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How "Hanoi Jane" Betrayed America (Sneak Preview)
Insight Magazine ^ | March 2, 2002 | Henry Mark Holzer and Erika Holzer

Posted on 03/02/2002 9:37:45 AM PST by GummyIII

Sneak Preview II
How "Hanoi Jane" Betrayed America

By Henry Mark Holzer and Erika Holzer

On July 11, 1972, a confidential cable from the U.S. Embassy in Vientiane, Laos, to the secretary of state in Washington, the United States delegation at the Paris peace talks, the commander in chief of Pacific Forces, and the U.S. Embassy in Saigon, South Vietnam, revealed the following:

Subject: Travel to NVN [North Vietnam] Jane Fonda

As Dept. is likely aware from press reports, actress Jane Fonda arrived in Hanoi July 8 via Aeroflot from Moscow. Subject was not carried as passenger on Aeroflot manifest deposited during Vientiane transit morning July 8 nor did she disembark to transit lounge.

Fonda had left the United States, traveled to Paris and, fittingly, flown from there to Moscow. Boarding an Aeroflot flight in the Soviet capital, apparently incognito, she remained on the airplane when it landed in supposedly neutral Laos and exited only when she arrived in Hanoi, North Vietnam. "Clad in black pajamas [typically worn by the Viet Cong in the South] and a white tunic, Jane stepped off her Aeroflot jet on July 8, 1972. … She arrived, she told her uniformed, helmeted hosts, with 'greetings' from revolutionary 'comrades' in America."

Fonda had come to Hanoi — as had [Tom] Hayden, Joan Baez and other Americans before her — willingly and knowingly to provide grist for the North Vietnamese propaganda mill.

Despite the "public-relations" risk of torturing American prisoners of war, the North Vietnamese chanced it because of the high value they placed on propaganda. At no time was this more apparent than in 1967, when the Communists opened yet another POW facility in Hanoi — this one "devoted specifically to the production and dissemination of propaganda." Among its several prisoner-given names, it is probably best known as the "plantation." "The Vietnamese converted a portion of the facility into a Potemkin village of sanitized cells, garden patches and scrubbed corridors that would serve as a showplace for displaying the captives to visiting delegations and conducting photo sessions and other propaganda activities."

The POWs, however, were not going to play Hanoi's propaganda game. They resisted torture as best they could. Another method of thwarting the Communists' propaganda plans was self-defacement.

[Navy Cmdr. James] Stockdale was convinced that officials at the [Hanoi] Hilton were after him to make a movie for propaganda-warfare consumption in which he would advise junior officers to cooperate with the captors. To defeat the plan, he tried fasting, then disfigured himself by chopping his hair and scalp with a razor and, when the Vietnamese requisitioned a hat, pounding his face with a stool and against the wall until he was unfit to be photographed or filmed. But the best counterextortion technique proved to be the self-defacement. Painful as it was — he had to "freshen" his bruises with his fists to keep his eyelids swollen and cheekbones mashed — it allowed him to regain some measure of control against his tormentors.

Yet, in the face of the heroic, mostly successful, efforts of American POWs to deny the North Vietnamese their much-needed propaganda victories — by taking indescribable torture, by voluntarily defacing themselves, by seeing the plantation for what it was and acting accordingly and by every other means open to them — Jane Fonda handed her Communist hosts a pro-Communist, anti-American propaganda coup.

Why? Fonda biographer Peter Collier understood what was driving the actress-turned-militant: "When she arrived in Hanoi, Jane was as malleable as she had been when she returned to the United States after her Paris exile two years earlier — ready to find her relevance in the use others could make of her."

And use her, to good effect, the "others" — the Communists — would. Indeed, the use to which the North Vietnamese put Fonda — with her knowing consent and active participation — gave them what they needed: legitimacy and favorable propaganda.

Once Fonda was in Hanoi, her Communist hosts laid on a full schedule for their American comrade who had come halfway around the world to assist them in their international propaganda efforts.

