1. The majority of votes in this country must be solidly left of center -- and in favor of greater government outlays, enviromentalist, anti-free enterprise, Pro-Palestinian, and so forth. If movement is made to the left this strongly in order to acquire the votes necessary to win, then how will it be possible to ever move back to the right? Will there ever come a time when those votes will not be necessary to win?
2. Once having adopted at least a good measure of Democrat positions, how then does Mr. Bush credibly flop back to the right? If he states that they are right on the issues, how then does he ever oppose them in the future? For example: Having stated that the Democrats/religious environmentalists are correct about the causes and effects of global warming how then, in the long term, is an effective argument made not to adopt policies to ameliorate it? By adopting their premise, he has granted them a nearly endless supply of material to demagogue him (and pro-business Republicans for many years in the future) with.
To wit: How can you give tax breaks and "environmental regulation" breaks to rich corporations and greedy special interests when it means that your children will get melanoma by age 25 because of the greed of nasty businesses?
Or don't you think you'll hear that? We've seen the result of what has happened to Republican backbones over the "starving grandma and the children" attacks. What will we see when now the Republicans are endlessly accused of killing children outright? And all because a Republican President admitted that they were right???
Conservatives are 35-40% of the population. The left is another 35-40%. To win an election, we have to keep the base together and also pull out more centrist voters (independents/moderates) than the other side.
This is done in one of two ways: Either by very good packaging (see Ronald Reagan) or by using wedge issues that resonate. However, what seems to get me is the fact that we have a number of people here, who do not seem to understand the fact, and I am growing more and more frustrated with a lot of that.