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Enron-White House Dealings Probed

1 posted on 01/11/2002 5:44:42 AM PST by MeekOneGOP
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To: MeeknMing
yadda yadda what did Bush do wrong? He won the election.
2 posted on 01/11/2002 5:50:21 AM PST by linn37
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To: MeeknMing

And they say character doesn't count

The decision by the U.S. Department of Justice to set up a special task force to spearhead a criminal probe of the circumstances surrounding the sudden collapse of Enron Corp. should come to no one's surprise.

After all, this isn't the Reno/Clinton DOJ anymore.

Recall the myriad stunts the Clinton White House would roguishly pull to frustrate, stonewall, impede or choke-off legitimate inquiries into Whitewater, Chinagate, Travelgate, Filegate, impeachment, etc. Indeed, in the Tyson Food case alone, tallying up the number of roadblocks and backroom maneuvers to bottleneck the work of Independent Counsel Donald Smaltz could easily fill the Clinton library -- and then some.

Moreover, the department's decision to plumb the depths of the looting and fraud -- the mammoth shellgame -- which led this erstwhile energy trading colossus, whose stock once traded at $90/share, straight into bankruptcy court last December has wider implications, beyond the prosecutorial.

The Justice Department, by taking this unprecedented step, steals the thunder right from under the partisan Bush-haters on Capitol Hill. U.S. Senators Carl Levin (D-Mich) and Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn) -- the latter mulling a run for the White House in '04 -- had planned to launch a lavish fishing expedition, featuring highfalutin, made-for-TV, dog-n-pony 'show-trial' "hearings", all in the "noble" pursuit of trafficking in innuendo, in the hopes of inflicting maximum damage on the Bush administration.

Senator Levin et al wouldn't want to jeopardize the Enron investigation, or undermine the tedious work of prosecutors while tipping-off potential criminal targets, just to indulge their cheap, political vendetta against this President, now would they? (Wink, wink).

In coordinating the work of prosecutors in cities across the land, and mustering the dept's fraud section to the task, DOJ catapults this probe on the fast track, rendering any shrieks of 'cover-up' wholly vacant and silly.

As in all investigations, expect the unexpected. In the end, ironically enough, the Democrats may rue having foolishly politicized the fall of Enron. DOJ, un-encumbered by petty political considerations, will probe ALL of Enron's nefarious dealings/machinations. Particularly delicious are the links between former TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) director Johnny Hayes, Charles Bone of Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs, a Nashville law firm and one former U.S. vice-president who's sporting a beard these days. Gore pals Hayes and Combs, according to a recent MSNBC report, were paid lucrative sums last year by -- you guessed it -- Enron Corp. for lobbying purposes.

But that's not all. According to the Tribune-Review, Enron and the Clinton-Gore administration were joined at the hip, profiting mutually from their incestuous relationship. Bill Clinton personally opened up many overseas markets for Enron especially, and Enron, in return, introduced Clinton-Gore to the infamous Lippo Industries and John Huang. But there's more -- much more, all of which will now come under the proverbial kleig lights.

And they say character doesn't count, eh?

My two cents..


Enron and the vengeful Democrats

Democrats, who still bear the scars from the Clinton scandal machine, believe they've (finally) hit pay-dirt with the Enron debacle.

And so does the media.

The 'Grey Lady' of yellow journalism, predictably, was on the warpath yesterday. In a piece ominously titled, "White House Moves to Contain Political Damage From Enron Turmoil", "reporter" Jack Lynch wrote in his opening paragraph that Enron chief Kenneth Lay "had contacted two Cabinet members a few weeks before the giant energy company's collapse to warn of it's growing difficulties".

Clearly, the writer's implicit aim was not to inform so much as to cast aspersions on the Bush administration with derogatory innuendo and smear. The reader is beckoned to assume the worst -- ergo, some malfeasance had taken place -- sans a smidgen of evidence. By artfully lifting these calls wholly out of context, Mr. Lynch ipso facto maliciously insinuates guilt -- guilt on Bush's part, as much as the two Cabinet officers Mr. Lay contacted.