In the years since Fonda's July 1972 pilgrimage to Hanoi, there have been many reports of what she did there. Some have been accurate, some not. Since our opinion that she could have been indicted and tried for treason rests mostly on Fonda's actual pro-Communist, anti-American, propaganda broadcasts and her other conduct in North Vietnam, it is essential to get the facts down correctly. Principally, Fonda's activities in North Vietnam fell into four categories: (1) broadcasts — some live and some taped — under the auspices of Radio Hanoi; (2) meetings with senior Communist officials; (3) tours of civilian and military sites; and (4) an "interview" with seven American prisoners of war.

To set the record straight, let's begin with the broadcasts, which, outside of a few government agencies, have never been heard in the United States in their entirety. Indeed, few people outside of government have ever even read the transcripts. There are two categories: (1) Fonda's broadcasts to American military personnel and (2) her broadcasts targeted to others.

From [her] broadcasts it is apparent that Fonda was addressing not only every American serviceman and woman (enlisted and officer) on the ground in Vietnam and on ships off the coast, but also South Vietnamese soldiers and civilians as well. Her broadcasts were beamed to the jungles of the South, the prisons of the North and even to Eastern (that is, Communist) Europe.

To the extent there may be any sympathy at all for Fonda among Americans, it's probably because they've never known what she actually said in Hanoi and what was attributed to her. The list of her accusations follows:

On that literary suggestion, we can end this summary of Fonda's propaganda statements in Hanoi.

Fonda's own words … make plain beyond any reasonable doubt the intent and import of her statements. They contained lies about the United States, its leaders, their motives and their acts. They maligned the president of the United States. They spouted the Communist propaganda line in every respect. They sought to undermine the morale and military effort of our soldiers in the field and our prisoners in jungle camps and North Vietnamese prisons.

And her words even encouraged mutiny and desertion.

That there was a consistent pro-Communist, anti-American, propaganda theme to virtually everything uttered by Fonda in her broadcasts from Hanoi, that Fonda's statements reveal a clear intent to aid the North Vietnamese and injure the United States, cannot be disputed.

Although more detailed analyses of Fonda's Hanoi propaganda statements are found [later in the complete book], which address her statements' impact, it is useful to emphasize a related point here. Consider some of the statements made by this young actress who lacked political sophistication, who was ignorant of history, who had an almost nonexistent knowledge of international affairs and who probably had never before written anything more complicated than a check. What did she know about "neocolonialism," the 1954 Geneva Accords, what constituted a military target or the different types of aircraft and ordnance? It is obvious that in Hanoi, Fonda was acting as a willing tool of the Communists, to a considerable extent simply reading "canned" material created by professional Communist propagandists (albeit perhaps with an occasional ad-lib). Indeed, some of the words and syntax are those of a person or persons for whom English was not a first language, and it is doubtful that the political language came from Fonda herself.

But Fonda's broadcasts were not her only statements in aid of the North Vietnamese. In addition to the live broadcasts made by Fonda on Hanoi Radio, and replayed endlessly not only throughout Vietnam but also within the Northern prison camps, she made many other statements while being escorted around the city and its environs to view what her hosts claimed were bombed-out civilian installations like schools and hospitals. Examples abound. She was taken to a hamlet called Hong Phong, and afterward the North Vietnamese issued a news release saying that the day before Fonda's visit American bombing had killed two elderly people — and adding that "Jane Fonda felt great indignation at the U.S. attack on civilian populations." As some of her propaganda broadcasts indicated, she "was taken to see dikes allegedly destroyed the day before.

"In her assessment," read the Hanoi news release, "the U.S. had made deliberate attacks on dikes to jeopardize life and terrorize the people." At a press conference she said that every evidence of bombing that she had seen was directed at a nonmilitary target.

As to Fonda's tours, it is noteworthy that virtually on her first day in Hanoi she was taken to the North Vietnam Communists' "War Crimes" museum which displayed ordnance and artifacts allegedly used by American forces in Vietnam.

