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NOONAN'S MADNESS: Hysterical women – a byproduct of war ^ | October 22, 2001 | Justin Raimondo

Posted on 10/22/2001 7:31:26 AM PDT by sendtoscott

Behind the Headlines
by Justin Raimondo

October 22, 2001

Hysterical women – a byproduct of war

Have the terrorists put something in the water that is causing Americans to behave, uh, irrationally? After reading Peggy Noonan's recent column in the Wall Street Journal, you have to wonder. Poor Peggy: there she was, standing in Rockefeller Center, contemplating the burden of Atlas holding up the world. No doubt profound thoughts were being filed away for future ruminations, as she stood there with her 14-year-old son. The street was near-empty when,

"Suddenly to our right, on the sidewalk, we saw two "Mideastern looking men," as we all now say. They were 25 or 30 years old, dressed in jeans and windbreakers, and they were doing something odd. They were standing together silently videotaping the outside of St. Pat's, top to bottom. We watched them, trying to put what we were seeing together. Tourists? It was a funny time of day for tourists to be videotaping a landmark – especially when the tourists looked like the guys who'd just a few days before blown up a landmark."


Tourists in New York City? How suspicious can you get? And they were "Mideastern looking," according to Detective Noonan, which could mean – anything. But seriously deluded people never realize just how and why they've turned into nut-balls: their subjectivity is a shield, behind which they are safe from any objective analysis. Emotions, not facts, energize their fantasies, because, you see, for someone suffering from an advanced case of mental illness, trying to put what they are seeing together is a process that doesn't resemble thought in the slightest. What it seems like, from Noonan's vivid description of her interior mental processes, is a very bad case of PMS:

"We watched them. After a minute or so they finished taping St. Pat's and turned toward where we were. We were about 20 feet away from them, and we eyeballed them hard. They stared back at us in what I thought an aggressive manner: a deadeye stare, cold, no nod, no upturned-chin hello."


Come on, Peggy, admit it: you think you're so damn famous that you really were astonished they didn't recognize you. It's as if you expected them to get all excited and exclaim: "Hey, there's Peggy Noonan, the famous speech-writer and columnist, staring rudely at us! Whaddaya know about that?"

"They stared at us staring at them for a few seconds, and then they began to videotape Rockefeller Center. We continued watching, and I surveyed the street for a policeman or patrol car. I looked over at the men again. They were watching me. The one with the camera puts it down for a moment. We stared, they stared. And then they left. They walked away and disappeared down a side street.

"Let me tell you what I thought. I thought: Those guys are terrorists."


So what, exactly, had been the great crime of these two "Mideastern looking" guys? That they were videotaping an edifice that has been the favored subject of millions of tourists? That they were probably Italians with great tans, maybe a couple of Sicilianos? Perhaps the real crime of these two darkies was that they somehow failed to genuflect in the direction of Princess Peggy, and instead returned her hostile glares with a well-deserved "deadeye stare." Noonan, ditzy to begin with, has quite clearly lost her mind. But, then again, she's in good company, because so has much of the rest of the country.


Noonan's crazed column is a perfect case study in the mass psychology of madness, the kind of insanity that leads to lynch mobs, lawlessness, and the final breakdown of the social order. A female, screaming in panic, is suddenly gripped by hysteria – isn't this a common feature of any disaster scenario? Noonan isn't the only one: Ann Coulter, as I discussed in another column, has fixated on the alleged dangers of all Mideastern-looking men, and wants to deport them (except, those who are US citizens). Mona Charen, who once had the nerve to smear Pat Buchanan as a "racist" and "xenophobe," concurs:

"There are thousands of Arabs in the United States at this moment on student and travel visas. They should all be asked, politely and without prejudice, to go home. This will work hardships in many cases, and that is regrettable. But…."