Indeed, only well into his article (paragraph 7) does Mr. Lynch, after weaving his mudslinging web of innuendo, finally divulge the actual mission behind these calls, one to Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, the other to Commerce Secretary Don Evans. Both calls were reportedly made last October, prior to Enron's spectacular collapse in early December.

The reason for Lynch's beguiling foot-dragging? Simply this: Far from snarling Bush administration officials in wrongdoing, the calls were inherently exculpatory. Yes, you heard right -- exculpatory. After warning Secretaries O'Neill and Evans of Enron's precarious financial position, Mr. Lay beseeched them for a bailout. Absent massive government assistance, the troubled company would slide into bankruptcy, the officials were told. Their answer, according to White House spokesman Ari Fleischer, was flat-out no. No bailout.

Agree or disagree with the decision, the refusal is inconsistent with the notion of Mr. Lay having undue influence over this administration. In fact, the bailout denial is the opposite of what one would expect if campaign money and friendship were what they are cracked up to be.

Imagine the outcry had the bailout request been granted. The raging firestorm among frothing Bush critics would rival Nixon's Watergate.

"Quid-Pro-Quo! Quid-Pro-Quo!", they would shriek. As far as punishment, the haters would be divided, however: Some would demand impeachment, others a public hanging.

Instead, the erstwhile oil trading colossus, with 20,000 employees, and marketing business in everything from pulp to bandwidth, was allowed to go belly-up. It's high-flying stock tumbled from $90 per share to under a dollar today.

So much for the 'Ken Lay-controls-George W. Bush' urban legend.

Moreover, the Justice department's decision to convene a national task force to probe Enron's demise -- an unprecedented maneuver -- only further debunks the nitpickers' swill. But the department went even further yesterday. To avoid even the appearance of 'conflict-of-interests', Attorney General John Ashcroft (who had received Enron contributions during his Senate campaign) announced his recusal from all matters pertaining to the Enron investigation. The recusal includes his chief-of-staff, David Ayers.

To get even further ahead of the curve, President Bush yesterday directed the Treasury, Labor and Commerce departments to comb the plethora of rules governing 401 (k) and other pension plans with a fine tooth comb. His goal is to ferret out the flaws in a system which allowed Enron employees to lose their life's saving when the company went under.

The President wants reform in corporate disclosure rules, as well. To this end, he's ordered the formation of a 'working group', consisting of Sec. O'Neill, the Federal Reserve, the S.E.C. among other agencies.

Bottom line? The President has grabbed this bull by the horns and, for all the prattle about political "damage", he's handled this teapot-sized tempest with aplomb, to the chargin of all of the Bush-haters and bashers.

Another thing: If the vengeful Democrats, gung-ho on exacting revenge over Clinton's impeachment, see Enron as Bush's Waterloo, they're in for a crushing disappointment.

Their Enron obsession is understandable, of course: Bush's rock-solid popularity is holding steady, even as their party wallows in disarray and dysfunction. On the other hand, one thing does unite the beltway Democrats like nothing eles: Hate. Their shared hatred of Bush. It's ugly, it's spiteful, it's vile. And it's unseemly. For Bush-haters, it's not enough to disagree with the President: Policy differences must be criminalized.

This is the root of their Enron fixation. But unfortunately for them, Enron won't save them either. Their fanatical putsch will not only fail, it will backfire. The reason is simple: This President has forged a powerful bond with the people, especially in the wake of September 11. There's a chemistry there, one which Democrats, blinded in their hatred, have yet to fathom. This rapport, this wonderful chemistry, this mighty solidarity transcends race, ethnicity, party, religion, gender; Americans of all walks of life see in this humble man, this down-to-earth, straight-talker from Midland someone whom they can trust, someone they can believe in again. His persona embodies the optimism, the idealism, the cheerful self-assurance and confidence which makes us Americans.