But even worse than her "War Crimes" museum tour, Fonda's most notorious visit was to the site of a Communist antiaircraft gun, which was used to blast American pilots and their planes out of the sky. Even many of Fonda's supporters were shocked and disgusted to see the helmeted Fonda smiling, clapping, shaking hands and otherwise fraternizing with the weapon's crew. Film of this episode makes clear beyond any doubt whatsoever that Fonda was enjoying herself greatly; indeed, she looks nearly orgiastic. Fraternizing with the gun crew was obscene enough. But then Fonda climbed into the antiaircraft weapon's control seat, put her eye to the sight and feigned taking a bead on imaginary American aircraft. The Communist crew smiled and applauded. The North Vietnamese propagandists had a field day, and French and other cameramen distributed the film worldwide. The photo's caption reads: "American actress and activist Jane Fonda is surrounded by soldiers and reporters as she sings an antiwar song near Hanoi during the Vietnam War in July 1972. Fonda, seated on an antiaircraft gun, is here to 'encourage' North Vietnamese soldiers fighting against 'American imperialist air raiders.' She is wearing a helmet and Vietnamese-made ao-dai pantaloon and blouse."

In addition to this photo-op, there were many others — with "workers, peasants, students, artists and dancers, historians, journalists, film actresses, soldiers, militia girls, members of the women's union, writers" — especially when Fonda met and socialized with high-ranking North Vietnamese officials. At the end of her trip, she spent some time with Nguyen Duy Trinh, vice premier of North Vietnam. Fonda "told him that she was deeply impressed by the Vietnamese people's determination to emerge victorious. She also told the vice premier that his people would 'certainly triumph' over the Americans."

Even worse than Fonda's broadcasts, her photo-op tours and her chumminess with North Vietnamese Communists was her encounter with American POWs being held captive in Hanoi. Since one of the two essential elements of the crime of treason is "adhering" to the enemy — that is, committing an "overt act" — it is unfortunate that there has been so much erroneous reportage about Fonda's interaction with American POWs in Hanoi. The fact is that Fonda is not guilty of certain acts attributed to her, but she is certainly guilty of others.

Let's set the record straight. It has been reported in recent years on the Internet that POWs surreptitiously slipped Fonda messages which she turned over to the North Vietnamese. That story is false. Also untrue is that any POW died for refusing to meet with Fonda. It is true, however, that POWs were unwillingly made to meet with her.

Needless to say, Fonda quickly lied about her meeting with the Hanoi Hilton POWs, continuing to parrot the North Vietnamese propaganda line:

"This is Jane Fonda speaking from Hanoi. Yesterday evening … I had the opportunity of meeting seven U.S. pilots. Some of them were shot down as long ago as 1968 and some of them had been shot down very recently. They are all in good health. We had a very long talk, a very open and casual talk. We exchanged ideas freely. They asked me to bring back to the American people their sense of disgust of the war and their shame for what they have been asked to do.

"They told me that the pilots believe they are bombing military targets.

"They told me that the pilots are told that they are bombing to free their buddies down below but, of course, we all know that every bomb that falls on North Vietnam endangers the lives of the American prisoners.

"They asked me: 'What can you do?' They asked me to bring messages back to their loved ones and friends, telling them to please be as actively involved in the peace movement as possible, to renew their efforts to end the war.

"One of the men who has been in the service for many, many years has written a book about Vietnamese history, and I thought that this was very moving, that during the time he's been here, and the time that he has had to reflect on what he has been through and what he has done to this country, he has … his thought has turned to this country, its history of struggle and the people that live here.

"They all assured me that they have been well cared for. They listen to the radio. They receive letters. They are in good health. They asked about news from home.

"I think we all shared during the time I spent with them a sense of deep sadness that a situation like this has to exist, and I certainly felt from them a very sincere desire to explain to the American people that this is a terrible crime and that it must be stopped, and that Richard Nixon is doing nothing except escalating it while preaching peace, endangering their lives while saying he cares about the prisoners.

"And I think that one of the things that touched me the most was that one of the pilots said to me that he was reading a book called The Draft, a book written by the American Friends Service Committee [Quakers], and that in reading this book, he had understood a lot about what had happened to him as a human being in his 16 years of military service. He said that during those 16 years, he had stopped relating to civilian life, he had forgotten that there was anything else besides the military and he said in realizing what had happened to him, he was very afraid that this was happening to many other people.

"I was very encouraged by my meeting with the pilots [because] I feel that the studying and the reading that they have been doing during their time here has taught them a great deal in putting the pieces of their lives back together again in a better way, hopefully, and I am sure that when they go home, they will go home better citizens than when they left."

This live broadcast by Hanoi Jane directed to American troops, free and captive throughout North Vietnam, was blatantly false.

