Posted on 09/24/2014 12:42:53 PM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet
Sarah Palin will campaign for incumbent Republican Senator Pat Roberts (R-KS) in Independence, Kansas on Thursday. Roberts is in need of help from the Tea Party favorite, as recent polls show he trails independent Greg Orman in this fall's general election.
Last week, the Kansas State Supreme Court granted Democratic nominee Chad Taylor's request to be removed from the ballot, setting up a two-person race between Roberts and Orman.
Roberts defeated Tea Party challenger Dr. Milton Wolf in the August 5 Republican primary by a relatively narrow margin of 47% to 41% in a bitterly personal contest that left many grassroots activists in Kansas disgusted with the heavy handed tactics of the Republican establishment. Roberts was hurt by Wolf's attacks on his residency claims, a weakness that may have sparked the strange turn of events that led to the withdrawal of Taylor and the rise in the polls of Orman.
The question is how far Palin's appearance in Kansas on behalf of Roberts will go to bring the embittered grassroots back to the Republican side....
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That is a legitimate question. Man up and answer it.
Oh no!
My beloved Sarah would be booted from FR!
The Senate Majority and Minority Leaders are two United States Senators who are elected by the party caucuses that hold the majority and the minority respectively.
If the GOPe wants prime TEA Party support for this general election, the prime TEA Party endorsers can very rightly demand a very public announcement from their crippled endorsee(s) that said endorsee(s) WILL NOT SUPPORT MITCH MCCONNELL FOR SENATE MAJORITY or MINORITY LEADER (whichever side the GOP happens to fall on).
It is legal. It is highly ethical. It is politic. It isn't binding, but then no one really expects US Senate scum to be honorable.
it is very unlikely he will run again. it is better to have a republican conservative replacing a republican rino than an democrat incumbent.
Because she gets it and you don’t.
She also supported... Mitt!!!!!
Two problems with that. A) there is no reason to believe that Roberts would do that, and B) Brownback's got his own problems and is no shoe-in for re-election.
As long as you're dreaming, would you like a pony?
the fact the establishment party types have to beg for tea party reserves pulls the party to the conservative.
Good point!
One good thing about Sarah coming, it is driving the libtards insane on local message boards.
FU, it’s a retarded question. As retarded as asking “if you don’t support a worthless McCain or Romney or (for 2016) Romney again, or Christie, or Jeb” then you “are for Hillary”.
Take a class in logic.
Why is Sarah even there?
You don’t get it.
I agree. I'd like to know what makes Roberts so RINO-ish that he should be tossed under the bus.
Well, you do have to make a choice. I think that it’s nonsense to make statements like yours without being willing to embrace the consequences. Your response is much more encouraging that what many others on this forum are saying.
The childish BS is coming from the pollyannaish notion of many that conservatism can win by purging from our ranks all of those who are not sufficiently pure, as determined by some self appointed vigilantes.
Oh, I get it all right. The RINOs won. And they’ll hand Obola everything he wants in the lame duck session.
She knows there are serious problems with the GOP but also know that destroying them without a viable replacement is suicide.
If some people here had their way, we’d be lucky to have 2 Republicans in the Senate and 5 republicans in the House.
They’re either idiots or infiltrators. IMO
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