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Enron’s Campaign Contributions, 1989-2001- Senate & House
Center For Responsive Politics ^ | January 2002 | N/A

Posted on 01/11/2002 7:20:07 AM PST by angkor

T H E   C E N T E R   F O R   R E S P O N S I V E   P O L I T I C S    T H E   C E N T E R   F O R   R E S P O N S I V E   P O L I T I C S 
Enron Contributions to Current Senators, 1989-2001* Enron Contributions to Current Members of the House of Representatives, 1989-2001*
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  Name Total
Name Total Ken Bentsen (D-Texas) $42,750
Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) $99,500 Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) $38,000
Phil Gramm (R-Texas) $97,350 Joe L. Barton (R-Texas) $28,909
Conrad Burns (R-Mont) $23,200 Tom DeLay (R-Texas) $28,900
Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) $21,933 Martin Frost (D-Texas) $24,250
Michael D. Crapo (R-Idaho) $18,689 Charles W. Stenholm (D-Texas) $14,439
Christopher S. Bond (R-Mo) $18,500 Chet Edwards (D-Texas) $10,000
Gordon Smith (R-Ore) $18,000 Doug Bereuter (R-Neb) $10,000
Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) $14,124 Larry Combest (R-Texas) $9,820
Chuck Hagel (R-Neb) $13,331 John D. Dingell (D-Mich) $9,000
Pete V. Domenici (R-NM) $12,000 Edward J. Markey (D-Mass) $8,500
John B. Breaux (D-La) $11,100 Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore) $8,500
John McCain (R-Ariz) $9,500 Kevin Brady (R-Texas) $8,000
Robert F. Bennett (R-Utah) $8,053 Sam Johnson (R-Texas) $7,750
Pat Roberts (R-Kan) $8,000 Pete Sessions (R-Texas) $7,500
Bob Graham (D-Fla) $8,000 Dennis Hastert (R-Ill) $7,432
John Ensign (R-Nev) $7,500 Henry Bonilla (R-Texas) $7,250
Larry E. Craig (R-Idaho) $7,250 Bill Thomas (R-Calif) $7,000
Don Nickles (R-Okla) $7,000 David Dreier (R-Calif) $7,000
Craig Thomas (R-Wyo) $7,000 E. Clay Shaw Jr (R-Fla) $7,000
Tom Daschle (D-SD) $6,000 Ralph M. Hall (D-Texas) $6,900
Ben Nelson (D-Neb) $6,000 W. J. "Billy" Tauzin (R-La) $6,464
Richard G. Lugar (R-Ind) $5,750 Scott McInnis (R-Colo) $6,250
Kent Conrad (D-ND) $5,650 Michael G. Oxley (R-Ohio) $5,850
Michael B. Enzi (R-Wyo) $4,500 Dick Armey (R-Texas) $5,550
Ron Wyden (D-Ore) $4,000 Rick Boucher (D-Va) $5,332
Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) $4,000 Steve Largent (R-Okla) $5,123
George Allen (R-Va) $3,500 John Culberson (R-Texas) $5,000
Richard C. Shelby (R-Ala) $3,500 Jim McCrery (R-La) $5,000
Byron L. Dorgan (D-ND) $3,500 Barbara Cubin (R-Wyo) $5,000
Ernest F. Hollings (D-SC) $3,500 Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas) $4,850
Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) $3,500 Gene Green (D-Texas) $4,750
Thad Cochran (R-Miss) $3,000 Richard A. Gephardt (D-Mo) $4,750
Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) $3,000 Heather A. Wilson (R-NM) $4,500
Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah) $3,000 John L. Mica (R-Fla) $4,500
Sam Brownback (R-Kan) $2,750 Lee Terry (R-Neb) $4,500
James M. Inhofe (R-Okla) $2,550 Kay Granger (R-Texas) $4,500
