Reserve that addiction until she is nowhere around you. I have seen hundreds of men suffer in-humane treatment for months on end for that brainless iniquity.
Men don't seem to get that we women can get -uhm- 'courted' 10 times before our men can even get a phone number, yet we don't flaunt that by making goo goos at the foxy little studs we're constantly running into.
Heck, maybe we oughta start. Goose and gander sauce and all that.
Here's a better suggestion. By no means allow the female to watch any daytime talk television programs, lest you want to be accused of any and everything under the sun.
There is nothing more fun than coming home from working on jet engines all day, trying to take off your uniform, and having the woman you're married to say "You remind me of this guy I saw on Oprah today and he was doing (insert specific bad thing here)." And then having her mad at you the rest of the week for whatever it was.