These lies were simply more canned North Vietnamese propaganda, broadcast in furtherance of Fonda's intent to damage the United States and help the North Vietnamese.

Can it be said that these lies, and the rest of what Fonda said and did in Hanoi, could have been construed by a jury as having provided "aid and comfort" to our North Vietnamese enemy? [We provide the answer to that in our book]. For now, suffice it to note the words of an American POW who would later become a U.S. congressman:

In the summer of 1972, "the voice of Jane Fonda hung in the air over Camp Unity. Our camp guards and the commander were overjoyed to have a celebrity of her status come over and align herself with their 'humane cause.' I'll never forget seeing a picture of her seated on an antiaircraft gun, much like the one that had shot my plane out of the air and given seven years of my life to the North Vietnamese prison system. I stood in front of her photograph in a quiz [interrogation] room and stared in disbelief until the twisting in my gut made me turn away." While Sam Johnson was revolted by Fonda's visit, a prominent North Vietnam colonel/ "journalist," Bui Tin, saw the value of her presence in Hanoi: "That visit and the support it showed had great impact on the Vietnamese people. … We realized that there were two Americas — one who dropped bombs on us, and the other who had sympathy."

From Paris, having spent nearly a month in North Vietnam consorting with America's enemy — by making broadcasts, by meeting with senior Communist officials, by touring civilian and military sites, by "interviewing" American prisoners of war — Fonda returned to New York. She landed at Kennedy Airport, reportedly wearing the black pajamas and coolie hat of the Viet Cong.

Copyright © 2002 by McFarland & Co. Used by permission.

These excerpts are from Chapter 4 of "Aid and Comfort": Jane Fonda in North Vietnam, a new book by Henry Mark Holzer, professor emeritus at Brooklyn Law School, and Erika Holzer, an attorney and novelist. To order a copy of the book, contact McFarland & Co. at (800) 253-2187, or visit and follow the link to McFarland & Co.

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To: Snow Bunny
Thanks for the quotes from the cretin. As always, I appreciate your good work.
81 posted on 03/07/2002 3:30:11 PM PST by jo6pac
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To: jo6pac
HI Jo. I had never seen the quotes before so I just had to out them here in case someone else had not seen them.

Thank you Jo for responding.(( hug ))

82 posted on 03/07/2002 4:28:36 PM PST by Snow Bunny
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To: DaughterOfAnIwoJimaVet;Nitro
It was wonderful !!!!!

And Nitro thanks for your post. I watched O'Reilly and saw Hayden, almost threw a pillow at the TV but Holzer was sooo good.

I have no tolerence for the commies that agreed with Hanoi Jane. Gregory Peck, Donald Sutherland, there were many and they are traitors.

83 posted on 03/07/2002 4:35:15 PM PST by Snow Bunny
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To: Snow Bunny
Have you ordered the book yet, Snow Bunny? Are you planning to?
84 posted on 03/07/2002 6:11:41 PM PST by DaughterOfAnIwoJimaVet
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To: DaughterOfAnIwoJimaVet
I have not ordered it yet.I want to though and plan on doing it soon.
85 posted on 03/07/2002 7:07:29 PM PST by Snow Bunny
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To: 4TheFlag;SAMWolf;68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub;Johnny_Apollo;Squantos ;Jorge;GummyIII;jo6pac...
Thank you 4TheFlag for sending this to me in my email.


Also if you have not been to this thread yet, please take the time to look at the rest of the posts about Hanoi Jane

........"This country is all about freedom and the right to protest insane things, like the war in Vietnam - a war created by and then grossly mismanaged by politicians (another word for big money interests) and their generals who sat in safety while our naïve kids did the suffering and the dying. When actions in the name of protest causes additional grievous harm and even death to our captured and already suffering servicemen it's simply unconscionable.

This is for all the kids born in the 60's, 70's, and later who cannot remember, and did not have to bear the burden, that our fathers, mothers, older brothers and sisters did.

Jane Fonda is being honored as one of the "100 Women of the Century". Unfortunately, many have forgotten and still countless others have never known how Ms. Fonda betrayed not only the idea of our country but specific men who served and sacrificed during Vietnam.

