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The fundamental philosophy of Mitt Romney is Mitt Romney. I know that seems to be Conservative and Ron Paul Supporter boilerplate, however it has been the consistent interpretation of Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney has consistently said what he believes the audience in front of him wants to hear. Please read the comment by the Editorial Board of the Wall Street Journal:
The problem is not that Mr. Romney is willing to reconsider his former thinking. Nor is it so much that his apparent convictions always seem in sync with the audience to which he is speaking at the moment. ... Plenty of politicians attune their positions to new constituencies. The larger danger is that Mr. Romney's conversions are not motivated by expediency or mere pandering but may represent his real governing philosophy. Editorial, “Romney’s Convictions,” Wall Street Journal, February 1, 2008.
This philosophy of duplicity is seen best through the opposition research done by John McCain. McCain worked up a 200 page paper that outlines every single Romney misstep in his ascendency into the national spotlight. It reads like the history of some of the most liberal California Democrats. Michael Brendan Dougherty from Business Insider had a run down of the top 14 flip-flops from McCain's paper. Here they are in their entirety:

1 On Immigration - For A Path To Citizenship, Then Against

FLIP: “Gov. Mitt Romney expressed support ... for an immigration program that places large numbers of illegal residents on the path toward citizenship ... Romney said illegal immigrants should have a chance to obtain citizenship.” (Evan Lehmann, “Romney Supports Immigration Program, But Not Granting ‘Amnesty’,” The Lowell Sun, 3/30/06)FLOP: “[I] think I’m best off to describe my own positions. And my positions, I think I’ve just described for you – secure the border, employment verification and no special pathway to citizenship. I feel that’s the course we ought to take.” (CNN’s “The Situation Room,” 5/22/07)

2 On George W. Bush's Tax-Cuts

FLIP: “[R]omney spoke at the 10th annual legislative conference organized by U.S. Rep. Martin T. Meehan (D-Lowell) and met with the Massachusetts delegation. ... Congressional sources said that a point of contention arose when Romney refused to take a position on Bush’s massive, 10-year tax cut plan.” (Noelle Straub, “Romney Talks Policy With Bush Staffers, Mass. Delegation,” Boston Herald, 4/11/03)FLOP: "McCain opposed President Bush’s tax cuts, Romney noted. ‘I supported them,’ the former governor said.” (Lee Bandy, “Romney Targeting McCain,” The State [SC], 2/4/07)

3 Anti-Reagan then, now Pro-Reagan.

FLIP: “I was an independent during the time of Reagan-Bush. I’m not trying to return to Reagan- Bush,” Mitt Romney said during a debate with Ted KennedyFLOP: "'Ronald Reagan is one of my heroes,' Romney said as he praised Reagan’s strategy for winning the Cold War: ‘We win; they lose.’” (Michael Levenson, “Romney Links Gay Marriage, US Prestige,” The Boston Globe, 2/26/05)

4 On The National Rifle Association And Gun Laws

FLIP: “[Romney] said he will take stands that put him at odds with some traditional ultra- conservative groups, and cited his support for the assault rifle ban and the Brady gun control law. ‘That’s not going to make me the hero of the NRA,’ he said. ‘I don’t line up with a lot of special interest groups.’” (Andrew Miga, “Mitt Rejects Right-Wing Aid,” Boston Herald, 9/23/94)FLOP: Romney told a Derry, N.H., audience, ‘I’m after the NRA’s endorsement. I’m not sure they’ll give it to me. I hope they will. I also joined because if I’m going to ask for their endorsement, they’re going to ask for mine.’” (Glen Johnson, “Romney Calls Himself A Longtime Hunter,” The Associated Press, 4/5/07)

5 On Whether He Even Owns A Gun (This story changed within just a few days)

FLIP: "I have a gun of my own. I go hunting myself.I’m a member of the NRA and believe firmly in the right to bear arms," Romney said. (Glenn And Helen Show,, 1/10/07)FLOP: "Asked by reporters at the gun show Friday whether he personally owned a gun, Romney said he did not.He said one of his sons, Josh, keeps two guns at the family vacation home in Utah, and he uses them ‘from time to time.’” (Scott Helman, “Romney Retreats On Gun Control,” The Boston Globe, 1/14/07)