James M. Jeffords (I-Vt) $2,500 Michael Bilirakis (R-Fla) $4,400
Mary L. Landrieu (D-La) $2,500 Sonny Callahan (R-Ala) $4,350
Frank H. Murkowski (R-Alaska) $2,500 Lamar Smith (R-Texas) $4,350
Jon L. Kyl (R-Ariz) $2,450 John M. Shimkus (R-Ill) $4,250
Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-Colo) $2,300 Cass Ballenger (R-NC) $4,050
Max Baucus (D-Mont) $2,250 Cal Dooley (D-Calif) $4,000
Peter G. Fitzgerald (R-Ill) $2,038 Nick Lampson (D-Texas) $4,000
John W. Warner (R-Va) $2,000 J. C. Watts Jr (R-Okla) $3,750
Jesse Helms (R-NC) $2,000 Charles W. "Chip" Pickering Jr (R-Miss) $3,750
Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn) $2,000 Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz) $3,700
Trent Lott (R-Miss) $2,000 Jim Nussle (R-Iowa) $3,700
Evan Bayh (D-Ind) $2,000 Jim Turner (D-Texas) $3,500
John D. Rockefeller IV (D-WVa) $2,000 Gary L. Ackerman (D-NY) $3,500
Joseph I. Lieberman (D-Conn) $2,000 Frank Pallone Jr (D-NJ) $3,500
Tim Johnson (D-SD) $1,756 Ed Royce (R-Calif) $3,500
Mike DeWine (R-Ohio) $1,500 Mark Foley (R-Fla) $3,500
Jon Corzine (D-NJ) $1,250 Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) $3,500
Deborah Ann Stabenow (D-Mich) $1,000 Joe Skeen (R-NM) $3,500
Harry Reid (D-Nev) $1,000 Greg Walden (R-Ore) $3,500
Strom Thurmond (R-SC) $1,000 Max Sandlin (D-Texas) $3,000
Robert C. Byrd (D-WVa) $1,000 Jerry Lewis (R-Calif) $3,000
Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) $1,000 Vito J. Fossella (R-NY) $3,000
Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md) $1,000 David R. Obey (D-Wis) $3,000
Judd Gregg (R-NH) $1,000 William M. "Mac" Thornberry (R-Texas) $3,000
Bill Nelson (D-Fla) $1,000 Roy Blunt (R-Mo) $2,500
Wayne Allard (R-Colo) $1,000 Philip M. Crane (R-Ill) $2,500
Robert C. Smith (R-NH) $1,000 Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla) $2,500
Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass) $1,000 Bud Cramer (D-Ala) $2,500
Zell Miller (D-Ga) $1,000 Amo Houghton (R-NY) $2,500
Tim Hutchinson (R-Ark) $1,000 Jennifer Dunn (R-Wash) $2,500
Robert G. Torricelli (D-NJ) $1,000 Mac Collins (R-Ga) $2,500
Jean Carnahan (D-Mo) $1,000 Cliff Stearns (R-Fla) $2,300
Rick Santorum (R-Pa) $1,000 David Wu (D-Ore) $2,250
Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) $950 Wes Watkins (R-Okla) $2,250
Jim Bunning (R-Ky) $769 Frank D. Lucas (R-Okla) $2,000
  Adam Smith (D-Wash) $2,000
 *Based on FEC data downloaded 11/1/01. Benjamin A. Gilman (R-NY) $2,000
Senators not on this list received no Enron contributions. Charles Bass (R-NH) $2,000
Earl Pomeroy (D-ND) $2,000
Robert T. Matsui (D-Calif) $2,000
John Thune (R-SD) $2,000
Chris John (D-La) $2,000
Deborah Pryce (R-Ohio) $2,000
Todd Tiahrt (R-Kan) $2,000
Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) $2,000
Peter Deutsch (D-Fla) $2,000
Greg Ganske (R-Iowa) $2,000
Edward Whitfield (R-Ky) $2,000
Darlene Hooley (D-Ore) $1,950
David L. Hobson (R-Ohio) $1,850
Peter A. DeFazio (D-Ore) $1,750
Don Young (R-Alaska) $1,600
William P. "Bill" Luther (D-Minn) $1,503