Like Coulter, Charen doesn't bother facing the question of what to do with all those Arab-Americans who are US citizens, since presumably – given these paranoid premises – they would pose an equal danger. But, then, the female mind does not work logically, and especially not in a time of crisis, when they are genetically programmed to go ballistic.


Perhaps this had some survival value back in the days when human beings were hunter-gatherers, trolling the savannas in packs: when danger threatened, the females would set off a chorus of frenzied screams, loud enough to be heard for miles. This would be the signal for the males to come running to the rescue. However, this is one atavism which is a definite liability in the modern world, especially now that we have such a thing as newspaper columnists of the female persuasion. As catastrophe strikes, and the women start to scream, it's best to get them into the lifeboats – and out of the public discussion. This is a time for cooler heads to prevail….


Noonan, as I have indicated, has to be read to be believed. While she admits to a moment of lucidity – "And then I thought: Whoa, wait a minute" – this soon passed, and all those female hormones took over. Of course, if she had flagged down a cop car – I can't believe there wasn't one in sight, the city was crawling with them in the wake of 9/11 – and demanded they arrest the men, they would have told her to take a chill pill – and go home fer Chrissakes, lady! "So I just filed it away," she writes, "as did my son." Oh, clever Peggy Noonan, a smart Irish girl who knows when to keep her mouth shut. "But neither of us could shake it," she writes. Yes, madness is like that….


Everything has significance to an advanced nut-case, there are no coincidences: the smallest events are fraught with meaning, usually ominous. Noonan's symptoms are classic: she blithers on about her driver, who, miraculously, wasn't a Pakistani. She was on her way to the Oprah Winfrey Show, and to gather material from the plebeian classes – by way of research, you understand – she asks the guy: "So, you bothered like everyone else at what's going on?"

It is an odd question, really, I mean who wouldn't be bothered driving down the street in midtown Manhattan, just a few days after the attack on the World Trade Center, with the stench of death still hovering in the air? There is also, you'll note, a strange phraseology in her question, as posed: something is said to be going on, although it isn't clear, from the context, just what Noonan means. But the driver picks up on it right away, without having to be told, and goes into a paranoid riff:

"Yeah, I am. I been feeling funny since a thing I saw the other day. I'm standing with a bunch of limos and drivers, we're waiting outside that big building, 520 Madison. And suddenly – we're all hanging around talking – and suddenly we see these two guys, Mideastern guys, in turbans. And they're videotaping 520 Madison Avenue top to bottom. Right in front of us. So we look at them and they look back – and then they keep doing it! So one of our guys starts to walk toward them, and the guys with the camera got outta there quick. And I'm telling you, it gave me the creeps!"


Oh, the wisdom of limo-drivers! Why, who knows how many newspaper columns might never have been written if not for their Solomonic sense of rectitude! This, I'm afraid, was enough to push poor Peggy over the edge, and right after the show she rushed off the set and called the FBI tip line, babbling her story at some poor G-man:

"I say, ‘You guys must be getting 1,500 tips an hour.' He says yes [his sigh is almost audible], but they're all appreciated and if I see any more Mideastern looking men videotaping I should call."


Crazy people, the real nutballs, are typically gullible to a fault, almost childlike in their naiveté, and never know when they're being humored. But our Peggy is no dummie:

"I figured: They're busy taking other, more urgent tips, this isn't going anywhere. Then I remembered an FBI agent I'd met in the neighborhood, tried to reach her, couldn't get her at her office or home. I leave messages, hear nothing, figure she's out chasing the bad guys."


