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Enron’s Campaign Contributions, 1989-2001- Senate & House
Center For Responsive Politics ^ | January 2002 | N/A

Posted on 01/11/2002 7:20:07 AM PST by angkor

T H E   C E N T E R   F O R   R E S P O N S I V E   P O L I T I C S    T H E   C E N T E R   F O R   R E S P O N S I V E   P O L I T I C S 
Enron Contributions to Current Senators, 1989-2001* Enron Contributions to Current Members of the House of Representatives, 1989-2001*
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  Name Total
Name Total Ken Bentsen (D-Texas) $42,750
Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) $99,500 Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) $38,000
Phil Gramm (R-Texas) $97,350 Joe L. Barton (R-Texas) $28,909
Conrad Burns (R-Mont) $23,200 Tom DeLay (R-Texas) $28,900
Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) $21,933 Martin Frost (D-Texas) $24,250
Michael D. Crapo (R-Idaho) $18,689 Charles W. Stenholm (D-Texas) $14,439
Christopher S. Bond (R-Mo) $18,500 Chet Edwards (D-Texas) $10,000
Gordon Smith (R-Ore) $18,000 Doug Bereuter (R-Neb) $10,000
Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) $14,124 Larry Combest (R-Texas) $9,820
Chuck Hagel (R-Neb) $13,331 John D. Dingell (D-Mich) $9,000
Pete V. Domenici (R-NM) $12,000 Edward J. Markey (D-Mass) $8,500
John B. Breaux (D-La) $11,100 Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore) $8,500
John McCain (R-Ariz) $9,500 Kevin Brady (R-Texas) $8,000
Robert F. Bennett (R-Utah) $8,053 Sam Johnson (R-Texas) $7,750
Pat Roberts (R-Kan) $8,000 Pete Sessions (R-Texas) $7,500
Bob Graham (D-Fla) $8,000 Dennis Hastert (R-Ill) $7,432
John Ensign (R-Nev) $7,500 Henry Bonilla (R-Texas) $7,250
Larry E. Craig (R-Idaho) $7,250 Bill Thomas (R-Calif) $7,000
Don Nickles (R-Okla) $7,000 David Dreier (R-Calif) $7,000
Craig Thomas (R-Wyo) $7,000 E. Clay Shaw Jr (R-Fla) $7,000
Tom Daschle (D-SD) $6,000 Ralph M. Hall (D-Texas) $6,900
Ben Nelson (D-Neb) $6,000 W. J. "Billy" Tauzin (R-La) $6,464
Richard G. Lugar (R-Ind) $5,750 Scott McInnis (R-Colo) $6,250
Kent Conrad (D-ND) $5,650 Michael G. Oxley (R-Ohio) $5,850
Michael B. Enzi (R-Wyo) $4,500 Dick Armey (R-Texas) $5,550
Ron Wyden (D-Ore) $4,000 Rick Boucher (D-Va) $5,332
Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) $4,000 Steve Largent (R-Okla) $5,123
George Allen (R-Va) $3,500 John Culberson (R-Texas) $5,000
Richard C. Shelby (R-Ala) $3,500 Jim McCrery (R-La) $5,000
Byron L. Dorgan (D-ND) $3,500 Barbara Cubin (R-Wyo) $5,000
Ernest F. Hollings (D-SC) $3,500 Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas) $4,850
Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) $3,500 Gene Green (D-Texas) $4,750
Thad Cochran (R-Miss) $3,000 Richard A. Gephardt (D-Mo) $4,750
Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) $3,000 Heather A. Wilson (R-NM) $4,500
Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah) $3,000 John L. Mica (R-Fla) $4,500
Sam Brownback (R-Kan) $2,750 Lee Terry (R-Neb) $4,500
James M. Inhofe (R-Okla) $2,550 Kay Granger (R-Texas) $4,500
James M. Jeffords (I-Vt) $2,500 Michael Bilirakis (R-Fla) $4,400
Mary L. Landrieu (D-La) $2,500 Sonny Callahan (R-Ala) $4,350
Frank H. Murkowski (R-Alaska) $2,500 Lamar Smith (R-Texas) $4,350
Jon L. Kyl (R-Ariz) $2,450 John M. Shimkus (R-Ill) $4,250
Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-Colo) $2,300 Cass Ballenger (R-NC) $4,050
Max Baucus (D-Mont) $2,250 Cal Dooley (D-Calif) $4,000
Peter G. Fitzgerald (R-Ill) $2,038 Nick Lampson (D-Texas) $4,000
John W. Warner (R-Va) $2,000 J. C. Watts Jr (R-Okla) $3,750
Jesse Helms (R-NC) $2,000 Charles W. "Chip" Pickering Jr (R-Miss) $3,750
Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn) $2,000 Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz) $3,700
Trent Lott (R-Miss) $2,000 Jim Nussle (R-Iowa) $3,700
Evan Bayh (D-Ind) $2,000 Jim Turner (D-Texas) $3,500
John D. Rockefeller IV (D-WVa) $2,000 Gary L. Ackerman (D-NY) $3,500
Joseph I. Lieberman (D-Conn) $2,000 Frank Pallone Jr (D-NJ) $3,500
Tim Johnson (D-SD) $1,756 Ed Royce (R-Calif) $3,500
Mike DeWine (R-Ohio) $1,500 Mark Foley (R-Fla) $3,500
Jon Corzine (D-NJ) $1,250 Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) $3,500
Deborah Ann Stabenow (D-Mich) $1,000 Joe Skeen (R-NM) $3,500
Harry Reid (D-Nev) $1,000 Greg Walden (R-Ore) $3,500
Strom Thurmond (R-SC) $1,000 Max Sandlin (D-Texas) $3,000
Robert C. Byrd (D-WVa) $1,000 Jerry Lewis (R-Calif) $3,000
Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) $1,000 Vito J. Fossella (R-NY) $3,000
Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md) $1,000 David R. Obey (D-Wis) $3,000
Judd Gregg (R-NH) $1,000 William M. "Mac" Thornberry (R-Texas) $3,000
Bill Nelson (D-Fla) $1,000 Roy Blunt (R-Mo) $2,500
Wayne Allard (R-Colo) $1,000 Philip M. Crane (R-Ill) $2,500
Robert C. Smith (R-NH) $1,000 Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla) $2,500
Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass) $1,000 Bud Cramer (D-Ala) $2,500
Zell Miller (D-Ga) $1,000 Amo Houghton (R-NY) $2,500
Tim Hutchinson (R-Ark) $1,000 Jennifer Dunn (R-Wash) $2,500
Robert G. Torricelli (D-NJ) $1,000 Mac Collins (R-Ga) $2,500
Jean Carnahan (D-Mo) $1,000 Cliff Stearns (R-Fla) $2,300
Rick Santorum (R-Pa) $1,000 David Wu (D-Ore) $2,250
Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) $950 Wes Watkins (R-Okla) $2,250
Jim Bunning (R-Ky) $769 Frank D. Lucas (R-Okla) $2,000
  Adam Smith (D-Wash) $2,000
 *Based on FEC data downloaded 11/1/01. Benjamin A. Gilman (R-NY) $2,000
Senators not on this list received no Enron contributions. Charles Bass (R-NH) $2,000
Earl Pomeroy (D-ND) $2,000
Robert T. Matsui (D-Calif) $2,000
John Thune (R-SD) $2,000
Chris John (D-La) $2,000
Deborah Pryce (R-Ohio) $2,000
Todd Tiahrt (R-Kan) $2,000
Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) $2,000
Peter Deutsch (D-Fla) $2,000
Greg Ganske (R-Iowa) $2,000
Edward Whitfield (R-Ky) $2,000
Darlene Hooley (D-Ore) $1,950
David L. Hobson (R-Ohio) $1,850
Peter A. DeFazio (D-Ore) $1,750
Don Young (R-Alaska) $1,600
William P. "Bill" Luther (D-Minn) $1,503
Jim Davis (D-Fla) $1,500
Harold Rogers (R-Ky) $1,500
Anthony Weiner (D-NY) $1,500
J. D. Hayworth (R-Ariz) $1,500
Charlie Norwood (R-Ga) $1,500
Jerry Weller (R-Ill) $1,500
George P. Radanovich (R-Calif) $1,500
Ed Bryant (R-Tenn) $1,500
Bart Gordon (D-Tenn) $1,500
Ken Calvert (R-Calif) $1,500
Mark Green (R-Wis) $1,500
C. W. Bill Young (R-Fla) $1,500
Jim Ramstad (R-Minn) $1,350
Jerry Moran (R-Kan) $1,250
Jim Ryun (R-Kan) $1,250
Porter J. Goss (R-Fla) $1,100
Gary A. Condit (D-Calif) $1,041
James L. Oberstar (D-Minn) $1,000
Constance A. Morella (R-Md) $1,000
Solomon P. Ortiz (D-Texas) $1,000
Richard M. Burr (R-NC) $1,000
John Shadegg (R-Ariz) $1,000
James P. Moran (D-Va) $1,000
Thomas M. Davis III (R-Va) $1,000
Nancy L. Johnson (R-Conn) $1,000
J. Randy Forbes (R-Va) $1,000
Howard Coble (R-NC) $1,000
Ric Keller (R-Fla) $1,000
Gil Gutknecht (R-Minn) $1,000
Rod R. Blagojevich (D-Ill) $1,000
Bobby L. Rush (D-Ill) $1,000
Steve Buyer (R-Ind) $1,000
Tim Roemer (D-Ind) $1,000
Roger Wicker (R-Miss) $1,000
James C. Greenwood (R-Pa) $1,000
Patrick J. Tiberi (R-Ohio) $1,000
Anne Northup (R-Ky) $1,000
John P. Murtha (D-Pa) $1,000
Norm Dicks (D-Wash) $1,000
Jo Ann Emerson (R-Mo) $900
Tom Latham (R-Iowa) $800
John E. Sununu (R-NH) $800
Richard H. Baker (R-La) $800
Curt Weldon (R-Pa) $750
Steven C. LaTourette (R-Ohio) $550
David Vitter (R-La) $500
Michael N. Castle (R-Del) $500
Ellen O. Tauscher (D-Calif) $500
Tom Sawyer (D-Ohio) $500
Rick Larsen (D-Wash) $500
Jim McDermott (D-Wash) $500
Melissa A. Hart (R-Pa) $500
Kenny Hulshof (R-Mo) $500
Xavier Becerra (D-Calif) $500
Ciro D. Rodriguez (D-Texas) $500
George Nethercutt (R-Wash) $500
Dan Miller (R-Fla) $500
Donald Manzullo (R-Ill) $500
Tom Petri (R-Wis) $500
Joe Knollenberg (R-Mich) $500
Baron P. Hill (D-Ind) $500
Ted Strickland (D-Ohio) $500
Steve Chabot (R-Ohio) $500
John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) $500
Karen McCarthy (D-Mo) $500
John Tanner (D-Tenn) $500
Dave Weldon (R-Fla) $500
Robert Wexler (D-Fla) $500
Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R-Fla) $500
Mary Bono (R-Calif) $500
Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga) $500
Ron Paul (R-Texas) $500
Nick J. Rahall II (D-WVa) $500
Frank R. Wolf (R-Va) $500
Bob Ney (R-Ohio) $500
Robert Menendez (D-NJ) $500
Cynthia A. McKinney (D-Ga) $500
William J. Jefferson (D-La) $500
Duncan Hunter (R-Calif) $500
Brad Sherman (D-Calif) $500
Jane Harman (D-Calif) $500
Christopher B. Cannon (R-Utah) $500
James V. Hansen (R-Utah) $500
Silvestre Reyes (D-Texas) $500
Edolphus Towns (D-NY) $500
Paul E. Kanjorski (D-Pa) $500
Ernest Istook (R-Okla) $500
Charlie Gonzalez (D-Texas) $500
Joel Hefley (R-Colo) $350
  Peter T. King (R-NY) $300
  Wally Herger (R-Calif) $300
  Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas) $250
  Eric Cantor (R-Va) $250
  Jesse Jackson Jr (D-Ill) $250
  Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif) $250
  Brian Baird (D-Wash) $250
  Albert R. Wynn (D-Md) $125
  *Based on FEC data downloaded 11/1/01.
  Members not on this list received no Enron contributions.