America can not -- and will not ever -- say die.

So let the Democrats flail away in their smoldering anger; let them scour, let them probe, let them hound, let them stalk, let them rummage, let them shake their fists at this President: They will only hoist themselves on their own petard.

For America loves George W. Bush -- and nothing's going to change that.

God bless our President, God bless our troops and God bless the United States of America!

My two cents..

3 posted on 01/11/2002 5:56:52 AM PST by JohnHuang2
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To: Snow Bunny; Alamo-Girl; Republican Wildcat; Howlin; Fred Mertz; onyx; RonDog; .30Carbine...
Enron-White House Dealings Probed


Enron's bankruptcy, already the subject of criminal, civil and congressional investigations, threatens to pull the White House into a political quagmire even as Bush's approval ratings reach near-record levels because of the war against terror.

``It is now clear the White House had knowledge that Enron was likely to collapse but did nothing to try to protect innocent employees and shareholders who ultimately lost their life savings,'' said Rep. Henry Waxman (news), D-Calif.

There's that word again the media loves to use. It didn't work out as they hoped in Afghanistan, so they're gonna try for a domestic "quagmire" instead. . .
Please let me know if you want ON or OFF my ping list!. . .don't be shy.
4 posted on 01/11/2002 5:57:51 AM PST by MeekOneGOP
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To: MeeknMing
And there was a development reminiscent of Clinton's Whitewater: missing documents.

Only a disAssociated Press writer would try to equate Arthur Anderson destroying Enron documents, with the first "lady" of the United States hiding subpoened documents in the White House residence.
11 posted on 01/11/2002 6:24:52 AM PST by MamaLucci
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To: MeeknMing
``It is now clear the White House had knowledge that Enron was likely to collapse but did nothing to try to protect innocent employees and shareholders who ultimately lost their life savings,'' said Rep. Henry Waxman (news), D-Calif.

Note the new spin. The heartless admisistration was not willing to do anything illegal to protect the innocent.

The media's primary interest in the Enron situation is to embarass or if possible to bring down the current administration. Thus we will not see much in the way of links to the previous evil regime.

12 posted on 01/11/2002 6:28:06 AM PST by Western Phil
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Here's the political "hit list" for contributions:

FOX News: Enron Contributions 1989-2001,2933,42757,00.html

Enron Contributions 1989-2001:

Friday, January 11, 2002

Respond to Editor

The following are the Senate and House members who received the largest contributions from Enron in 1989-2001:

1 Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) $99,500
2 Phil Gramm (R-Texas) $97,350
3 Conrad Burns (R-Mont) $23,200
4 Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) $21,933
5 Michael D. Crapo (R-Idaho) $18,689
6 Christopher S. Bond (R-Mo) $18,500
7 Gordon Smith (R-Ore) $18,000
8 Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) $14,124
9 Chuck Hagel (R-Neb) $13,331
10 Pete V. Domenici (R-NM) $12,000
11 John B. Breaux (D-La) $11,100
12 John McCain (R-Ariz) $9,500
13 Robert F. Bennett (R-Utah) $8,053
14 Pat Roberts (R-Kan) $8,000
15 Bob Graham (D-Fla) $8,000
16 John Ensign (R-Nev) $7,500
17 Larry E. Craig (R-Idaho) $7,250
18 Craig Thomas (R-Wyo) $7,000
19 Don Nickles (R-Okla) $7,000
20 Tom Daschle (D-SD) $6,000
21 Ben Nelson (D-Neb) $6,000