The first part of this is from an F-4E pilot. The pilot's name is Jerry Driscoll, a River Rat. In 1978, the former Commandant of the USAF Survival School was a POW in Ho Lo Prison-the "Hanoi Hilton." Dragged from a stinking cesspit of a cell, cleaned, fed, and dressed in clean PJs, he was ordered to describe for a visiting American "Peace Activist" the "lenient and humane treatment" he'd received. He spat at Ms. Fonda, was clubbed, and dragged away.

During the subsequent beating, he fell forward upon the camp Commandant's feet, which sent that officer berserk. In '78, the AF Col. still suffered from double vision (which permanently ended his flying days) from the Vietnamese Col.'s frenzied application of a wooden baton. From 1963-65, Col. Larry Carrigan was in the 47FW/DO (F-4Es). He spent 6 -years in the "Hilton"- the first three of which he was "missing in action". His wife lived on faith that he was still alive. His group, too, got the cleaned, fed, clothed routine in preparation for a "peace delegation" visit.

They, however, had time and devised a plan to get word to the world that they still survived. Each man secreted a tiny piece of paper, with his SSN on it, in the palm of his hand. When paraded before Ms. Fonda and a cameraman, she walked the line, shaking each man's hand and asking little encouraging snippets like: "Aren't you sorry you bombed babies?" and "Are you grateful for the humane treatment from your benevolent captors?" Believing this HAD to be an act, they each palmed her their sliver of paper.

She took them all without missing a beat. At the end of the line and once the camera stopped rolling, to the shocked disbelief of the POWs, she turned to the officer in charge and handed him the little pile of papers. Three men died from the subsequent beatings. Col. Carrigan was almost number four but he survived, which is the only reason we know about her actions that day.

I was a civilian economic development advisor in Vietnam, and was captured by the North Vietnamese communists in South Vietnam in 1968, and held for over 5 years. I spent 27 months in solitary confinement, one year in a cage in Cambodia, and one year in a "black box" in Hanoi. My North Vietnamese captors deliberately poisoned and murdered a female missionary, a nurse in a leprosarium in Ban me Thuot, South Vietnam, whom I buried in the jungle near the Cambodian border.

At one time, I weighed approximately 90 lbs. (My normal weight is 170 lbs). We were Jane Fonda's "war criminals."

When Jane Fonda was in Hanoi, I was asked by the camp communist political officer if I would be willing to meet with her. I said yes, for I would like to tell her about the real treatment we POWs received as opposed to the treatment purported by the North Vietnamese, and parroted by Jane Fonda, as "humane and lenient." Because of this, I spent three days on a rocky floor on my knees with outstretched arms with a large amount of steel placed on my hands, and beaten with a bamboo cane till my arms dipped.

I had the opportunity to meet with Jane Fonda after I was released I asked her if she would be willing to debate me on TV. She did not answer.

This does not exemplify someone who should be honored as part of "100 Years of Great Women." Lest we forget..."100 years of great women" should never include a traitor whose hands are covered with the blood of so many patriots. There are few things I have strong visceral reactions to; Hanoi Jane's participation in blatant treason tops the list.

Please take the time to forward this to as many people as you can. She needs to know that we will never forget."......

86 posted on 03/09/2002 2:24:34 AM PST by Snow Bunny
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To: aculeus
Never forget. Never forgive.

Not a problem here! She's irrelevant.

87 posted on 03/09/2002 2:34:32 AM PST by Aeronaut
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To: Snow Bunny
Snow Bunny,,, You ROCK!!

Attila the Bun..:-)

Thank you for getting into Hanoi Jane's Face! I think I woke up half my county screaming "YES" !!!!!! after reading about your face-to-face in the gym. You are a true American Patriot and have done what thousands of Vietnam Vets can only dream of. I salute you.

88 posted on 03/09/2002 3:09:10 AM PST by JoeSixPack1
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To: Snow Bunny; 45MAN
You are the greatest, SB. Thank-you for keeping the truth alive!

The problem here is that Americans have a short memory. Already some are forgetting the heinous crime against humanity committed on 9/11/2001...I can only imagine that the stories about "Hanoi Jane" have been totally wiped from many Americans' memories in the ensuing 30+ years.

Let's keep the truth alive.

Honoring "Hanoi Jane" is no less than Time Magazine honoring the evil bin Laden.

