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To: saradippity;All
Thanks for your kind and true words. I hope you will take the time to write just about the same thing to the RCbishop in the diocese in which you live. I think if all bishops would hear from people who are disturbed or disgusted with what has been occurring Christianity would be well served. Many of them think that this liberal,progressive,worldly approach raises the respect and esteem in which they are held. I bet they would be shaken to hear the truth. In my opinion there is nothing more devastating to a "progressive" then being held in contempt and viewed as pathetic.

Thank you for the suggestion Sara, and I have done just that.

Here is a copy of my letter which will go out tomorrow, to 2 Perish's here in my part of Florida, and one of which my wife used to attend.

Name of Parish

Pastors XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXX, and Pastorial Assistants.

We are not Catholic, but we can understand what you must be going through over the problems dealing with homosexuality in your clergy, and the concerned looks you must see from faithful followers.

Remember, God has allowed you to shepherd his sheep until his return, and if the sheep view their shepherd as the predator, then where do they go for protection from the wolves?

I want you to know that we support you in whatever action you feel must be taken, to rid your Church of this cancer and make it safe for the flock once more. No doubt your superiors need to hear from you also, that you support them in taking any decisive action they deem necessary to stop this travesty that is going to undermine all you have worked to build.

If the Catholic Church makes the changes, I’ll promise you now, that any criticism I hear from anyone, who will say you have failed because you didn’t act sooner in correcting this problem, I will remind them that it took much more faith to handle the problem than it would have to simply let it take it’s natural course and eventually become known as the Church for sexual deviates

We’ll support the corrective actions you take, but will not support, ”no action.” Perhaps you should ask your people how they feel, and see how much support you have from them to make the necessary changes now, before even more make the headlines

Sincerely in Christ

Mr and Mrs JHavard

If any care to use this letter, feel free to do so. JH

31,746 posted on 03/04/2002 2:07:38 PM PST by JHavard
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To: JHavard
Priest's Rights?
31,752 posted on 03/04/2002 3:11:57 PM PST by Elsie
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To: JHavard
Well done, JH!
31,764 posted on 03/04/2002 7:14:37 PM PST by malakhi
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To: JHavard
Words are not adequate to express how grateful I am for that clear and truthful letter you wrote. It makes me happy to live in a world with people like you and may God bless you and hold you in the palm of His hand.

How are you and Mrs.JH doing with your "traditional" morning walk?

I am going to print out your letter and give it to a couple of my NC friends who have asked for a sample. I've tried to come up with something myself but I am too close and in addition tend to get overwordy and a little vicious.Thanks again!!

31,776 posted on 03/04/2002 10:34:21 PM PST by saradippity
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To: JHavard
Nicely done, JH. Please let us know if/when you get a response.
31,782 posted on 03/05/2002 5:06:53 AM PST by al_c
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