Good lord, the poor woman is positively frantic, at this point, dialing the phone as if it is her one last link to sanity. The problem is, no one is answering, or at least no one is giving her the answers she wants to hear. So instead of confronting the issue of her own, uh, lunacy, she retreats deeper into her developing psychosis. Like the schizophrenic girl portrayed in I Never Promised You A Rose Garden, whose fantasy realm of gods and heroes is her shield against a world where human ambiguity can be dangerous, Noonan creates an entire mythology out of the random occurrences of her life:

"Now jump to this past week. Two things happen. My son is surfing Internet chat rooms last Sunday and goes to a conservative site, where he sees an interesting thing. A man or woman has written in to say – again I paraphrase – ‘The oddest thing happened at work the other day. I work at a petrochemical company, and these two Mideastern looking guys come in and say they want to videotape the inside of the plant for a college course they're taking. They were approached and asked for identification by the manager. They became surly, angry, and left. Later the manager phoned the school they claimed to be students at – and they weren't even registered!'

"My son calls to me, we read it and look at each other. I decided to call the FBI again."


I will pass over the question of why Noonan didn't name the "conservative site" in question, aside from noting that if that site had been the Wall Street Journal would no doubt have taken the opportunity to broadcast the fact to the world. is the name of the site, it is the most popular and consistently interesting site on the Right side of the Web, and I, too, saw the thread that tall tale was on. I have seen hundreds like it, and so has Noonan, if she's spent any time at all on FR recently: like society at large, the Freepers are in a state of hysteria – only more so. And, as in the world of the punditocracy, a good proportion of the hysterics are women, like the broad who posted reply #64 on this thread:

"I have a small disposable camera and a little spiral-bound notebook in my purse or backpack now wherever we go. About a week after 9-11 my kids and I went to the local Wal-Mart. As we were walking from our vehicle through the parking lot, I saw two young Middle Eastern guys, twenty-somethings, walking out of WM toward us. They had no bags from the store. They had nothing in their hands at all. But in the 10-15 feet width of space between parked cars, they were walking like they were joined at the hip, with their arms pressed together and their heads down, kind of a ‘let's hurry up and get out of here before someone sees us' kind of exit."


Good G*d! So here is this harpy carrying her little camera and notebook, following people around, and generally making an all-around nuisance of herself – and she doesn't feel in the least bit embarrassed about it! Indeed, she broadcasts her madness to the world – she's proud of it! That's the defining characteristic of life in wartime: it brings out the absolute worst, as well as (on some rare occasions) the best. A mild snoop becomes a fanatical spy, and the slightly obnoxious become utterly intolerable – because, you see, they are in charge, or think they are. I'll spare my readers the rest of this vicious woman's tirade, except that she ends her peroration by exclaiming: "Be ever vigilant!" Of such people police states are made.


Of course, you'll find the biggest opponents of a police state on FreeRepublic, too, but that's because the place is so big and has so much traffic that it reflects not only the conservative movement but the country at large. In any case, there are hundreds of such paranoid ravings on FreeRepublic, a good deal of them posted by hysterics of the female persuasion. That Noonan glommed onto one of them so readily is yet another symptom of what appears to be a widespread illness, a mass hallucination amid a veritable epidemic of anthrax-sightings, otherwise known as war hysteria. Any normal person, especially one with some background in journalism, might look askance at this story: to an hysteric, however, it appears to be the gospel truth, since it seems to imbue Noonan's hallucinations with the aura of credibility: "My son calls to me," writes Noonan, "we read it and look at each other. I decided to call the FBI again."


It is like something out of the diary of a mad housewife: mother and son uncover heinous plot to blow up Walmart's, or Saint Patrick's Cathedral, or whatever. And, you know what? The FBI called her back! I kid you not: this is how our intrepid law enforcement agencies are going after Osama bin Laden – by listening to Noonan's semi-coherent conspiracy theories and solemnly taking it all down:

"My initial tip line report has, apparently, trickled up into the ‘check it out' category. Or maybe they've gotten enough reports like mine that a discernible pattern has emerged. At any rate, the agent asked me to go through my story and the driver's story, and then I threw in the report on the Internet, and he gave me his name and number and asked me to call if I saw anything else. All this, of course, has me thinking. Maybe it has you thinking, too."


You bet it does, Peggy girl. It makes me think that the Wall Street Journal editor who let that one go through the editorial process untouched by human hands ought to be fired forthwith. It also makes me wonder whether someone so obviously disturbed ought to be entrusted with the care of a 14-year-old boy: this kind of madness is apparently all too communicable. But most of all it makes me very much afraid: I mean, is this what the FBI is spending its time on when a cabal of crazed mass murderers is on the loose? No wonder they didn't have a clue as to what was happening in the days prior to 9/11. If Noonan's nuttery is something they take seriously, then they are sure to miss out on the real thing when it passes right under their noses – and in that case we are all doomed, now aren't we?


There have been plenty of public exhibitions of madness in the days since 9/11, but none, to date, is so blatant and embarrassing as Noonan's acting out on the op-ed page of the WSJ. For all this anecdotal "evidence" of a Vast Arab-American Conspiracy – i.e. the overheated ramblings of other hysterics – is just the buildup for La Noonan's grand conspiracy theory, to wit:

"I think there are a lot of ‘sleeper cells' – not a few, as we all hope, but a lot. I think some of them are in Queens and Brooklyn and Manhattan, and in Jersey City and elsewhere in New Jersey. Boston, too. Maybe some are in the capital or Virginia or Maryland. Maybe some of those who delivered anthrax to the U.S. Capitol took a taxi. Maybe on the other hand they took the shuttle from LaGuardia."


Yeah, and maybe they hitchhiked. It is incredible that such nonsense could be printed on the editorial page of any mainstream newspaper: Oh, those pod people are everywhere! Sleeping underground, germinating their nefariousness, until, one day, they awaken…. Put down the crack pipe, Peggy, and snap out of it! Having lost the key element that separates the inmates of an asylum from the rest of us – the ability to distinguish fantasy from reality – you are sliding down the slippery slope into a mental abyss. You need professional help – and so does the Wall Street Journal for allowing you to embarrass not only yourself but also the entire staff of that paper.


Is it really necessary to say that the ethnic cleansing program envisioned by the Three Witches of the War Party is eminently impractical as well as utterly un-American? Okay, then, I'll explain to the more hysterical females and their male counterparts: surely all Bin Laden has to do in order to get around this dubious strategy is to recruit a few white guys. Shoot, he has already. And what about those Arabs who are also American citizens? La Charen says that they will have to undergo "scrutiny" – but why draw the line there? Why not simply subject everyone to merciless scrutiny, just to be on the safe side: why not set up a full-fledged police state, complete with injunctions against certain types of speech, while deporting all Arabs (or those who even look vaguely Arabic)?


This last is not so unthinkable, for, according to Noonan, she was thrown into a veritable tizzy by the sight of "Mideastern looking" men "wearing turbans." The idea that Osama bin Laden's underground army is going to be parading around the streets of Manhattan in turbans is just ludicrous enough for a space case like Noonan to believe. Please don't tell her that it is the Sikhs – closer to Indians (from India) and not in the least bit Arabic – who wear turbans, and that these guys were very probably not Afghans, or Arabs: it would spoil her fantasy, and, besides, that isn't how delusional systems work.


Fantasy worlds constructed by the clinically insane are the products of careful editing: everything that contradicts the reality of the fantasy is simply edited out. So it doesn't matter that the tinfoil-hat stories Noonan picked up on FreeRepublic are not verified, or verifiable: it doesn't matter that there's no evidence for the kind of widespread – indeed, practically omnipresent – conspiracy imagined by her. When you want to believe something, it doesn't take much convincing. And clearly Noonan wants to believe it out of some need to impose a pattern on what is otherwise, to her, inexplicable.


