you have? Bupkis.)
To: Theo; lapsus calami
Correct, he is not rich enough to be an elite like Romney or Bush. He is just career politician who will say anything, lie where it helps him get votes.
67 posted on
06/12/2016 3:13:59 PM PDT by
(When you vote, you are actually voting for the candidate's rich donors!)
To: Theo
Bullcrap - he hooked up with them just hours after the Texas primaries and went to spouting & supporting their angles. The truth about Cruz has been gone over time and time again here. He has lied by omission and commission.
He turned out to actually be insider posing as an outsider to corral up the conservative vote for the GOP establishment. And it nearly worked.
70 posted on
06/12/2016 3:14:24 PM PDT by
lapsus calami
(What's that stink? Code Pink ! ! And their buddy Murtha, too!)
To: Theo
Forget it. You’re too naïve for words.
A man and a statesman would get with the program after ISIS strikes America.
But, not this poseur, for open borderssssssssssssssssssss and pathways for illegals to become legals.
He’s done. Cooked. Over cooked!
76 posted on
06/12/2016 3:20:55 PM PDT by
(Viva Christo Rey. Public education is the farm team for more Marxists coming-- infinitum.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson