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The Man Behind the Movement: Goldwater’s Ultimate Victory
Atlantic Unbound ^ | 8 August 2001 | Jack Beatty

Posted on 09/21/2001 9:27:34 AM PDT by Publius

For the 43 million Americans who voted against Barry Goldwater in 1964, the most widely shared reason may have been the issue framed by the famous “Daisy” commercial run by the Lyndon Johnson campaign. The ad appeared only once, but its fallout was fatal for Goldwater, who was given to apocalyptic banter about “lobbing” missiles “into the men’s room of the Kremlin.” The ad showed a little girl in a field picking petals off a daisy. “One, two, three, four, five, seven, six, eight, nine,” she counts; then, startled, looks up from the flower. The next scene is of an atomic bomb exploding while Johnson’s voice intones, “These are the stakes - to make a world in which all of God’s children can live, or to go into the dark…” An announcer breaks in, “Vote for President Johnson on November 3. The stakes are too high for you to stay home.” Soon Time was reprinting jokes like, “Goldwater's first major address as President: ‘Ten ... nine ... eight ... seven...’” And, “What would a Goldwater presidency be like? Brief.” Doyle, Dane, and Bernbach (DDB), the ad agency that created “Daisy”, had originally planned a series of ads lionizing Johnson as the new Lincoln for his just-passed Civil Rights Act, but by the time the fall campaign began, civil rights had become a liability for LBJ. As Rick Perlstein, born in 1969, shows in his imaginative and engaging history of the Goldwater Right, Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American Consensus, a good many of the 27 million Americans who voted for Goldwater did so because they were against civil rights for blacks. The “Daisy” issue long blinded many of us who scoffed at Barry at the time - “stupid to a degree that is incredible,” is how one British newspaper characterized him - to the enduring significance of the 1964 presidential campaign: that Barry Goldwater, not Lyndon Johnson, spoke to the future of American politics. The Goldwater coalition was made up of southern whites opposed to civil-rights legislation, northern whites fearful of integration, conservatives, anti-government libertarians, anti-union businessmen, those who agreed with their candidate that it might be a good idea to use “low-yield atomic weapons” to defoliate the forests of Vietnam, and those who agreed that the draft should be abolished. Swelled by riots and division at home and war abroad, the Goldwater coalition elected Richard Nixon, gave Ronald Reagan an even bigger victory in the Electoral College over the liberal Walter Mondale in 1984 than LBJ had won over Goldwater twenty years before, elected a Republican House in 1994, and has just elected George W. Bush. From today’s perspective, the winner of the ‘64 election was Barry Goldwater.

It is LBJ, not Goldwater, who looks out of it today. Here is LBJ speaking on national television on July 2, 1964, the day the Civil Rights Act passed the Senate by a margin of 71 to 29, Goldwater among the 29: “We believe all men are entitled to the blessings of liberty. Yet millions are being deprived of those blessings - not because of their own failures, but because of the color of their skin... We can understand how this happened, but it cannot continue. Our Constitution ... forbids it. The principles of our freedom forbid it. Morality forbids it. And the law I signed tonight forbids it.” According to an account in Flawed Giant: Lyndon Johnson and His Times, 1961-1973 by the historian Robert Dallek, later that evening Johnson seemed downcast to his aide Bill Moyers, who asked why. “Because, Bill,” LBJ replied, “I think we have just delivered the South to the Republican Party for a long time to come.” And here is Goldwater, repeating the words of his constitutional expert William Rehnquist, who - chalk up another one for Barry - is now the chief justice of the current Supreme Court (with another Goldwater protégé, Sandra Day O’Connor, poised to succeed him): “Our aim, as I understand it, is neither to establish a segregated society nor to establish an integrated society. It is to preserve a free society.” Goldwater again: “We want to make it safe to live by the law; enough has been done to make it safe to live outside of the law.” And: “Our traditional values of individual responsibility ... have been slipping away at a quickened pace.” “The moral fiber of the American people is beset by rot and decay.” And here, again, is LBJ, appealing to hope, not fear, at the University of Michigan commencement in May, 1964: “For a century we labored to settle and to subdue a continent. For half a century we called upon unbounded invention and untiring industry to create an order of plenty for all of our people. The challenge of the next half-century is whether we have the wisdom to use that wealth to enrich and elevate our national life, and to advance the quality of our American civilization. For in your life we have the opportunity to move not only toward the rich society and the powerful society, but upward to the Great Society.” He continued in this, to us, antique vein: “So will you join the battle to give every citizen the full equality God enjoins? Will you join the battle to give every citizen an escape from the crushing burden of poverty? Will you join in the battle to build the Great Society?” Goldwater talked about individual freedom and responsibility, about how a big central government in Washington had no business telling local folks how to handle local problems like segregation and private matters like to whom you should rent your apartment or sell your house. He talked about taxes, crime, welfare, and decaying values, using the same language as Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Gingrich, and Bush. Who today speaks LBJ's language?

The “white backlash” of the 1960’s is usually dated to the Watts riots of the summer of ‘65 and the worse to come in Newark and Detroit. Chronology becomes exculpation: in reaction to the black riots, whites voted for the backlash candidates in 1968 - George Wallace and Richard Nixon. That chronology, Perlstein shows, is wrong. The backlash first registered politically in 1962, after President John Kennedy sent 23,000 federal troops to Oxford, Mississippi, to put down the white riot that broke out over James Meredith’s attempt to integrate “Ole Miss”. This “premeditated effort to crush the sovereign state of Mississippi,” to quote a GOP Senate candidate in South Carolina, came in the midst of the 1962 congressional election campaign, which saw the Republican vote in the South rise from 660,000 in the last off-year election, in 1958, to more than 2,000,000. In Alabama, Lister Hill, the Democratic senator, faced his first Republican challenger in 37 years and won by only .9 percent of the vote. In South Carolina, the GOP candidate mentioned above, who compared JFK to Hitler for his “invasion” of Mississippi, won 44 percent of the vote.