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KEYWORDS: condidit; michaeldobbs
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To: Miss Interpretate

A couple of interesting facts in this scandal are that Enron was the 7th largest public company in America, but not even in the top ten 2000 Presidential campaign donors. Another interesting tidbit is that Enron got favors such as trade delegation trips and power plant deals from the Clinton administration after making $100,000 donations to Clinton and/or the DNC, but received no favors at all from the Bush administration.

I also find it humorous that Democrats whined like spoiled children about Bush being "good" to his energy "buddies" during the 2000 Presidential campaign, yet Bush resolved the California power crisis in a way that left two major energy companies insolvent and Bush refused to bail out Enron from its fraud-induced debacle, either.

Isn't funny how the initial screams of presstitutes and Democrats are always proven later to be complete fabrications?!

101 posted on 01/11/2002 10:24:37 AM PST by Southack
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To: itsinthebag
LOL! The only thing that's in the bag is that we've been sold out by both parties. To the same degree and for the same reasons. They just pontificate with different rhetoric to give us the idea that we really DO have a choice.

Enron and all the rest of the mega-multi-national-trans-national-immoral-loyal-to-none-godless corporate entities, purchase and therefore control the actions of every potential leader from BOTH sides of the aisle, before his name even appears on a ballot.

These 'controllers' are government's silent partners and are our silent rulers. As a simple example: regardless of solemn campaign promises, Ole' read-my-lips raised taxes because he was 'told' to.