It is especially funny – unintentional humor is the best kind, don't you think? – when the touchy-feely highly emotional Noonan, who admittedly is going off on a "hunch," goes all analytical on us. These cell members, she solemnly informs us, "may not be sure what their next move is. They're not sure of their next assignment." Gee, I don't know, maybe the anthrax in the Capitol has something to do with their next move, but then I'm not a Wall Street Journal pundit, so what do I know? Ms. Noonan, naturally, has her own theory, and it is a unique one:

"I think cell members have been going around taking home movies of potential targets. I suspect they've been downloading them into computers and shooting them off to Osama and his lieutenants in the caves. I suspect they've been building a video library of places they might hit over the next few months and years and decade. And I think once they take one of the targets down they'll happily return to the scene of the crime, take a nice tourist-type videotape of the crater they made – they'll tell the cops they want to record the brave rescue workers – and send it triumphantly home."


Of course, admits La Noonan, "that's all based on nothing but hunches," otherwise known as feminine intuition. Now, let's look at this logically (and, ladies, do try to follow along with me….): Why are they bothering to videotape these well-known targets (such as St. Patrick's Cathedral) an activity that is sure to arouse a certain amount of suspicion post-9/11, when there are plenty of images of these targets already extant? Of what possible use would a "video library" of potential targets be to Al Qaeda – to "send them triumphantly home" to what purpose?


Noonan's screed here veers off into complete incoherence, but what comes through is an abiding hatred of all things Arabic: turbans, and the "arrogant" and "showy" "Mid-eastern looking" men who wear them. Noonan writes with the fervent dreamlike urgency of a madwomen whose visions have overwhelmed what little common sense she once possessed:

"I think I saw some of them that night across from St. Pat's, and I continue to regret not confronting them, questioning them and, if I had to, tackling them and screaming for help. I could have gotten us all arrested. If they had been innocent tourists I would have apologized, begged their forgiveness and offered to buy them a very nice dinner. If they had not been innocent, I would have helped stop some bad guys."


Oh, how I wish she had tackled those poor tourists – stuck in New York, probably, and wandering about in hopes of salvaging their vacation. Noonan would then have been, rightly, arrested, and, when she tried to impress them with her importance by dropping a few names – Ronald Reagan, Wall Street Journal – it would have infuriated them just enough to clap her in the hoosegaw, where she would have cooled her jets, and learned a much-needed lesson.


The whole world would then have read about the ex-Reagan speech-writer and Wall Street Journal columnist driven stark staring mad by the 9/11 attack, who had been arrested, screaming, after assaulting some hapless tourists. As it is, we will not be spared her hysterical subjectivity: she'll just get worse, until her madness becomes so apparent that she'll be forced to get help. Either that, or the rest of the world will have gone made along with her – in which case no one will notice that a nut-ball, the kind that usually writes 20-page letters-to-the-editor in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, is pontificating on the op ed page of one of the world's leading newspapers. And this last may be a real possibility….


As Noonan cheerily informs us:

"In the past month I have evolved from polite tip-line caller to watchful potential warrior. And I gather that is going on with pretty much everyone else, and I'm glad of it."

I, for one, am not glad of it. The lunatics, it seems, have taken over the asylum: not only that, but their craziness is contagious, and its partisans are actively trying to spread it: why else write such a newspaper column? Noonan then goes on to record her glee at reading a story about some minor indignity endured by two "Mideastern looking" men on a plane, who were asked not to sit together. While admitting that "they were probably going to a bioethics convention," she nonetheless revels in their discomfort:

"They made it clear they resented being split up, and I understand their resentment, and would feel real sympathy if they told me about it. You would, too."

"But you know what? I think we're in the fight of our lives, and I think we're going to need their patience. And I think those who have not yet developed patience are going to have to grow up and get some."


Let's all be "grown up," here, and go hysterical, like the Three Witches of Neoconservatism. Let's ditch the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, the social contract and the fabric of society itself, in a panic to stamp out the "sleeper cells" that live in Peggy Noonan's overheated imagination. We're in the fight of our lives, all right: not only against Osama bin Laden, but against hysterics with a not-so-hidden agenda who will invoke "patience" and even "patriotism" as a rationale for abandoning the free society.


