1 posted on
03/20/2002 4:33:41 PM PST by
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To: erk
I am sick to my stomach. I can't believe he's throwing away all the integrity I thought he had.
3 posted on
03/20/2002 4:37:14 PM PST by
To: erk
This is pure politics. He must know it will fail in the courts. But he goes on record as being for 'reform', without having to actually live under the law. That's my theory, anyway.
To: erk
really dumb George,send it back and make them fix it!
6 posted on
03/20/2002 4:39:37 PM PST by
To: erk
Do you prefer the Checker (R) cab ride or the Yellow (D) cab ride to hell.
7 posted on
03/20/2002 4:39:37 PM PST by
To: erk
On a scale of 1 to 10, Dubya is making a 11 in mistakes.
8 posted on
03/20/2002 4:41:03 PM PST by
To: erk
Watch Bush's approval ratings from this point forward.
There are a number of things conservatives can overlook, but criminalizing free speech isn't on the list.
To: erk
"...but it does present some legitimate constitutional questions..."He's expecting the SCOTUS to sort those out and dump them in order to retain the few good items.
To: erk
Damn him. Just another low life politician who doesn't give a rat's butt about the constitution or the U.S. It's all about getting and keeping power.
And I'm sick of hearing "don't worry the Supreme Court will take care of the unconstitutional parts." As president, Bush is in violation of his oath of office when he knowingly signs an unconstitutional bill.
15 posted on
03/20/2002 4:45:02 PM PST by
To: erk
How many amendments do you guys still have down there anyways?
To: erk
Well, it's time for me to move to New Zealand. Because CHICKEN$HIT, GUTLESS, HALFA$$ pseudo-conservative voters will go totally overboard about this and W will be out of office in '04, leaving us ripe for Evil Party domination. Why even give a damn anymore?
19 posted on
03/20/2002 4:47:21 PM PST by
To: erk,Jim Robinson; agitator; Bob J; diotima; IronJack; Congressman Billybob; SUSSA; The Shrew...
Statement by the President
Like many Republicans and Democrats in the Congress, I support common-sense reforms to end abuses in our campaign finance system. The reforms passed today, while flawed in some areas, still improve the current system overall, and I will sign them into law.
To: erk
U.S. Constitution, Article VI:
"... all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution"
32 posted on
03/20/2002 4:53:47 PM PST by
To: erk
I have to eat my words.
Before the election I was predicting that Bush would use gun owners as a bone to throw to the Libs.
I was only off by one amendment.
If anyone still has doubts...
To: erk
Someone is giving the President some very bad advice on many dometic issues, IMO.
I really thought he would veto this bill and nail the opposition for stomping on the First Amendment. He could have used a veto speech with devastating effect.
He was foolish to listen to whoever it was that advised this action.
34 posted on
03/20/2002 4:55:21 PM PST by
Ken H
To: erk
I will vote for the constitution party or stay home next time this guy needs my vote. Oh...and no more money for him or his gutless pubbie buddies.
37 posted on
03/20/2002 4:56:58 PM PST by
To: all
Well George...you just blew it for the STUPID party! So glad I voted for Pat Buchanan. I'm betting some of you on here probably wish that you did also!
To: erk
39 posted on
03/20/2002 4:57:11 PM PST by
To: erk
You forgot the BARF ALERT!
To: erk
I've lost a lot of faith in the President with this decision, as well as the amnesty issue. He doesn't use the bully pulpit to refute crappy legislation, capitulates constantly, and sells out the Republican Party regularly.
To: erk
I doubt that it will do any good but vote.com is taking a poll on whether Bush should sign it.
Should Bush sign CFR
46 posted on
03/20/2002 4:59:17 PM PST by
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