Jim Davis (D-Fla) $1,500
Harold Rogers (R-Ky) $1,500
Anthony Weiner (D-NY) $1,500
J. D. Hayworth (R-Ariz) $1,500
Charlie Norwood (R-Ga) $1,500
Jerry Weller (R-Ill) $1,500
George P. Radanovich (R-Calif) $1,500
Ed Bryant (R-Tenn) $1,500
Bart Gordon (D-Tenn) $1,500
Ken Calvert (R-Calif) $1,500
Mark Green (R-Wis) $1,500
C. W. Bill Young (R-Fla) $1,500
Jim Ramstad (R-Minn) $1,350
Jerry Moran (R-Kan) $1,250
Jim Ryun (R-Kan) $1,250
Porter J. Goss (R-Fla) $1,100
Gary A. Condit (D-Calif) $1,041
James L. Oberstar (D-Minn) $1,000
Constance A. Morella (R-Md) $1,000
Solomon P. Ortiz (D-Texas) $1,000
Richard M. Burr (R-NC) $1,000
John Shadegg (R-Ariz) $1,000
James P. Moran (D-Va) $1,000
Thomas M. Davis III (R-Va) $1,000
Nancy L. Johnson (R-Conn) $1,000
J. Randy Forbes (R-Va) $1,000
Howard Coble (R-NC) $1,000
Ric Keller (R-Fla) $1,000
Gil Gutknecht (R-Minn) $1,000
Rod R. Blagojevich (D-Ill) $1,000
Bobby L. Rush (D-Ill) $1,000
Steve Buyer (R-Ind) $1,000
Tim Roemer (D-Ind) $1,000
Roger Wicker (R-Miss) $1,000
James C. Greenwood (R-Pa) $1,000
Patrick J. Tiberi (R-Ohio) $1,000
Anne Northup (R-Ky) $1,000
John P. Murtha (D-Pa) $1,000
Norm Dicks (D-Wash) $1,000
Jo Ann Emerson (R-Mo) $900
Tom Latham (R-Iowa) $800
John E. Sununu (R-NH) $800
Richard H. Baker (R-La) $800
Curt Weldon (R-Pa) $750
Steven C. LaTourette (R-Ohio) $550
David Vitter (R-La) $500
Michael N. Castle (R-Del) $500
Ellen O. Tauscher (D-Calif) $500
Tom Sawyer (D-Ohio) $500
Rick Larsen (D-Wash) $500
Jim McDermott (D-Wash) $500
Melissa A. Hart (R-Pa) $500
Kenny Hulshof (R-Mo) $500
Xavier Becerra (D-Calif) $500
Ciro D. Rodriguez (D-Texas) $500
George Nethercutt (R-Wash) $500
Dan Miller (R-Fla) $500
Donald Manzullo (R-Ill) $500
Tom Petri (R-Wis) $500
Joe Knollenberg (R-Mich) $500
Baron P. Hill (D-Ind) $500
Ted Strickland (D-Ohio) $500
Steve Chabot (R-Ohio) $500
John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) $500
Karen McCarthy (D-Mo) $500
John Tanner (D-Tenn) $500
Dave Weldon (R-Fla) $500
Robert Wexler (D-Fla) $500
Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R-Fla) $500
Mary Bono (R-Calif) $500
Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga) $500
Ron Paul (R-Texas) $500
Nick J. Rahall II (D-WVa) $500
Frank R. Wolf (R-Va) $500
Bob Ney (R-Ohio) $500
Robert Menendez (D-NJ) $500
Cynthia A. McKinney (D-Ga) $500
William J. Jefferson (D-La) $500
Duncan Hunter (R-Calif) $500
Brad Sherman (D-Calif) $500
Jane Harman (D-Calif) $500
Christopher B. Cannon (R-Utah) $500
James V. Hansen (R-Utah) $500
Silvestre Reyes (D-Texas) $500
Edolphus Towns (D-NY) $500
Paul E. Kanjorski (D-Pa) $500
Ernest Istook (R-Okla) $500
Charlie Gonzalez (D-Texas) $500
Joel Hefley (R-Colo) $350
  Peter T. King (R-NY) $300
  Wally Herger (R-Calif) $300
  Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas) $250
  Eric Cantor (R-Va) $250
  Jesse Jackson Jr (D-Ill) $250
  Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif) $250
  Brian Baird (D-Wash) $250
  Albert R. Wynn (D-Md) $125
  *Based on FEC data downloaded 11/1/01.
  Members not on this list received no Enron contributions.