People like Noonan, Mona Charen, and Andrew Sullivan (as shrill and womanish as any of the aforementioned harpies) are all so predictable: Sullivan, for example, is a foreigner, who presumes to lecture American critics of the war for being "anti-American" and darkly implies that an Arabic-leftist "fifth column" needs to be dealt with, perhaps, like Ariel Sharon (his hero) is dealing with the Palestinians. He doesn't care about the Bill of Rights: after all, they don't have any such Bill where he's from. Charen and Noonan, too, brush all concern for civil liberties aside with very little ceremony. Here is the latter on the "very special circumstances" in which all laws, both human and divine, must be suspended:

"Because under very special circumstances – and these are special circumstances – you sometimes have to sacrifice. You have to drop your burly pride a little and try to understand and be accepting and accommodating and generous-spirited.

"I think we're going to require a lot of patience from a lot of innocent people. And you know, I don't think that's asking too much. And when it's not given, I think we should recognize that as odd. About as odd as videotaping a great cathedral in the dark."


It's not asking too much – from a people already half-enslaved. Yes, there's always some "special circumstance" in which the laws propounded by the Founders – not to mention the laws of simple human decency – have to be repealed out of sheer necessity. These "emergency" edicts are always "temporary," of course – except that, as history has shown, they always somehow become permanent. People get used to being ordered around, and, when nobody much objects – for fear of being thought "odd" – this state of affairs seems normal and right.


In an important sense, the mass poisoning of American society has been carried out much more effectively than any anthrax attack could guarantee: the spores of hatred, suspicion, and the totalitarian mentality, are being spread throughout the land. The Noonans, the Charens, and the Coulters are the carriers of this deadly bacillus, and the contagion is spreading dangerously. The madness known as war hysteria, first trumpeted by a bevy of mostly female Bacchantes, is sure to spread to the less enlightened sectors of the male population, starting in the editorial offices of the Weekly Standard and the Wall Street Journal, and ending G*d knows where….

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial
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Comment #141 Removed by Moderator

To: dighton; woofie
Since woofie exhibits true contrition for his sins, he has taken the first big step towards obtaining absolution. I suggest he go HERE in order to get closer to the Source. He must bring with him 1,000 handwritten notes with the message, "I'm sorry", and scatter them throughout New Mexico.
142 posted on 10/22/2001 6:54:24 PM PDT by Orual
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To: Campion Moore Boru
As much as I wish I could take the credit, I assure you their good taste is their own.
143 posted on 10/22/2001 7:11:22 PM PDT by CWOJackson
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To: riley1992
Don't be surprised. This raimondo critter routinely sets new standards in banality and dross.

I understand he is in much demand in the semiconductor field though... for his ingenuity in creating the thinnest layers of logic known to man...right down to the the quantun levels, where he manages to be a particle and a wave at the a same time...

144 posted on 10/22/2001 7:22:22 PM PDT by hinckley buzzard
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To: CWOJackson
So in this essay, Raimondo states:

"Everything has significance to an advanced nut-case, there are no coincidences: the smallest events are fraught with meaning, usually ominous."

And yet, in his 8 October essay, he wrote:

"In the past week, we have seen: the first case of anthrax in 25 years (the victim was from the Florida town where the terrorist ringleader trained), the mysterious explosion of a Russian plane in midair, holes shot in an Alaskan pipeline, a chemical mail bomb at a Tennessee plant, a case where 200 students fall ill at an Illinois school, a man try to hijack a medical transport plane at a New Mexico airport, two trucks from the same company carrying explosives go off the road, an explosion in France that kills 29 people and is initially dismissed as an accident, and another bombing in Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia – but the US government insists these are 'isolated incidents,' and it's all a coincidence. What are you, some kind of conspiracy theorist? Oh, I see, spreading rumors, are we? Well, doncha know that loose lips sink ships – and, hey, can I see your identification papers, comrade?"

