Chris Christie?!
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
In one huge change of heart and with full remorse all of.trump support will go to Lindsey Graham
2 posted on
08/03/2015 2:08:03 PM PDT by
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Mr Donut thinks he will bridge his problem
of 0% ratings. ROTFL.
4 posted on
08/03/2015 2:09:29 PM PDT by
("When a crime is unpunished, the world is unbalanced.")
To: 2ndDivisionVet
5 posted on
08/03/2015 2:09:53 PM PDT by
Dr. Bogus Pachysandra
(Don't touch that thing Don't let anybody touch that thing!I'm a Doctor and I won't touch that thing!)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
If he did that, which I now seriously doubt, one need only look to 12. They will flock to Jeb bush no matter what because LESSER EVIL !!!
Sure as the sun rises. Winning, not conservative governance is what motivates today’s supposed ‘conservative’.
To: 2ndDivisionVet
People pay these jerks for this crap?
7 posted on
08/03/2015 2:10:44 PM PDT by
(Common sense isn't common anymore.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Why do they assume Trump’s going to drop out? Perhaps the media and the elite pushed him too far, and now it’s a matter of honor.
8 posted on
08/03/2015 2:10:51 PM PDT by
To: 2ndDivisionVet
This lifelong republican stopped voting establishment republicans last election, and cannot fathom ever voting for another one. I don’t believe I am not alone in this. I’m much too fed up with the lot of them!
9 posted on
08/03/2015 2:11:00 PM PDT by
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Slate the homo side of every story.
10 posted on
08/03/2015 2:11:33 PM PDT by
(Term limits is the only source of change.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Cruz will get between 50-75% of all Trump’s voters. Walker will get a few and that’s it.
Cruz and Trump both share a distaste for the establishment. No Trump voter is going to a RINO.
And Christie is the biggest RINO out there. Yes, pun intended.
11 posted on
08/03/2015 2:12:12 PM PDT by
(Democrats are parasites. It really is that simple.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
The lib media is going to continue their agitprop by reporting from the frame that it is inevitable that Trump is dropping out, and the only question is when will it happen?
They hope that this meme will subliminally sink into the LIV subconscious, and scare undecideds away from supporting Trump.
12 posted on
08/03/2015 2:13:13 PM PDT by
Political Junkie Too
(If you are the Posterity of We the People, then you are a Natural Born Citizen.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
I really don’t know where this “Trump will drop out” idea comes from. People have been stating it from the go, but no evidence to support it has been presented. He didn’t seem to be a quitter before he ran. Why would he change? I think it’s more wishful thinking.
13 posted on
08/03/2015 2:13:51 PM PDT by
(All those memories will be lost,in time, like tears in rain.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
“Donald Trump Can’t Win A Second Term !” — Slate, August 2019
To: 2ndDivisionVet
At some point the GOP field will narrow and an establishment favorite will consolidate enough support to knock Trump from his perch. Eventually, that means he will exit a nominating battle he cannot win. This is what Trump means by the GOP not treating him fairly. They've got ways to cook the books. To make a person who can NEVER win the support of the people who actually vote be the candidate. If Trump is still polling way ahead of everyone else (with real polls and not cooked polls) I would support him as a 3rd party. And he will win because he's going to pick up everyone who is sick and tired of the same old crap.
16 posted on
08/03/2015 2:16:02 PM PDT by
(I'm pro-choice when it comes to lion killing....)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
I expect he’ll throw to Cruz. Maybe part of the reason for the meeting?
17 posted on
08/03/2015 2:17:21 PM PDT by
To: 2ndDivisionVet
20 posted on
08/03/2015 2:18:43 PM PDT by
(Don't take life so seriously-you won't live through it anyway-Enjoy Yourself ala Louis Prima)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
"When He Drops Out"?! Isn't this seriously getting old? Does anyone see ANY indication that Trump is dropping out? Any? Shall we start the "When will Congress impeach Obama?" or "When will Obama resign?"
If the GOPe does manage to dump Trump, I think I'll either sit out or, heck, vote for a Dem just to spite the GOPe. Idiots.
21 posted on
08/03/2015 2:19:03 PM PDT by
(American Lives Matter! US Citizen, Veteran, Conservative, Republican. I vote. Trump 2016.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
>>At some point the GOP field will narrow and an establishment favorite will consolidate enough support
Yeah. Support from the Progressive media, “helpful” Progressives who cross over to vote in our primary, and the Progressive Corporatists.
If the masses of angry little people know what is good for them, they’ll jump on that “electable” bandwagon. /s
26 posted on
08/03/2015 2:22:56 PM PDT by
(Sic semper tyrannis)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Boy leftist are sure pulling for “establishment” Republicans
28 posted on
08/03/2015 2:25:14 PM PDT by
(I won't be reconstructed and I do not give a damn.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
I wonder if the Slate writers ever get tired of singing the same songs repeatedly?
35 posted on
08/03/2015 2:38:48 PM PDT by
(It feels like the seventies, and it shouldn't.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
It’s also difficult to predict the
expression on his bosses face when this author offers to fellate him. Wouldn’t you say?
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