TOPICS: Miscellaneous; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: condidit; michaeldobbs
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To: Miss Interpretate

Hey that was funny the first 980 times somebody came up with that zinger. You can call me names, if you like. You’re not very good at it though.

Conveniently, the statute has expired.

Its demise was trumpted by the liberal media and the Democratic party as the most wonderful event since Ellen came out. I would welcome one now, as all criminality signs point to Clinton, Gore, and Ron Brown.

Mr. Reno never appointed a special prosecuter regarding campaign finance crimes, espionage, technology transfers, etc. His failure was in direct conflict with the independent prosecuter law. Janet Reno was a criminal, like his boss.

81 posted on 01/11/2002 9:10:41 AM PST by dead
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To: backup
You can also assume Enron, unlike the average Freeper, had the insight to know there is no difference between the two parties.

It would appear in the case of Enron, you are very, very correct.

82 posted on 01/11/2002 9:13:59 AM PST by Fury
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To: Miss Interpretate
"In fact, we had several special prosecutors investigating Clinton officials, most of which came up empty--but not after wasting millions more of taxpayers' money, and ruining the lives of many innocent people.

What innocent people?

And as far as wasting millions of taxpayers' money, Klintoon and his beastly wife did that for 8 years. By the way, they left the White House as millionaires, something they WERE NOT when they came in.

83 posted on 01/11/2002 9:14:59 AM PST by itsinthebag
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To: backup
Just heard that Clinton's Chief of Staff, Mac McLarty (sp?) was a lobbyist for Enron and that Ken Lay spent some time in the Lincoln Bedroom during the Clinton Administration. So, you are indeed correct on this - Enron knew who to contribute to - EVERYONE! LOL...
84 posted on 01/11/2002 9:19:21 AM PST by Fury
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To: dead
"Mr. Reno never appointed a special prosecuter regarding campaign finance crimes, espionage, technology transfers, etc. His failure was in direct conflict with the independent prosecuter law. Janet Reno was a criminal, like his boss.

LOL!! Toooooooo funny!

85 posted on 01/11/2002 9:20:47 AM PST by itsinthebag
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To: Miss Interpretate
You really DO need to go on more than one thread on FR:

Enron gave 667,000 dollars to Democrats in the last election cycle.


-Lloyd Bensten, Clintons first treasury secretary was a recipient of Enrons largesse. At the time of his campaign for Senate, he received the second largest donation from Enron according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

-Robert Rubin, Benstens successor, was involved with Enron while he worked as an investment banker Goldman & Sachs. Clinton first hired Rubin to head his National Economic Council. Soon afterwards, Rubin wrote on Goldman Sachs stationery to former clients, including Enron, in which he ''looked forward to continuing to work with you in my new capacity.''

-In Aug. 1993, McLarty arranged an invitation for Lay to play golf with Clinton in Vail, Colorado. This date irritated Oscar White, chief executive of Coastal, another natural gas company that had helped the Clinton election campaign raise funding. These connections to the Democratic administration have helped Enron considerably -Ken Silverstein Counterpunch

-Clinton officials publicly helped Enron win the contract in India as well as in Indonesia. Enron had received U.S. government funds to build power plants in China, the Philippines and Turkey. Enron also won contracts in Pakistan and Russia while accompanying senior U.S. government officials on state trips. In June 1996, four days before India granted final approval to Enron's project, Lay's company gave $100,000 to the DNC.

-According to the Houston Chronicle, Enron got permission to build a pipeline from Mozambique to South Africa after National Security Adviser Anthony Lake threatened to withhold aid to Mozambique if it didnt approve the project.

-The bulk of Enron's alleged chicanery had to have happened during the Clinton administration.

- Lee. P Brown (D) of Houston received $250,000 just before Enron filed Chapter 11. Enron campaigned against the conservative candidate for mayor.

-Kenneth Lay hired the firm of Clinton's former chief of staff Mack McLarty.

-The Center for Responsive Politics lists Democratic Senators Chuck Schumer of New York, John Breaux of Louisiana, and Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico--chair of the Senate Energy Committee--among the top beneficiaries of Enron's political donations

-Kenneth Lay retained as his top D.C. lobbyist Linda Robertson, a Democrat who worked for the Clinton Treasury Department.