6 Is the planet warming? Mitt probably agreed with you at one time or another.

FLIP: "I think the global warming debate is now pretty much overand people recognize the need associated with providing sources which do not generate the heat that is currently provided by fossil fuels ...” (Jack Coleman, “Massachusetts Governor Urges Use Of Alternative Energy,” Cape Cod Times, 3/14/03)“I concur that climate change is beginning to [have an] effect on our natural resources and that now is the time to take action ...”(“Romney OK With Plan On Emissions,” Boston Herald, 7/24/03)FLOP: “I have to tell you with regards to global warming that that’s something, which, you’re right, the scientists haven’t entirely resolved, but no question about one thing, it’s getting warmer, and a lot of good reasons for us to use less energy, to use it more efficiently and to develop sources here in this country that could allow us to be more independent of foreign sources.” (CNBC’s “Kudlow & Company,” 2/7/07)

“Unfortunately, some in the Republican Party are embracing the radical environmental ideas of the liberal left. As governor, I found that thoughtful environmentalism need not be anti-growth and anti-jobs. But Kyoto-style sweeping mandates, imposed unilaterally in the United States, would kill jobs, depress growth and shift manufacturing to the dirtiest developing nations. Republicans should never abandon pro-growth conservative principles in an effort to embrace the ideas of Al Gore.” (Romney For President, Press Release, 2/23/07)

7 Don't Ask Don't Tell? Don't Ask Mitt Romney

FLIP: In 1994 “[Romney] called President Bill Clinton’s ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ military policy ‘the first of a number of steps that will ultimately lead to gays and lesbians being able to serve openly and honestlyin our nation’s military.’” (Dan Balz and Shailagh Murray, “Mass. Governor’s Rightward Shift Raises Questions,” The Washington Post, 12/21/06)FLOP: “[Romney] defended his policy switch on gays in the military. He said when he first heard the phrase ‘don’t ask, don’t tell,’ he thought it was ‘kind of a silly phrase that didn’t make a lot of sense.’ But the last 10 years have convinced him that the policy is working and there is no reason to change it, he said.” (Alexa Aguilar, “Romney Campaigns In Chicago,” Chicago Tribune, 4/12/07)

8 Has your position on same-sex marriage changed? So has Mitt Romney's.

FLIP: When a 2002 Constitutional Amendment was proposed to ban same-sex marriage, Romney opposed it. “Romney’s family members signed the petition to put it on the ballot ‘without reading the fine print,’ [Romney aide Eric] Fehrnstrom said, but he has no reason to believe they do not support it. ‘Mitt did not know they signed it, and Mitt does not support it,’ he said. ‘As far as Mitt is concerned, it goes farther than current law, and therefore it’s unnecessary.’” (Rick Klein, “Romney Kin Signed Petition To Ban Same-Sex Marriage,” The Boston Globe, 3/22/02)FLOP: “Just two weeks before lawmakers resume a Constitutional Convention to vote on a proposed ballot initiative to ban same-sex marriage, Gov. Mitt Romney will stand with the supporters of the measure to call on the Legislature to back it. Romney will join petition backers in a State House press event today to urge the Legislature to pass the Protection of Marriage Amendmentwhen the Constitutional Convention reconvenes July 12, authorizing a 2008 ballot question asking voters to define marriage as between one man and one woman.” (Kimberly Atkins and Kate Gibson, “Mitt Joining Supporters Of Anti-Gay Wed Initiative,” Boston Herald, 6/28/06)