1 Ken Bentsen (D-Texas) $42,750
2 Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) $38,000
3 Joe L. Barton (R-Texas) $28,909
4 Tom DeLay (R-Texas) $28,900
5 Martin Frost (D-Texas) $24,250
6 Charles W. Stenholm (D-Texas) $14,439
7 Chet Edwards (D-Texas) $10,000
8 Doug Bereuter (R-Neb) $10,000
9 Larry Combest (R-Texas) $9,820
10 John D. Dingell (D-Mich) $9,000
11 Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore) $8,500
12 Edward J. Markey (D-Mass) $8,500
13 Kevin Brady (R-Texas) $8,000
14 Sam Johnson (R-Texas) $7,750
15 Pete Sessions (R-Texas) $7,500
16 Dennis Hastert (R-Ill) $7,432
17 Henry Bonilla (R-Texas) $7,250
18 E. Clay Shaw Jr (R-Fla) $7,000
19 Bill Thomas (R-Calif) $7,000
20 David Dreier (R-Calif) $7,000


18 posted on 01/11/2002 7:12:11 AM PST by MeekOneGOP
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To: MeeknMing
Enron’s Campaign Contributions, 1989-2001- Senate & House
24 posted on 01/11/2002 7:32:38 AM PST by angkor
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To: MeeknMing
Interestingly, Marcy Gordon, AP-PLT, only mentions the Clinton White House (which shook the Enron money tree with great gusto) to try to make the case that the Bush White House is 'just like' the Clinton White House.

Apparently, Enron incorporated on January 21, 2001. ;-)

25 posted on 01/11/2002 7:49:09 AM PST by an amused spectator
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To: MeeknMing
The Enron Scandal and Democrats website
31 posted on 01/12/2002 10:16:32 PM PST by anymouse
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To: MeeknMing
Greenspan, the independent Fed chairman

This is the belly laugh of the day, we all know he's a DemocRAT.

33 posted on 01/13/2002 8:29:27 AM PST by VRWC For Truth
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To: MeeknMing
Thanks for the heads up.
Have you seen this?:
Enron Also Courted Democrats
36 posted on 01/13/2002 11:38:50 AM PST by MamaLucci
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To: MeeknMing
Enron's bankruptcy, already the subject of criminal, civil and congressional investigations, threatens to pull the White House into a political quagmire even as Bush's approval ratings reach near-record levels because of the war against terror.

Oops, they used the q they're f'ed.

43 posted on 01/13/2002 6:36:41 PM PST by copycat
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To: MeeknMing

Mr. President, How dare you be so ethical?!

In case anybody missed it, there's a full-scale, no-holds-barred air war going on right now. A massive one. Daisy-cutters, 2,000-pound bunker-busters -- you name it. Bombs are dropping faster than you can blink. Squadrons of B-52s -- AKA 'big ugly fat fellows' -- are prowling the heavens, pounding enemy positions, unleashing their fiery wrath, carpet bombing around-the-clock....the works.

What's that you say? Haven't heard of this? Thought the war was over, eh? Well Fuggedaboudit! Flick on the idiot box, kick up your feet, sit back and enjoy (Drum roll, please?) -- OPERATION ENRON!!! Yep, folks, it's Enron at dawn, Enron at noon, Enron at dusk. Enron 24/7. The media high command has declared an air war against the Bush administration; The White House, like the mountains of Tora Bora, has become ground zero for media strike bombardiers.

Kidding aside, never -- ever -- in my life have I seen anything quite like what we're witnessing right now.

Media bias is one thing. We've all seen it. We've all tasted it. Heaven knows we've all groused about it, perennially. Bernard Goldberg's bombshell has soared to near the top of the New York Times best-seller list, and for good reason.

But, Ladies and Gentlemen, what we're witnessing goes beyond simple 'bias' -- well beyond. This isn't bias, this is fraud. Wholesale fraud.

The media is perpetrating one of the greatest frauds ever: To wit, the fabrication of a pseudo-political "scandal" -- out of whole cloth.

This isn't "news" "reporting", this is orgy-making -- a veritable orgy of innuendo. It would take years to tally all the libel and slander, all the malicious rumor-mongering, all the baseless smears -- the torrent of lies, insults and calumnies spewed straight from the bowels of our "major media" these past two days -- alone.

Question: Why is the media doing this? That's simple: Because they can.

