Posted on 10/15/2001 6:54:40 AM PDT by malakhi
Statesmen may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue. - John Adams |
Young Mr. Pedant; Word (capatilized W) is generally considered to represent Scripture among Bible Reading Christians, particularly when discussing Scripture. Is this a foreign concept to you?
Duh. I know. Is the idea of a dictionary of English words being something that would "seriously hamper" the study of the Word (Bible/Scripture, etc.) not funny to you?
What about the KJV with all those funny words in it? If I come across a word I don't understand a dictionary could be the very thing to "seriously hamper" my understanding?
I'd rather be a pedant than someone who thinks knowing the meanings of words is harmful.
I've seen those, too. We have lots of 'muracun made trucks here in the Heartland, too.
Still, those are Calvin ripoffs - neither true to him. My favorite Calvin is the poster where he says, "I'm not picking my nose, I'm pointing at my brain!" Sigh, that's the Calvin I remember - little boy through and through.
At least it's not WRITTEN into the NT to be that way!
Second, Have you ever cheered upon hearing of the US dropping bombs on Iraq or Libya?
SHssssssssssssssh. You're gettin' close to home! :^)
Remember...... all that has been destroyed. They CAN'T worship now the way the 'rules' were set up!
Lets not forget that the whole story of Pope Vigilius and Emperor Justinian the Great, makes absolutely no sense if Papal primacy was not accepted in the east.
The_Reader_David: I repeat, it was in the 11th century that Rome set up on its own: it broke communion with the rest of the Church by accepting the Frank-championed modified Creed, which it had resisted for centuries, remaining true to the Orthodox Faith. It is also then that it repudiated the settlement of the schism between Rome and Constantinople during the papacy of Nicholas I, a settlement accepted by Pope John VIII.
Photius rewrote the Pope's letter of reconciliation with him, to Emperor Basil. John VIII demanded an apology from Photius, before he could be accepted as patriarch of Constantinople. Something which Photius would never do. So, Photius cleverly rewrote the Pope's words under the guise of translating them. Pope John was not in a position to weld power over Photius like Nicolas I could, John was in to week a position to deal with the devious Photius, he was in a war with the moors and had only recently returned to Rome. Photius was to intelligent and sly to move against, especially after Ignatius died (Ignatius had been able to control Photius while he lived). In his letter to the Emperor, the Pope's real words were...
Knowing that the Patriarch Ignatius has departed this life and having considered all circumstances mentioned in you letters, we decree that Photius may be forgiven whatever he is known to have done in the past, although he usurped functions that were forbidden him without reference to our see; and we decree this without prejudice to the apostolic statutes or rules of the Holy Fathers; rather do we act on strength of those rules and their manifold authority. Devornak, Photian Schism, p. 183
Photius translated them thus...
We also, by the authority of the Prince of the Apostles, Peter, announce to you with our entire Holy Church, and through you to your dear confreres and co-ministers, the Patriarchs of Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem, and other bishops and priests and to the whole Church of Constantinople, that we agree and consent with you, or rather with God, to your request.... Accept that man [Photius] without hesitation. Let no one seek pretext for refusal in the decision of iniquitous synods that met against him; let no one-as many simple people think they can do-appeal to the decrees of our blessed predecessors, Nicholas and Hadrian, for they never credited what was alleged against the very saintly Photius. Let no one use your signatures against him as a pretext to sever communion with him or with you. Everything is over, everything repudiated, everything annulled and whatever done against him has lost all validity. ibid., pp. 183-184.
Now I hope I'm not the only one who sees the big difference here? But that's not all, when the Pope found out about this a calmly wrote to Photius (Remember, John was to week to actually do anything about Photius, and so were his immediate successors, who were in even worse positions then John)...
It has always been the object of our endeavors , labors and wishes that for the maintenance of the Orthodox faith and for the peace and welfare of all the churches of God for whose care we are responsible, we should strive to reconcile what is scattered, to preserve what is united, and to watch over whatever is wrong or objectionable among the things which the providence of God has commanded to us... Glory, praise and virtue be to Him by whose majesty and praiseworthy grace crooked things are made straight, evil is mended, obstinacy broken, humility exalted, dissension uprooted, goodness intensified, and all scandals thrown aside. Let us therefore not glory in ourselves but in God, rejoice and exult in His mercy who says: "Have confidence, for I overcame the world"; and elsewhere: "You can do nothing without Me." But though we have determined to deal with you in writing and speech with exceptional restraint, it is a wonder to us why so many things that we had decided should have been obviously altered, transformed, and, we do not know through whose mistake or designs, distorted... Therefor, let your wonderful prudence, which is reputed to know humility, not take offence that you should have been asked to sue the Church of God for mercy, but rather to humble yourself that you may be exalted and that you may learn to give brotherly affection to one who showed mercy to you. Ibid., pp. 205-206.
Photius of course ignored the Pope's letter.
There's tons of material. The Talmud is the most important source, but there much else as well, including commentaries on the Talmud, etc. You might call it the original 'neverending story'.
The Talmud has not been translated, and its questionable that it could even be translated. Much of it is written in Aramaic, and it is written in a shorthand style so that it is difficult to follow unless you have someone who is already learned in Talmud teaching you. The Talmud itself is composed of the Mishnah, which is an early compilation of Jewish oral law, and the Gemara, which is a commentary on the Mishnah.
I'd recommend general book on Judaism before venturing into the teachings of the sages. But if you are interested in what the Talmud teaches, I'd recommend Everyman's Talmud, which is probably carried in the 'Judaica' section of your local Barnes & Noble. Other classics are Maimonides' Mishneh Torah, and Joseph Karo's Shulchan Arukh. Unfortunately, neither appears to have an English translation in print at the present time.
But... when we DO get there, what WILL we talk about!?
Forget Calvin. His dad was the man. Here's my favorite:
Calvin: Dad, will you explain the theory of relativity to me? I don't understand why time goes slower at great speed.
Dad: It's because you keep changing time zones. See if you fly to California, you gain three hours on a five-hour flight, right?
Dad: So if you go at the speed of light you gain more time, because it doesn't take as long to get there. Of course, the theory of relativity only works if you're going west.
Calvin: Gee, that's not what Mom said at all! She must be totally off her rocker.
Dad: Well, we men are better at abstract reasoning. Go tell her that.
Hee hee
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Posted Mar. 01, 2002 Vandal paints swastika on synagogue door A member of Moses Montefiore Synagogue, 3131 N. Meade St., called police Wednesday evening. Police said a swastika had been spray painted on the door glass. While the dollar amount of damage is relatively minor, the incident will be investigated as a hate crime, said officer Steve Elliott, a community liaison officer for the department. Police do not have any suspects. |
I still am amzed you think we had a choice. The Bible is clear enough about who is given Primacy and it is a common thread of history that Peter was it.
Bummer, dude. Usually these types of things turn out to be just stupid kids, and not any actual threat.
Got it. Let me give it some thought, and I'll get back to you.
Hopefully, they will soon. >:o(
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