9 On embryonic stem cell research, Romney's still developing a fully-formed position.

FLIP: “Speaking at a bioethics forum, GOP gubernatorial hopeful Mitt Romney yesterday endorsed embryonic stem cell research... [Romney] endorsed embryonic stem cell research, saying the controversial science might one day help treat his wife’s multiple sclerosis in addition to numerous other degenerative diseases. ... Romney spoke extensively about his position on stem cell research, which also involves embryo destruction.” (Raja Mishra, “Romney Endorses Stem Cell Research, Is Silent On Cloning,” The Boston Globe, 6/14/02)FLOP: ...On Feb. 10, 2005 ... Romney came out strongly against the cloning technique ... He vowed to press for legislation to criminalize the work. Romney’s opposition stunned scientists, lawmakers, and observers because of his past statements endorsing, at least in general terms, embryonic stem cell research.” (Scott Helman, “Romney’s Journey To The Right,” The Boston Globe, 12/17/06)

10 Favorite Book? Well, that depends.

FLIP: FOX NEWS’ MARTHA MCCALLUM: And an interesting response to his favorite novel. ROMNEY: “Actually the one by L. Ron Hubbard, I hate to think ... I’m not in favor of his religion by any means, but he wrote a book called ‘Battlefield Earth’ that was a very fun science fiction book.” (Fox News’ “Fox & Friends,” 4/30/07)FLOP (Maybe just a hedge): "Asked about his comments during a Fox News interview Monday that L. Ron Hubbard’s 'Battlefield Earth' is his favorite novel, Romney said Huckleberry Finnis his favorite fiction and that the book by Hubbard, who founded Scientology, is his favorite science fiction reading.” (Mary Anne Ostrom, “Education Should Determine Immigrants’ Legal Status, Mitt Romney Says,” The [San Jose, CA] Mercury News, 5/1/07)

11 His Own Health-Care Initiative. He's Not Sure About That Either.

FLIP: "In a Colonial-era hall, with a fife-and-drum corps marching in with him, Gov. Mitt Romney (R) signed a bill Wednesday requiring all Massachusetts residents to purchase health insurance-- portraying the measure as a historic solution to health-care costs, even as questions emerge about whether the state can afford it. The signing [was] staged with a near-presidential attention to theatrics and slogan-bearing banners...” (David A. Fahrenthold, “Mass. Marks Health-Care Milestone,” The Washington Post, 4/13/06)FLOP: "As governor of Massachusetts he signed a bipartisan law intended to ensure that every resident has coverage. Romney touted it as an innovative free-market solution. Yet these days, Romney ... is much more likely to present his state’s universal coverage law as not a model to copy but an example for other states to learn from. He’s now a critic of his own biggest achievement.” (Sean Higgins, “Ex-Gov. Romney Keeps Distance From His Own Mass. Health Plan,” Investor’s Business Daily, 3/7/07)

12 Tax Pledges are beneath Romney, until the presidency was in front of him.

FLIP: “Four years ago, Mitt Romney broke with GOP tradition and refused to sign the [Americans for Tax Reform] pledge[to ‘oppose and veto any and all efforts to increase taxes’].” (Lisa Wangsness, “Healey Will Sign Antitax Pledge,” The Boston Globe, 9/4/06)“Romney’s Gubernatorial Campaign Spokesman, Eric Fehrnstrom, Dismissed Such Pledges At The Time As ‘Government By Gimmickry.’” (Scott Helman, “Romney Finds ‘No New Taxes’ Promise Suits Him After All,” The Boston Globe, 1/5/07)FLOP: “Almost five years after he refused to sign a ‘no new taxes’ pledge during his campaign for governor, Mitt Romney announced ... that he had done just that, as his campaign for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination began in earnest.” (Scott Helman, “Romney Finds ‘No New Taxes’ Promise Suits Him After All,” The Boston Globe, 1/5/07)

13 Money in politics? Sometimes its good, sometimes it is bad.

FLIP: “Romney also said he advocates spending limits on congressional elections, even suggesting that the current race against Sen. Edward M. Kennedy should have a $6 million spending cap.” (Frank Phillips, “Romney, Vowing To Live It, Touts Congress Reform Plan,” The Boston Globe, 7/27/94)"[Mitt Romney] once touted dramatic restructuring measures such as taxing political contributions and placing spending limits on federal campaigns.” (Alexander Bolton, “Romney’s About-Face On Campaign Funding,” The Hill, 2/8/07)FLOP: “Romney noted his foe from Arizona wrote the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform law that restricts certain types of contributions. ‘That’s a terrible piece of legislation,’ Romney said.‘It hasn’t taken the money out of politics. ... (But) it has hurt my party.’” (Lee Bandy, “Romney Targeting McCain,” The State, 2/4/07)

