Posted on 06/18/2002 9:57:13 AM PDT by jimkress
Edited on 07/12/2004 3:54:48 PM PDT by Jim Robinson. [history]
Conservative lawmakers and activists disappointed with President Bush's first 18 months in office are calling into question his tactics and strategy in advancing the conservative agenda.
"The president for the most part has been our guy," said House Majority Leader Dick Armey, Texas Republican and a prominent conservative on Capitol Hill. "A few times we disagree."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
The right to vote includes choosing 'None of the above'.
I do feel lucky. I feel lucky I live in a country where I am not forced to make a decision between two unacceptable candidates.
The frog in a kettle analogy works both ways. We cannot turn the heat up and reduce this without the frog jumping over to the left, just as they cannot wreck us entirely without the frog jumping to the right.
Do you click your heels or wave your magic wand?
Thanks for the link...MUD
Airline bailout, CFR, the farm bill, the education bill, the new 'homes for minorities' initiative, and on, and on . . .
The Bush domestic policy looks like the D party's platform. And with the farm bill and the homes thing, he's clearly using our money to buy votes.
You're okay with this?
Don't forget about the dollar.
So why get all exercised now when events are so fluid that your concerns today could easily be forgotten in 2 yrs?
Because I need the exercise.
1. Legislation reflecting conservative principles will be enacted into law.
2. The political battle will help elect or re-elect conservatives to the House and Senate.
3. The political battle will help defeat Democrat office-holders.
This is not about winning debating points or sending a message, this is about getting results, namely, winning elections and passing legislation. To initiate or accept a political battle that will not lead to either of those results is a waste of time and effort and counter-productive.
I think that both of you should be afraid.
I'm afraid; I'm very afraid.
I will judge Bush on his record in foreign policy.This is the one that will most affect our world over the next 2 yrs, and so far, I like what he's doing and his strategy.
For the sake on the nation, he has to prioritize his actions.NOTHING he does is more important than winning the War on Terror.
IMO, Dubyuh's compromising his domestic agenda to assure DemonRAT support for his War on Terrorism, a mistake similar to that made by Ronaldus Maximus in winning the Cold War. The big difference is, I believe the voting populace has wised up to the RATS tricks and we could win on a Conservative Agenda if he would just dedicate some portion of his time making the case for it. He's got the trust of the Sheeple and could steadily make the case for Education Vouchers, Personal Retirement Accounts, Medical Savings Accounts, a Capital Gains Tax Cut, etc., and continue beating the RATSover the head with those conservative issues from here until November and we could see those four million conservatives--plus a good number of folks in the Center--rallying behind the GOP ticket this Fall. Right now, I sense a lot of folks are saying, "Why bother voting? They're all the same anyway!!"
The GOP and Dubyuh need to spend the remaining months between now and November '02 making a case for retaking GOP control of the Senate and increasing GOP control in the House...and we can only accomplish that by differentiating ourselves from the DemonRATS!!
Bush should only initiate or accept a political battle if one of these three outcomes are likely results of fighting the battle:
1. Legislation that enacts conservative principles is enacted.
2. Conservatives will be more likely to be elected or re-elected.
3. We have a better chance of defeating Demcoratic office holders.
If none of those three outcomes is likely, then we don't fight the battle, and we save the ammo for later. I want results, and I define results as enacting conservative legislation and electing conservatives/defeating Democrats.
253 posted on 6/18/02 12:47 PM Pacific by habs4ever
It is when he is acting like he has a addiction to give away MY money, and is reaching in my pocket for more.
No real argument here, although I believe Educational Vouchers are an issue on which we can make inroads on the RATS' turf with the urban minorities. We need to pick our spots, certainly, but since 9/11, Dubyuh's tended to fold no matter how strong a hand he held. The RATS can sense that willingness to wilt and simply come back for even more and we'll never outbid the RATS when it comes to shamelessly wasting taxpayer dollars on Federal largesse!!
"Bush should only initiate or accept a political battle if one of these three outcomes are likely results of fighting the battle:
1. Legislation that enacts conservative principles is enacted."
The way we've been growing Guv'ment lately, you can't say much he's signed lately meets that criteria.
"2. Conservatives will be more likely to be elected or re-elected."
This is obviously Dubyuh's rationale in signing much of the domestic legislation he's signed over the last nine months, but I still fear that moving too far to the middle/Left will alienate more RightWing voters than it'll pick up from the RATS.
"3. We have a better chance of defeating Demcoratic office holders."
This is pretty much the same as #2, and I understand the rationale for minimizing the enthusiasm for RAT candidates by enacting their agenda...I simply don't agree with it.
I agree, altho I wouldn't even say that this is about winning elections.
I'd say that the system of a 'republican form of govt' breaks down when politicians start using public funds to 'buy' elections.
I believe the 'war on terror' is only one of the many important things happening around us today.
And I believe that the domestic situation is far more critical than the foreign one. I believe that we have one last chance to stop America from going the way of the rest of the govts in the world, and that one chance is afforded because of a temporary window created by this 'internet'.
For a short time, we have a media the govt can't control the way it did all the others. Eventually the govt will find a way to control it, and then the window will be lost.
Messr. Bush, in my opinion, is making some huge mistakes. Mistakes our children will pay for.
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