-Dynegy greased Henry Waxman's palms with thousands of dollars.

-Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee received three checks from the Houston-based energy and trading giant totaling $100,000. Karen Denne, an Enron spokeswoman, said the company had a record of two checks written to the committee -- dated Sept. 24 and Nov. 2

- No. 20 on the Enron money list since 1989 is the Senate's leading Democrat, Tom Daschle of South Dakota.

-Enron was apparently a big backer of the Kyoto Treaty .

86 posted on 01/11/2002 9:22:22 AM PST by Howlin
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To: itsinthebag
Reno ran interference for the Klintoon criminal mob machine.

Only things that ever change are the faces. Now its Mr. Bush who is running interference for the Klintoon criminal mob machine with more unlawful EOs.

Like your screen name ... its in the (bloody, booty) bag.

87 posted on 01/11/2002 9:25:11 AM PST by Ridin' Shotgun
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To: Miss Interpretate
"History was repeated once again in the case when the Clinton officials publicly helped Enron push contracts in India as well as in Indonesia. Most of these contracts were directly negotiated, without any competitive bidding.

In the last two years, Enron has received the US government funds to build power plants in China, the Philippines and Turkey. Enron also won contracts in Pakistan and Russia while accompanying senior US government officials on state trips.

Favours have not come cheap. Enron Corp has spent a sum in excess of $ 1.6 million for lobbying expenditure. This is based on data complied in 1998 by the Center for Responsive Politics, using lobby disclosure reports and amendments filed under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995.

88 posted on 01/11/2002 9:25:49 AM PST by Howlin
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To: Miss Interpretate
BACKSTORY: Clinton-Gore, Ron Brown, Lippo, PLA (Enron's path to success)
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review | Sunday Dec. 9, 2001 | DC-based British journalist and political observer

Posted on 1/10/02 5:30 PM Eastern by Liz

WASHINGTON - "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall." SNIP---

Enron had the best brains that money could buy, but gave the word "ethics" a whole new meaning. The cowboys of Dumpty Enron talked up a storm about ethics; but only a few at the top realized that "ethics" was an acronym for "Enron thinks how income can (be) stolen."

That's a stretch; but look at their 1994 sales team - Clinton, Gore and the late Ron Brown - a trio unlimited and uncontrolled in their cunning and greed.

In what seems to be eons ago, before Gov. Bill Clinton became president, the late, much loved and little lamented Ron Brown was Clinton's good friend and a power broker in the National Democratic Party. Ron Brown had a friend, a congressman from Houston, the late Mickey Leland, who died in 1989. Until his passing, Leland was a shining light in the Congressional Black Caucus and a dedicated socialist, who was one of the Institute for Policy Studies' delights.

From 1984, when Enron was conceived, Brown and Leland were there snapping up unconsidered trifles of money for use in their campaigns against the free market. Mickey was able to ease a lot of Enron's early problems through the Houston City Council by playing his "equal opportunity card." He had also become an African expert who initially took the Enron message to that continent, a chore that was taken on by Ron Brown, Clinton's secretary of commerce, before the latter met his untimely death in a highly controversial plane crash in Croatia. (Untimely, because had Secretary Brown lived, he would have faced multiple criminal indictments that could have precipitated an even earlier fall for Bill Clinton and his gang.)

Now we get to that old puzzle about chickens and eggs, and what came first! Ron Brown, Al Gore and Bill Clinton introduced Enron to market managers in Russia, China, Indonesia and India. In India, Enron quickly became involved in one of that country's most massive corruption investigations, contracts were canceled and Enron was out.

On the other hand, Enron introduced the Clinton team to Lippo Industries and thence to China's People's Liberation Army (a wonderful source of political cash), to John Huang, another good provider and to nameless, numberless Arabs who never arrived with empty pockets. If we look at a list of those attending coffee klatches at the White House, we can learn why a storm of doubtful deals enabled Enron to quickly control one-quarter of the world's electricity and natural gas. But, that wasn't enough. The ever-so-greedy Dumpty moved in to water deals in Massachusetts and Europe, paper mills in Canada, gas pipe lines throughout the world, fiber optics, television, mutual funds and information gathering. In turn, that led to risk analysis, a name that those clever Texans quickly changed to "reward realization!"