14 NOW THE BIG ONE: During his 1994 Senate Run, Mitt Romney argued that he was more pro-choice than Ted Kennedy

FLIP: “When Kennedy called him ‘multiple choice,’ Romney demanded an extra rebuttal. He revealed that a close relative died of an illegal abortion years ago and said, ‘Since that time, my mother and my family have been committed to the belief that we can believe as we want, but we will not force our beliefs on others on that matter, and you will not see me wavering on that.’” (Joan Vennochi, “Romney’s Revolving World,” The Boston Globe, 3/2/06)

I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country. I have since the time that my mom took that position when she ran in 1970 as a US Senate candidate. I believe that since Roe v. Wade has been the law for 20 years we should sustain and support it.” (Joan Vennochi, “Romney’s Revolving World,” The Boston Globe, 3/2/06)
(continued) When he went to conservative Utah, that tune changed.

FLOP: “When I am asked if I am pro-choice or pro-life, I say I refuse to accept either label.” (Glen Warchol, “This Is The Place, But Politics May Lead Romneys Elsewhere,” The Salt Lake Tribune, 2/14/99)

But I'm running for office in Massachusetts again, so I'm pro-choice again

FLIP: “I will preserve and protect a woman’s right to choose, and am devoted and dedicated to honoring my word in that regard. I will not change any provisions of Massachusetts’ pro-choice laws.” (2002 Romney-O’Brien Gubernatorial Debate, Suffolk University, Boston, MA, 10/29/02)

In 2002, Romney Offered His Completed NARAL Questionnaire, Filled Out With “Mostly Abortion-Rights Positions,” To The Media Even Before Returning It To NARAL. “Yesterday, Romney also aimed to head off confusion about his stance on abortion rights by answering a Mass National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League questionnaire with mostly abortion-rights positions. He offered the questionnaire to the press even before he returned it to MassNARAL...”

FLOP: Then he started thinking of national office as a Republican. ANd he happened to have a revelation

FLOP: "Romney said he had a change of heart on the issue after speaking with a stem-cell researcher, Dr. Douglas Melton. Romney claims Melton said ‘Look, you don’t have to think about this stem cell research as a moral issue, because we kill the embryos after 14 days.’‘It hit me very hard that we had so cheapened the value of human life in a Roe v. Wade environment that it was important to stand for the dignity of human life,’ Romneysays.” (Karen Tumulty, “What Romney Believes,” Time, 5/21/07)
The list sadly goes on, and on and on!

As Republicans, which Mitt Romney are we voting for? Which one will show up as President? Will Romney represent Conservative ideology or Liberal thought on various issues? Those are legitimate questions to ask with the FACTS of Romney's own statements and behaviors.

Another dangerous feature of having a RINO as a Republican Presidential nominee is that normally Conservative commentators spend their time making excuses for RINO ideology. If the Tea Party movement is to become a true reform movement, it will do well to soundly reject the Conservative commentators that bail water for RINO Romney as he destroys our Party's core belief structure.

His speeches can only be taken in and of themselves, because on the morrow he will need to amend whatever he said before. This Mitt Romney, the one that changes his core opinions in order to accomplish his own goals, is the Mitt Romney that I hope fails, whether or not he is promoting Conservative beliefs.

I urge Conservatives to write in a candidate of their choice or to abstain from the Presidential vote. It does not matter who others vote for, it matters who we vote for or in this case who we do not vote for. Your vote is too precious to spend it on Romney just because you are afraid of Obama. When someone makes the argument that if you don't vote for Romney, you are voting for Obama, they are urging you to vote scared. They are urging you that unless you vote against your beliefs then bad things will happen. Ignore them. Vote for someone because you believe that person is best suited to present your beliefs. If you agree with soft Socialism, then vote Obama. If you believe in whatever Romney believes in right now, then vote for Romney. But if you believe in Conservatism's belief in smaller government then you should not vote for either candidate, because neither believes in Smaller Government. Don't vote scared, vote proudly what you believe, whether or not you think it will win. You voted, you spoke in the greatest way that you can politically. Keep speaking through your vote. That is the loudest sound that our government hears.