So let's see what we've got here. Justin believes:

145 posted on 10/22/2001 7:27:13 PM PDT by silmaril
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To: Orual
I aint all that contrite...
146 posted on 10/22/2001 8:31:44 PM PDT by woofie
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To: deport
That is completely idiotic. I have no control over what Pravda or anyone else does with my articles on the Internet, just as I have no control over who posts my articles on FreeRepublic. Go here:

and see for yourself. Or here, to see all my columns posted on Etherzone, a conservative internet magazine:

Anyone can reprint anything on, provided credit and a link is given. That's what the Internet is all about. Typically, the knuckle-draggers amongst us don't get it, but then again that's to be expected....

147 posted on 10/23/2001 12:00:52 AM PDT by Justin Raimondo
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To: jstrevino
The difference between the examples I gave, and the incidents related by Noonan, is that all of her "evidence" revolved around HER, while mine were drawn from what is laughingly referred to as the real world (and this was BEFORE the general media took up the anthrax scare). If you really believe that Peggy had a Close Encounter with terrorists in Rockefeller Plaza then I suggest you get some sleep.
148 posted on 10/23/2001 12:04:30 AM PDT by Justin Raimondo
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To: Justin Raimondo
Post 145 asks some very important questions. Would you care to answer them?
149 posted on 10/23/2001 12:05:02 AM PDT by Texasforever
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To: CWOJackson
That's the interesting thing. Noonan, a valuable member of the Reagan White House team, is published in many American newspapers. raimondo is only regularly published in one newspaper that I can find...Pravda, fine conservative publication that it is. I think his biggest complaint with Noonan is that she is actually published in this country and real people really read her.


150 posted on 10/23/2001 12:07:21 AM PDT by Cultural Jihad
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To: Justin Raimondo
If you really believe that Peggy had a Close Encounter with terrorists in Rockefeller Plaza then I suggest you get some sleep.

And on Sept 10th, if someone had posted the exact same things about Middle Eastern types casing the WTC they would need "sleep" too? Justin you are out of your depth and you could do yourself some good and keep whatever "dignity" you still have left if you would confine your "writing" to a different venue.

151 posted on 10/23/2001 12:08:45 AM PDT by Texasforever
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To: jstrevino
By his own definition, the man is an "advanced nut-case"! ;-)


152 posted on 10/23/2001 12:09:26 AM PDT by Cultural Jihad
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To: Cultural Jihad
"Cultural JIHAD"? Interesting handle, there....
153 posted on 10/23/2001 12:16:36 AM PDT by Justin Raimondo
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To: Texasforever
With you and Detective Noonan guarding the ramparts, I think we all have reason to feel unsafe: plenty of innocents will be scooped up in your ethnic cleansing program, but the real terrorists will have nothing to worry about. President Bush spoke out against this kind of nonsense right at the beginning. Obviously you weren't listening.
154 posted on 10/23/2001 12:20:00 AM PDT by Justin Raimondo
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To: Justin Raimondo
of innocents will be scooped up in your ethnic cleansing program, but the real terrorists will have nothing to worry about.

Yeah my heart bleeds.

155 posted on 10/23/2001 12:21:48 AM PDT by Texasforever
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To: Justin Raimondo
Well, well, Justin has pitched himself a little fit.
Justin, if I were a bit less hysterical, ala Peggy Noonan, and a lot more arrogant I'd tell you what I think of this pointless, asinine, petty rant. But, yaaaawn, I'm just tooo bored with you.
156 posted on 10/23/2001 12:35:17 AM PDT by Darlin'
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To: sendtoscott
Its amazing how many people always post to an AntiWar article to say that nobody reads them. Irony is lost on the War Party.

Oh come on... this is among the worst drivel yet to appear on this subject. Raimondo didn't even manage his usual turd. This is a case of writer's diarrhea. I'll refrain from commenting on the probable cause.