The rewards were good! Enron, with sales assistance from Tony Lake, then Clinton's national security adviser, persuaded the impoverished, war-torn country of Mozambique to sign a $770 million electric power contract. Mozambique signed because Tony's salesmanship was persuasive. If the Mozambicans didn't sign, he indicated that their congressionally approved $44 million U.S. aid payment would never be made.

And there was the Croatian caper. In the days when Franjo Tudjman was Croatia's dictator and pretending to be both a reformed communist and best friend of America in the Balkans, poor Franjo had a problem. He and some of his very best friends were wanted as war criminals by the Hague's International Court of Justice. Enron wanted a power contract with Croatia. Enron offered a deal to Tudjman. Sign up with us and we will use our gang in Washington to make sure you and your friends don't go to jail.

Tudjman signed. Enron made a heap of money. Nobody went to jail. Everyone was happy - until Tudjman died of cancer. Then the lid was off, his Croatian Democratic Union was defeated and the new boys in power in Zagreb could not believe how much of their budget went to pay the electricity bills from Enron.

Somebody - probably another Dr. Spock child eager to tell on his peers - prattled! Under quiet pressure from the Croats, another deal was made and a couple of guys were charged as war criminals. Electricity costs went down (but not to the consumers) and as a part of the deal nobody talked, except about the wonderful vacations that they were enjoying in the Caribbean.

This could be called a "cautionary tale." There are two cautions. The first: Beware of the Spock babies now that they are nearing retirement and losing whatever sense they had. The second: Investigators all, beware, as you look into the depths and shallows of Enron you may, if you are truly unlucky, find the truth. And, if you do, these truths won't make you free, just well informed.

"Dateline D.C." is written by a Washington, D.C.-based British journalist and political observer.

89 posted on 01/11/2002 9:27:32 AM PST by Howlin
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To: Miss Interpretate
Wants some more? We've got it.
90 posted on 01/11/2002 9:27:51 AM PST by Howlin
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To: Miss Interpretate
Hi - You're a liar.

ENRON gave Clinton 100,000.00 ... and he gave them a couple billion dollar job (and a few Ron Brown plane flights) in India. Not a bad return-on-investment.

Boeing bought the Clinton White for a couple hundred thousand dollar (the going rate - so did Sun and Oracle when they "bought" the Microsoft lawsuit by paying for Clinton re-election....and the trial Lawyers when HTEY wined and dined Clinton ....) Clinton jumped promptly per Boeing request and got his buddies the Chinese to buy a few jets.

ENRON supposedly "bought" the White House for Bush (only in the minds of your media liars) .... Planned Parenthood gave 18 million to the Clintons in return for buying their support for abortions!)

Now, what did Bush's White House do when ENRON went whining for a bailout ... like Chrysler, McDonnel-Douglas, or the UAW in times past?

BUSH TURNED ENRON DOWN! No bailout ... He demanded an investigation.

91 posted on 01/11/2002 9:31:51 AM PST by Robert A Cook PE
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To: Ridin' Shotgun
"Only things that ever change are the faces. Now its Mr. Bush who is running interference for the Klintoon criminal mob machine with more unlawful EOs.

You may be right. Though I voted for and do like our President, there are many things that he has done that I don't agree with. However, I would vote for him again and again and again.

Like your screen name ... its in the (bloody, booty) bag.

Thank you. When I signed up on FR during last year's election, I was so confident that Bush would win the presidency that I told friends and family not to worry because "itsinthebag".

92 posted on 01/11/2002 9:34:09 AM PST by itsinthebag
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To: dead
Providing services in return for those donations (Like the Clinton Administration did when they took $100,000 from Enron to grease the skids for a $3 billion power-plant project in India) is illegal.

Yet another Clinton scandal is bubbling up to the surface.

That's right and Ron Brown was the one who negotiated that India power plant payoff. Like I keep saying, Ron Brown was at or near the center of most of the campaign finance scandals of the Clintons and DNC ... and when he threatened to reveal all their illegal activities in court in exchange for leniency for the crimes Pearson was about to indict him for, someone murdered him. Exhume and autopsy Brown's body and you'll probably find a bullet wound ... just like ALL the pathologists in the case now suspect. Now THAT would turn the Enron matter back on the democRATS, wouldn't it?