Blessings from the amazing God of our Great Republic. May God save our Republic so that this nation will not perish from the Earth.

Lewis Beeler Jr. President and Founder of

1 posted on 07/16/2012 12:23:19 PM PDT by donjuanluis07
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To: donjuanluis07

So Rush is a RINO now? hmmmmm

2 posted on 07/16/2012 12:27:31 PM PDT by driftdiver (I could eat it raw, but why do that when I have a fire.)
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To: donjuanluis07

If the racist America hating Kenyan marxist is going to be sent home in November it looks like it’ll have to be without FR’s help.

3 posted on 07/16/2012 12:28:56 PM PDT by skeeter
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To: donjuanluis07

Then vote Obama! That freedom is still there. After another Obama term... maybe not.

Exercise your right to usher in communism.


5 posted on 07/16/2012 12:30:05 PM PDT by brownsfan (Aldous Huxley and Mike Judge were right.)
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To: donjuanluis07

Vote for or vote scared. We must not have this totalitarian for 4 more years.

6 posted on 07/16/2012 12:30:53 PM PDT by Goreknowshowtocheat
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To: donjuanluis07
"I urge Conservatives to write in a candidate of their choice or to abstain from the Presidential vote. "

Obama is a communist and he thanks you for your support.

9 posted on 07/16/2012 12:34:12 PM PDT by precisionshootist
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To: donjuanluis07

Who should we write in? Palin or Palin?

Never understood the concept of how an Obama win helps conservatives who stand on ‘principle’ when those same principles are being trampled on everyday by BO.

I’d rather vote to get this guy out and deal with Romney. May not be better, but certainly can’t be worse.

12 posted on 07/16/2012 12:35:48 PM PDT by Reagan Disciple (Peace through Strength)
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To: donjuanluis07

Romney is Obama in drag. Let’s check the record:

abortion, check

homosexual rights, check

big government, check

gun grabber, check

socialized healthcare, check

mandates against individual liberty, check

death panels, check

taxpayer funded abortion, check

support for global warming, check

support for TARP, check

support for bailouts, check

support for stimulus spending, check

support for ever increasing debt limit, check

support for high taxes on the wealthy, check

appoints liberal judges, check

rammed homosexual marriage onto the citizenry, check

supports homosexuals in the military, check

supports homosexual adoption, check

15 posted on 07/16/2012 12:36:51 PM PDT by chicken head
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To: donjuanluis07

A really good and informative list that had it’s place in the primary.

27 posted on 07/16/2012 12:43:46 PM PDT by Crusher138 ("Then conquer we must, for our cause it is just")
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To: donjuanluis07

In a “parade of the flawed candidates” it was a fair fight and we lost the nomination. Some may suggest that for pragmatic reasons we support our nominee, but others maintain that the “establishment” needs to get the message (no more RINOs!).
Problem with that is that if O wins it might be the last time we really have the luxury of devoting an election to leaving a message. With O’s push to open up the borders and give full amnesty, and possible growing acceptance of Obamacare upon its implementation, in the future we may be forced to accept whatever scraps we can get. It may be now or never. Think before we leap.
Why not go with our nominee for now, but plan a primary challenge for 2016? Myabe RAND Paul.

29 posted on 07/16/2012 12:45:17 PM PDT by Hokestuk
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To: donjuanluis07

So you hope Obama does not get re-elected and Romney does, but you hope Romney fails at his job?

What do you expect to get out of the next election?

What is it, that you hope for our country...failure of the next administration?

31 posted on 07/16/2012 12:45:44 PM PDT by stuartcr ("When silence speaks, it speaks only to those that have already decided what they want to hear.")
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To: donjuanluis07

My guess is that if Romney is elected the last thing he will want to do is pick a fight with a conservative house. He will be limited in being able to do the “compassionate conservative stuff” by the gigantic fiscal problems. He will make good court selections. Anyway, he’s a Bush Republican but without the freedom that Bush had to make mistakes. The important thing is to keep the pressure on the congress who will keep the pressure on Romney.