157 posted on 10/23/2001 12:35:51 AM PDT by Anthem
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To: Zviadist
First 111 comments removed by moderator. Can anybody tell me what happened?
158 posted on 10/23/2001 12:45:18 AM PDT by Salman
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To: Justin Raimondo
Justin, Justin, Justin. Just because you are a nobody, who writes dreadful, boring, pathetic, banal, inane, hysteric little articles for a netzine, is that any reason to besmirch your betters, who happen to be women , with a rabid screed that can only be catagorized as one long, baiting, personal attack, flame war ? The named women writers won't answer you here , so I guess that you feel quite safe knowing that your bitter, petty, libelous , mysoginistic codswallop will only be dealt with by those memberes of FR, who have the misfortune of seeing this thread.

If you knew anything at all about N.Y.C., you would know that Rockefeller Center, the skating rink , and yes, St.Pat's are right by ( adjacent to , or across the street from ) where the NBC studidos are. Did people at NBC get anthrax letters ? Why yes , they did Justin. Have MEN come forward , recently , to tell te authorites about the Middleeastern looking men, who were photographng the WTC , long BEFORE the plans chraed into them ? Well, as a matter of fact, Justin, they did . Oh , and wonders of wonders, Justin, those men have been identified as amongst those terrorists who were on those two planes. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

The acrid smell of smoke and death was NOT all that pungent, at FIFTY FIRST and FIFTH ! Have you even an iota of an idea just how far away from ground zero that location is , Justine ? I highly doubt it. Go check a map as well as the wind direction ( do a dearch or that day's weather map, I'm certain that you can find it , or would you like a woman to help you ? ) on the day that Peggy and her son were on that spot.Then come back and explain your solophistic , inaccurate mewlings.

Onto N.Y.C. cab drivers. It just might surprise you to know, dear Justin, that not ALL N.Y.C. taxis are driven by Pakis or Indian Sieks. BTW, I have NEVER had an Egyptian cabbie, in N.Y.C., and that is what the majority of the terrorists were.

Cells. Yes, Justine, there are many " sleeper cells ", in and around Manhattan. Quite a few , I suspect , are in Brooklyn, Queens , and New Jersey. How would I know that ? Oh, just because I know that there are a great many communites , in those areas, where Pakistanis, Arabs, Egyptians, and Afghanis live . There are also many Mosques in each location, and it wouldn't be difficult for " sleepers " to blend in AND get aid and comfort there. Then, throw in the followers of the NOI, and it's an easy deduction; really it is, Justin. You just have to know more about this topic, than you do.

So, it is ONLY women who are hysterics ? Who see nefarrious, swarthy , suspicious looking Arab ethnics lurking in corners ? Or, is it people in general, who have every right to feel wary after the attacks on 9 / 11 / 01 ? Was it ONLY women, on the plane, who refused to fly with the MiddleEastern looking men on board , right after the attacks ? No Justine , there were many men on that fight.

You, who wouldn't be recognized by 99.9999999999999999999 % of the population of the USA, let alone a " tourist ", have the temerity to assume that Peggy even thought for a moment, that it was weird that she wasn't recognized ? Projectio, Justine ; just your own hubristic projection ! It also proves that you know NOTHING at all about New York, nor New Yorkers. You see dear, New Yorkers are not only used to seeing well known people on the streets, in shops, etc., they have the good manners to NOT stare at them, rush up to them, or bother them at all.

You need to write another one of your yawn inducing articles; but this one should be an apology to the three women you have impugned in this one, and to women in general.

159 posted on 10/23/2001 1:12:10 AM PDT by nopardons
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To: Justin Raimondo
Hey, this was just what I needed: some tortured writing, a giggle of an author photo (Ben Stiller meets James Dean?), unintended humor, new inane links to amuse me ( is a hoot!). Thanks, I think I can get back to sleep now.
160 posted on 10/23/2001 1:37:38 AM PDT by NYpeanut
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