93 posted on 01/11/2002 9:42:24 AM PST by BeAChooser
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To: Miss Interpretate

On Nov. 22, 1995 President Clinton scrawled an FYI note to chief of staff Mack McLarty, enclosing a newspaper article on Enron Corp. and the vicissitudes of its $3 billion power-plant project in India.

McLarty then reached out to Enron's chairman, Ken Lay, and over the next nine months closely monitored the project with the U.S. ambassador to New Delhi, keeping Lay informed of the Administration's efforts, according to White House documents reviewed by TIME magazine.

In June 1996, four days before India granted final approval to Enron's controversial $3 billion power-plant project, Enron's gave $100,000 to President Clinton's party.

Enron denies that its gift was repayment for Clinton's attention, and White House special counsel Lanny Davis says McLarty acted out of concern for a major U.S. investment overseas, TIME's Michael Weisskopf reported.


DRUDGE NOTE: McLarty was later hired by Enron. Lay also played golf with President Bill Clinton and slept in the Clinton White House. A master of political manipulation of both parties, Lay served as an adviser to the Clinton White House on energy issues. The Clinton administration, in turn, helped Enron get a contract for a gas pipeline in Mozambique and other projects, according to reports.

A bit more involved than just 'playing golf'

So far all Enron has done is call members of the Bush Administration (and been told to go away). But then the Left is so corrupt that they just can't believe that anyone would be able to say no to a bribe since the Left can't.

94 posted on 01/11/2002 9:45:43 AM PST by jimkress
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To: Miss Interpretate
I understand the fact that some people will lie,lie,lie, & admit nothing (ie.Bill Clinton) . Just because someone recused them self from any investigation doesn't mean they are throwing their hands up because they have been proven guilty. Quite the contrary, it could mean that person understands that he/she has a personal stake in the matter and wants to erase any real or perceived biases that may exist.
A new word for our vocabulary:
95 posted on 01/11/2002 10:04:38 AM PST by usastandsunited
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To: Miss Interpretate
"Do you question the fact that enron was bush's biggest campaign contributor?"


Top Contributors (2000)

MBNA Corp $240,675
Vinson & Elkins $202,850
Credit Suisse First Boston $191,400
Ernst & Young $179,949
Andersen Worldwide $145,650
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co $144,900
Merrill Lynch $132,425
PricewaterhouseCoopers $127,798
Baker & Botts $116,121
Citigroup Inc $114,300
Goldman Sachs Group $113,999
Enron Corp $113,800
Bank of America $112,500
KPMG LLP $107,744
Jenkens & Gilchrist $105,450
Enterprise Rent-A-Car $97,498
State of Texas $87,254
American General Corp $84,134
Deloitte & Touche $81,600

METHODOLOGY: The organizations listed here came from two sources: either they were the sponsor of a PAC that donated to the member, or they were listed as individual donor's employer. Donors who give more than $200 must provide information on their occupation and employer.

In cases where two or more people from the same family contributed, the income-earner's occupation/employer is assigned to all family members. If, for instance, Henry Jones lists his employer as First National Bank, his wife Matilda lists "Homemaker" and 12-year old Tammy shows up as "Student," the Center would identify all their contributions as being related to the "First National Bank" since that's the source of the family's income.

NOTE: All the numbers on this page are for the 1999-2000 election cycle and based on Federal Election Commission data released on October 1, 2001. Feel free to distribute or cite this material, but please credit the Center for Responsive Politics. Help! The numbers don't add up...")

96 posted on 01/11/2002 10:07:09 AM PST by Southack
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To: Miss Interpretate
**John Ashcroft had to recuse himself from the investigation! Do you question this fact? That doesn't seem suspicious to you?**

Not at all. Given the fact that Enron was obviously lining the pockets of over half of Congress, it's reasonable to assume that the sitting Senator from Missouri was also a recipient. The Widow Carnahan shows up on this list too so clearly they were playing both sides.

