Posted on 04/24/2002 7:09:25 PM PDT by Michael2001
Time to "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition."
Hey islam..say hello to my friend...i dont think he'll let ya dominate the U.S
Both of these countries are quite docile now and do not pose any threat of that sort today.
It's going to take some annialating to convince the "Islam will rule" crowd just as it did for Japan and Germany. Their people vowed that they would fight to the last man; it did not actually come to that.
and in all honesty that couldnt have ever happend i mean they could owned europe(the germans) and the japanese could have taken china (maybe wrong here) but theyd never get to us
If homeland security fails to protect Americans at home, surely an armed civilian population will turn up the heat on all muslims (peaceful and not so peaceful).
It could get so hot, that the peaceful will help identify and locate the not so peaceful. Surely incitement and threats against the US is a crime?
I sure hope that everyone at the demonstration was arrested!
I just know that there are enough reasons to give them a tour of the precincts while INS and the FBI build a case for immediate deportation!
Bush must put up or shut up on harboring terrorists!
Through this governments inactions, we are harboring terrorists!
I wholeheartedly agree about the genocide issue. But why would our military suppression of people "fooled by Islam" be considered genocide? To me they're just another enemy of our freedom and have to dealt with as a threatwhich includes killing them when necessary.
No genocide in that.
I disagree. Lots of ideas have been killed or rendered impotent. All the animist religions of the past are dead, but the descendants of animists live. The theory of white mans burden is dead, yet white men are everywhere. The flat earth theory is dead, yet those who believed it were not executed. The belief that a woman belongs in the kitchen or the bedroom has been rendered impotent, yet those who used to believe that are still around. Islam can be killed, too. For the sake of humanity, any ideology/religion that professes universal conquest by means of force must be eliminated. Genocide is not the answer. A change of culture, through all the means at our disposal (social, cultural, economic, military, etc) is.
Because that's what it is. It's like saying that we have to rid the world of Communism by killing every person who believes in Communism. We defeated Communism, but that's not how we did it. We defeated them by the force of our culture of freedom, which we propogated through various channels throughout the communist world. Yes, we had our military as insurance and that played a large role, but if the people of the Soviet Union didn't know and admire the culture of freedom of the United States, our military would not have achieved the victory alone. In a similar manner Islam must be defeated, not through the sole use of our military but by a vigorous propogation of our ideas and values into Islamic society. And God willing, those societies will one day by "formerly-Islamic" societies.
While a "vigorous propogation of our ideas and values into Islamic society" is not beyond possibility"where there's life, there's hope"it certainly seems unlikely. As we discover more and more what Islam REALLY means to do to us and for us, the question is WILL WE HAVE THE GUTS AND THE FAITH TO TAKE THEM DOWN or will we surrender?
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