32 posted on 07/16/2012 12:45:54 PM PDT by bkepley
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To: donjuanluis07

Which candidate did you support and work for during the primaries? Do you regret not doing more for that candidate in order to have him or her receive the votes necessary to receive the nomination?

39 posted on 07/16/2012 12:53:35 PM PDT by swpa_mom
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To: donjuanluis07
May God save our Republic so that this nation will not perish from the Earth.

God and the Lottery Ticket

Your vote is too precious to spend it on Romney ....

In the 2008 U.S. presidential election, over 129 million votes were cast. It is likely that more than 65 million votes will be needed to win in 2012. In 2008, uninspiring non-Conservative John McQueeg didn't get even 60 million. To eradicate the community marxistoccupierorganizer from the oval office of 'We The People', every single vote to reach 65 million is precious.

43 posted on 07/16/2012 12:56:17 PM PDT by Servant of the Cross (the Truth will set you free)
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To: donjuanluis07

How much are you being paid from OFA?

47 posted on 07/16/2012 1:02:00 PM PDT by GlockThe Vote (The Obama Adminstration: 2nd wave of attacks on America after 9/11)
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To: donjuanluis07

I heard Obama is paying bloggers to go on websites and write bashing Romney topics, how much did you get for those 14+ points for Obama’s re-election?

48 posted on 07/16/2012 1:02:00 PM PDT by conservativesister
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To: donjuanluis07
I love people who say "on the morrow". Not really.

There was a time when pathetic losers like you wouldn't have lasted 2 posts.

50 posted on 07/16/2012 1:04:31 PM PDT by Deb (Beat him, strip him and bring him to my tent!)
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To: donjuanluis07

More tiresome babble from the kook fringe.

85 posted on 07/16/2012 1:50:09 PM PDT by csmusaret (I will give Obama credit for one thing- he is living proof that familiarity breeds contempt.)
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To: donjuanluis07

I did my part and didn’t vote for Romney in the primaries.

I will now VOTE for Romney.

Obama has to go.

89 posted on 07/16/2012 1:56:12 PM PDT by CommieCutter
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To: donjuanluis07; All
We had 4 years to stop Romney from becoming the nominee.

Did you miss the spectacle that was the 2011/2012 GOP nominating contest? It didn't happen. Some self-proclaimed conservatives hopped from one name to the next: Palin, Bachmann, Perry, Cain, Newt, Santorum... It was theater of the absurd.

As Donald Rumsfield said, "You go to war with the army you have---not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time."

Romney is that army against Obama. There is no savior on the sidelines, there is no 3rd party superstar that will topple everyone else. Those are pipe dreams.

It's simple: Romney or Obama.

I pray you and the other self-destructives are in uncontested states.

The time to hope Romney fails is if he makes bad policy proposals after Obama's tenure is in the history books.

As your litany points out, Romney is malleable meaning he can be moved right. Obama is a rigid, uncompromising imperialist ideologue.

If you think four more of Obama would be the shock required to get a conservative elected next time, you're a mental case.

As for your cutesy graphic, it tells me you are for Obama's cause. When the WA Post and support Romney's version of his Bain activities, you can bet it's not a put-on.

As the Post pointed out, Democrats fought to keep Romney off the ballot when he ran for governor. MA Dems claimed he wasn't a resident; in fighting that case, Romney never once pointed to working at Bain as evidence that he in fact was still a resident. Now the Democrat party vehemently argues the other way.

102 posted on 07/16/2012 2:24:06 PM PDT by newzjunkey (It'll be Romney or Obama. There's no 'do over' for the gop primary.)
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To: donjuanluis07

I get it! You hate Romney so you’re going to cut off your nose to spite your face and re-elect Obama to get even, eh? GET THEE AWAY FROM ME!

I’m getting very tired of this crapola...


133 posted on 07/17/2012 1:36:12 AM PDT by cracker45
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