So with appropriate promises of 'protection from the top', these heartless corpulent bastards can proceed to rob the devil himself (mortgaging us in the deal) without fear of retribution because they always build in auto-escape-hatches for themselves, for when they're outed or when they've raped until they're sated.

In this case, the suckers are the 401K employees who were enticed/forced to invest in the company and who once again, will take it in the shorts while the top dogs escape with the funds. But by extension, you take it in the shorts, too. With your own support.

But no one's head will roll, because government builds in its own protections too. They are called things called 'national security concerns' and 'plausible deniability' (or I was baking cookies for my daughter). And the dumbed down masses buy into it. And buy into it. And buy into it. Until their purchasing power disappears. Then behold our future. Argentina.

102 posted on 01/11/2002 10:30:48 AM PST by Ridin' Shotgun
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To: Southack
It doesn't matter what numbers are placed before the eyes of MissInterpret. She's using Rat logic.
103 posted on 01/11/2002 10:38:32 AM PST by angkor
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To: Tall_Texan
it's reasonable to assume that the sitting Senator from Missouri was also a recipient.

Ashcroft received soft money from Enron. The Congressional figures herein are "hard money" because they go directly to a candidate. You can use the link just under the main headline to look for the soft money figures.

Like you and everyone here - except of course the profoundly stupid MissInterpret - Ashcroft is clearly doing the ethical thing by recusing himself.

Now, when will Daschle, Hitlery, Gephardt, Dingle, and the other Rats - all recipients of Enron largesse - make their declarations of recusal?

It'll be interesting to see how quickly this issue is swept under the Senatorial carpet. But there certainly will not be any "Congressional investigation."

104 posted on 01/11/2002 10:45:25 AM PST by angkor
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To: angkor
Thanks - would be good to add these amounts to the table that shows the direct contributions to politicians.
105 posted on 01/11/2002 10:48:56 AM PST by Freedom'sWorthIt
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To: Freedom'sWorthIt
The soft money figures aren't all that interesting or transparent. Just a ton of repeated contributions to the RNC and DNC. You don't really know what happens to the money after that, since both are simply huge slush funds.
106 posted on 01/11/2002 11:07:39 AM PST by angkor
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To: angkor
Just about the same to both parties.
Does anyone think maybe this Enron thing is making news against Bush because of the Clinton/Lewinski report out today? I reciently heard about this report comming out. I wonder what it says. I wonder if the press will talk about that, too.
It wouldn't hurt to remind the voters of Monicagate right now.
107 posted on 01/11/2002 11:08:15 AM PST by concerned about politics
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To: angkor
Click at this Henry Waxman Enron Tip Site to 'help' him find the Enron 'criminals'

Narc on a Dem site

108 posted on 01/11/2002 11:10:35 AM PST by finnman69
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To: finnman69
I sent this:

Recipients of Enron largesse:

Ken Bentsen (D-Texas) $42,750
Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) $38,000
Martin Frost (D-Texas) $24,250
Charles W. Stenholm (D-Texas) $14,439
Chet Edwards (D-Texas) $10,000
John D. Dingell (D-Mich) $9,000
Edward J. Markey (D-Mass) $8,500

And they said:

"Thank you for contributing to the work of the Committee on Government Reform - Minority Office."

"Updates on this investigation will be posted on this website. Please check back often."

109 posted on 01/11/2002 11:19:44 AM PST by angkor
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To: angkor
But the timing of the soft money donation - the one made AFTER the Bush team told Enron NO BAIL OUT - is HUGE!
110 posted on 01/11/2002 11:25:31 AM PST by Freedom'sWorthIt
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To: angkor
Do you know if Gov. Gray-out Davis (D-CA) received campaign contributions from Enron?
111 posted on 01/11/2002 6:28:23 PM PST by harpo11
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To: princess leah
"we know you're going belly up...contribute to our cause and we'll nail Bush"

Exactly my thought just from casual observation. Boies and Bennett being involved, however, cement that factoid.

This is so clear - it is mindboggling - but the Dxxx Dems have nothing else to use against President Bush - except for economic hardships THEY ARE CAUSING by their refusal to cut taxes and by yammering on about ending the tax cuts passed last year!

Hillary is nothing if not a pure communist.

112 posted on 01/11/2002 8:00:11 PM PST by Freedom'sWorthIt
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To: GSWarrior
Is there really a senator from Idaho named Crapo?

Yes. He is most famous for inventing the low-flush toilet.

113 posted on 01/12/2002 4:13:14 PM PST by snopercod
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Comment #114 Removed by Moderator

To: Phantom Lord
Self Bump
115 posted on 01/16/2002 7:40:51 AM PST by Phantom Lord
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