All this proves to me is that Ashcroft has more ethics in his left nut than Janet Reno had in her whole shaking body.

Really, Miss Intemporate, if you're going to hurl garbage at this level, you're not going to last long - AGAIN.

97 posted on 01/11/2002 10:11:51 AM PST by Tall_Texan
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To: deport
Priceless!........mail it to Rush or Fox or Donaldson!
98 posted on 01/11/2002 10:13:54 AM PST by SemperFidelis
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To: Miss Interpretate
We had a special prosecutor who spent several years and millions of dollars investigating every "scandal" that conservatives told him to investigate--no matter how un-related to whitewater. The best you could come up with was consentual sex between adults.

I suspect Starr was controlled by the Clintons ... after all, he was #2 man (after Fiske) on the list of special prosecutor candidates suggested by Clinton. He kept the focus on SEX while at the same time ignoring or covering up numerous crimes in Filegate and the death of Foster.

Did you know that YEARS after Filegate ... YEARS after Starr told the public that the files were illegal for the Whitehouse to have ... YEARS after Starr told the public that the files had been returned ... YEARS later, Ray admitted that the files were STILL in the Whitehouse under Clinton's control? The fact is that Starr allowed those ILLEGAL files to remain in the hands of the Clintons so they could be used to BLACKMAIL both Republican and Democrats when need be. Thanks to Starr we STILL don't know how many files were taken and we STILL don't know whether the material on those files is STILL ILLEGALLY on DNC databases.

Did you know that Starr NEVER responded to the questions Barr asked him about the Foster investigation? Starr told the public that his investigators ALL agreed it was a suicide but NOW we know that isn't true. Starr FABRICATED an oven mitt in the car of Foster to explain why the gun had no fingerprints on it. Starr simply IGNORED all the other questions (HUNDREDS) that were asked about the evidence in the crime. Visit FBI-COVERUP.COM and see for yourself why Starr was ANYTHING but an HONEST investigator.

Furthermore, Starr did NOT investigate many other serious allegations against Clinton and the DNC. There was NO investigation of the suspicious death of Ron Brown. Do you think the Monica revelation just "happened" at the same moment MILITARY whistleblowers revealed suspicious facts about the death of Ron Brown? Is is just coincidence that the Starr investigation was about wind down when Monica became known? Or was it because they needed something to keep the black community and certain journalists from focusing the nation's eyes (as they were starting to do) on the military pathologists who were saying that Ron Brown appeared to have a bullet wound in his head and should have been autopsied? I think the truth is that STARR "discovered" Monica to keep the public eye focused on the "dress" to keep the public from asking questions about Ron Brown. Clinton knew that he could beat the Monica charge in the press and Congress. He knew that if the Brown investigation expanded he'd be facing a court of law. So he chose the lessor of two evils.

Also, Chinagate was NOT an issue at all in impeachment ... although it should have been. Emailgate has YET to be explored with any HONEST investigation (save Judicial Watch's). So your statement that its all been investigated is demonstrably UNTRUE. Go read the Judicial Watch submittal during the impeachment which gives a hint at the true scope of Clinton's crimes.

And, finally, the impeachment was not about CONSENSUAL SEX, it was about LYING UNDER OATH IN A SEXUAL HARASSMENT CASE. It was about OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE. It was about INTIMIDATION OF WITNESSES. And guess what, even if the democRATS in the Senate saw fit to VIOLATE the oath they took and give Clinton a pass (some of them, like Byrd, even stated publically that Clinton did what was charged and what was charged WAS impeachable but STILL they voted NOT GUILTY), the courts STILL found Clinton GUILTY AS CHARGED ... that's one reason he lost his law license.

Now whether Bush and company are covering up something, I haven't yet decided. I'm skeptical but open minded. But don't you try to rewrite history regarding Clinton. He was one of the most despicable President's in History and he was surrounded by equally despicable sycophants. Bush and his people TOWER over Clinton and his.

99 posted on 01/11/2002 10:19:58 AM PST by BeAChooser
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To: dead
**Janet Reno was a criminal, like his boss.**

Pssst. Your Freudian slip is showing.

100 posted on 01/11/2002 10:21:53 AM PST by Tall_Texan
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