Any proof of administration wrongdoing? No, not the vaguest hint, not the slightest intimation of official wrongdoing nor impropriety -- and even the media jackals know it.

Any proof of malfeasance or criminal activity by anyone in the Bush White House? Nope. None has been shown, none has been presented. Nothing even remotely resembling an allegation, even. But heck, who needs proof, anyway? Washington craves a 'scandal', and Enron fills the bill nicely, thank you very much.

No proof of a 'cover-up'? Then fabricate some! Of course, we all know Bush had nothing to do with the shredding* of documents, the massive cover-up by Enron's auditor. But oh, yummy, yummy -- how exquisitely delicious to find ominous buzz phrases like 'document-shredding', 'cover-up' and the name George W. Bush jammed together in the same sentence, eh? Who cares if they don't belong together? Who cares if Bush did absolutely nothing wrong? This is not about truth or fairness or facts or evidence: This is purely -- first and foremost -- about vengence. Avenging whom or what, you ask? Why, the media's darling golden-boy, William Jefferson Clinton, who eles?

But the haters have a major problem on their hands, and it's this: Signs are this phony "scandal" is headed in the opposite direction -- away from implicating current administration officials.

Indeed, think of how ludicrous this sounds: Democrats want to know -- not why there were -- but why there weren't any quid-pro-quo shenanigans. Why didn't you do any special favors on behalf of your big campaign contributor, Mr. President? Why didn't you bail out your rich oil buddy when he came beckoning and calling?

In other words, what the heck is the matter with you, Mr. President? Why, O why, didn't you do something wrong? Lotting the treasury to bailout fat-cats; seedy backroom deals, bribery, extortion -- that's what we do here in Washington! How dare you be so ethical, so squeaky clean, Mr. President?!?!

Bottom line: Democrats want to know why Enron's generous contributions didn't buy it any favors from this administration. How utterly UN-Clinton-esque can this President get, eh?

This is the first "scandal" in history in which no wrongdoing IS the scandal du jour. No special favors, no shenanigans, no quid-pro-quo -- now that's an outrage!

The Attorney General recusing himself? What?! This is earthshaking! Explosive! How scandalous!

Why the AG recusing himself to avoid tainting the probe should be seen as "scandalous"? You go figure.

But that's the nub of the problem with Enron as political "news": Its string of farcical flaws and fallacies.

It's why "Enron" will soon be running on fumes -- politically worthless, just like the company's stock. Absent some 'hook' -- proof of government cover-up, official malfeasance, etc. -- "Enron" inexorably reverts to its rightful place in the business page of the newspaper.

Already people are asking: Where's the beef?

*Ironies of ironies: The wholesale document destruction by Enron's auditor, Arthur Andersen LLP, raises an interesting dilemma, particularly in light of the close ties between Ken Lay and the previous administration. Clinton was known to personally intervene on Enron's behalf on a number of occasions. Generous campaign donations would follow. The documents destroyed may have revealed a nexus.

My intrepid prediction: Enron will backfire on Democrats. Americans will see them as grossly over-reaching -- the "hearings" as sheer vindicativeness, an unwelcomed extention of Campaign 2000. Their vicious and spiteful crusade will be seen as bloodsport -- a thinly veiled, all-out effort to cripple this President; the Democrats' ultimate goal is to assassinate him, politically, with constant, deadly attacks and smears.

But it won't work, because it can't work. The public will not look to fondly at their "Wanted: Dead or Alive" modus operandi at politics (again, figuritively speaking).

A political party whose sole obession, whose only mission is to bring down the President -- come hell or high water -- is a party destined, rightfully, for the ash heap.

Fate will deal the Democrats, tone deaf and blinded by hate, a cruel blow, indeed. So let them nurse their hatred -- let them beat the dead horse of Enron: They will only bring down the wrath of a people, of a nation, still smoldering over September 11.

My two cents...

49 posted on 01/15/2002 12:38:39 AM PST by JohnHuang2
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