We will NOT forget! God Bless the servicepeople of America!

89 posted on 03/09/2002 4:09:02 AM PST by dansangel
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To: Snow Bunny;bannie
Years later I was at a fund raiser in Beverly Hills, and who did I see there.....Hanoi Jane. Someone asked if we had met and I could hear her say....."I have met__________, and she has met me. We fought on different sides in the Vietnam war."

Thanks for the pinf. Kind of a defining comment. Before or after her occasional statement of regret?

Bannie, I'd think it would be in the public domain, but I don't know where. Some her her news coverage:

Jane applauds North Vietnamese soldiers manning an antiaircraft gun used to down U.S. pilots.


Jane Fonda holding a Rockeye CBU bomblet at anti-Vietnam War protest ca. 1972-1973.

Clearly a fun time for Jane. My favorite.

90 posted on 03/09/2002 5:08:24 AM PST by SJackson
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To: Snow Bunny
Thanks Snow Bunny! Never Forget Bump!
91 posted on 03/09/2002 5:30:14 AM PST by firewalk
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To: Snow Bunny;ImpBill
SB, You said exactly how I feel towards her.
92 posted on 03/09/2002 5:44:25 AM PST by B4Ranch
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To: GummyIII

93 posted on 03/09/2002 5:44:57 AM PST by ChadGore
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To: Snow Bunny
Jane Fonda is being honored as one of the "100 Women of the Century".

It's truely a sad state of affairs when Hanoi Jane is honored and you are not.

94 posted on 03/09/2002 5:52:06 AM PST by Euro-American Scum
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To: RecallJeffords
What traitors like Fonda, Hayden and Baez got away with during the Vietnam War will be permissable by law again today if we continue to fight without a declaration of war. Treason is given too much legal wiggle roonm when the war hasn't been declared by Congress.

Fonda et al weren't the only traitors during the Vietnam war. I'm fairly sure that elected officials and bureaucrats were passing info to the Chinese and Russians during Vietnam . Undeclared wars are irresistable opportunities to traitors both in and out of office. We shouldn't allow another undeclared war to be fought.

95 posted on 03/09/2002 5:55:41 AM PST by Twodees
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To: Snow Bunny
Thanks for the ping, Ma'am. Jane as one of the "top 100 women" of any century could only be conceivable to a communist. Of course, our media is an ongoing communist front operation.

I'm glad you got a chance to confront her.

96 posted on 03/09/2002 6:03:09 AM PST by Twodees
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To: ChadGore
Lower than whale $hit she is.
97 posted on 03/09/2002 6:08:15 AM PST by Khepera
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To: Snow Bunny
Thanks for the 'ping'. How I hate 'the demons' that possessed Jane Fonda, and do Satan's work. If she were mine to pass judgment on, she would deserve the same judgment as I.

I condemn all of her actions, and grieve for all that suffered because of those actions. I do not even pretend to understand the purposes of such evil. And yet, we are called to love(love that sometimes requires the 'slaying of demons'), and in our expressions of love, to drive out evil. I pray that the Lord will grant me the power and peace to love enough. Through Christ.

98 posted on 03/09/2002 6:09:12 AM PST by d14truth
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To: Snow Bunny
I'm no fan of Jane Fonda, but I think it honor the requests of retired Colonel Larry Carrigan and former Air Force pilot Jerry Driscoll and stop circulating certain portions of this story about Jane Fonda.

The message claims that Larry Carrigan reported the story about POW's slipping pieces of paper with their SS #'s into Jane's hand as she shook their hands. The message then claims that she then turned the papers over to the North Vietnamese captors and the POW's were beaten as a result. Carrigan says that this story did not come from him and that he never saw Fonda during his time as a POW.

The message claims that Jerry Driscoll reported that he spat at Fonda, an act for which he was brutally beaten. Driscoll denies this.

99 posted on 03/09/2002 6:20:24 AM PST by Tennessee_Bob
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To: Tennessee_Bob
I never thought that story was true, but it probably will never go away. In a sense it stands as a symbol of her treason. Her whole mission to Hanoi was the same thing -- kill Americans and support North Vietnamese victory.
100 posted on 03/09/2002 6:40:53 AM PST by T'wit
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