By 1964 the backlash, fanned by black protests - sometimes violent - in northern ghettos, had gone national. Terror was being employed against civil-rights workers, black and white, in the South. The year saw 71 “racially-motivated” bombings in the Chicago area. “Martin Luther King said that Chicago was the most segregated city in the country,” George Wallace said on Chicago TV. Wallace, running against LBJ in the Democratic primaries, made a specialty of pointing out that mote in the northern eye. At a Serbian-American meeting hall in Milwaukee, which JFK had rocked during a 1960 campaign stop, it took a chorus of “Dixie” to quiet the crowd enough for Wallace to begin speaking, and it took Wallace an hour to shake off his admirers and get out of the building after telling them, “A vote for this little governor will let people in Washington know that we want them to leave our houses, schools, jobs, businesses, and farms alone...” Even though Wisconsin's Democratic Governor, the AFL-CIO, and the Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish clergy joined to attack Wallace as “a threat to the moral quality of our nation,” he got a quarter of the vote in Wisconsin, 30 percent of the vote in Milwaukee, and 47 percent in a new congressional district “carved out of Milwaukee’s wealthiest, best-educated suburbs,” writes Perlstein. South Boston’s Louise Day Hicks, running for re-election to the Boston School Committee, won “an unbelievable landslide” after resisting black demands to integrate the city’s schools. In California, even as LBJ was beating Goldwater by more than a million votes, open housing was going down by a margin of 2 to 1. At the centennial of the Civil War, white supremacy still reigned in America - as it had since the sleep of justice following Reconstruction.

Goldwater was no Wallace; his economic libertarianism appealed beneath the threshold of conscious shame to the racial fears of whites, so that, in voting for him, they did not have to think of themselves as racists but as opponents of big government, friends of federalism. “In Your Heart You Know He’s Right,” the slogan of his campaign, was as close as Goldwater came to breaking the code. He was a boring speaker who numbed even audiences of the faithful. In TV interviews he waxed obscure on weapons systems and the villainous complexities of the progressive income tax. His one memorable utterance of the campaign sunk him. “I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice,” he said in his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention held at the Cow Palace in San Francisco, introducing himself to the millions who were focusing on him as a potential President for the first frightening time. “And let me remind you also - that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!” He had underlined the lines twice in his copy of the speech. They were his favorite. F. Clifton White, who had not seen them and who had been engineering Goldwater’s nomination since 1959, switched off his TV, enraged by the political equivalent of a nuke lobbed into the Kremlin men’s room. Commenting on the speech, Pat Brown, the Democratic Governor of California, said, “The stench of fascism is in the air.” (In two years Brown would lose his seat to Ronald Reagan, who made an electrifying television speech for Goldwater and later ran on a Goldwater law-and-order platform in the wake of the Watts riot and the Berkeley student rebellion.)

The campaign Goldwater went on to wage against LBJ was among the most inept in American political history. Coming out against the Tennessee Valley Authority in Tennessee, against a jet fighter made in Fort Worth in Fort Worth, against aid to farmers in Iowa, and suggesting that battlefield commanders be given permission to launch nuclear weapons without checking first with their Commander-in-Chief, Goldwater was both too principled and too reckless to be elected President of a shaken United States. Yet he captured 38 percent of the vote. Nearly 4 million Americans volunteered to work for his campaign. He raised $12 million to LBJ's $17 million. Whereas 22,000 people donated to JFK and 44,000 to Richard Nixon in 1960, more than one million donated to a campaign everyone knew was an express to defeat. Barry Goldwater was a candidate of a movement, not a moment. The movement had many voices, but its uniting aim was the defeat of communism and the rollback of “socialism” – Goldwater’s word for New Deal liberalism. The movement lives on.

Goldwater was premature in talking about privatizing Social Security - the Democrats used the issue against him to lethal effect in 1964. With a little help from his friends on the Supreme Court, George W. Bush won the presidency in 2000 running on a promise to privatize Social Security, to allow workers to invest a portion of their payroll taxes in the stock market - this at a time when the stock market was losing trillions of dollars in value in the dot-com crash, which would have cost millions of retirees on Social Security their rent or bread money if Bush’s policy had been law. Several of the most likely Bush nominees to the Supreme Court want to repeal as unconstitutional the New Deal’s restraints on the economic freedom of business. Among Bush’s first actions was to rescind new workplace safety rules issued by the Clinton Administration, a decade in the making, that would have protected office workers against repetitive stress injuries but cost industry billions to implement. This was a premonitory hit at organized labor, the one surviving though ever-weakening backbone of the New Deal coalition, and it was followed by Bush’s signing of GOP-sponsored legislation, pushed by the banking and credit card industries, that weakened protections of debtors against seizure of their assets. The libertarian economics with which the GOP pulled in the shy white backlash voter is now the conventional wisdom - cut taxes for the rich, cut domestic spending, cut regulation, eliminate, if Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill has his way, the corporate income tax. The goal is to remove the federal government from the economy, to put ordinary Americans back where they were in 1929: un-championed, naked to the whetstone of the market. “You're on your own” – that’s the message the conservative movement has for Americans, according to David Frum, a leading conservative intellectual and now a Bush speechwriter. These are the stakes.

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Miscellaneous
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Comment #21 Removed by Moderator

To: The Federal Farmer
Tuesday bump.
22 posted on 09/25/2001 9:09:06 AM PDT by Publius
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To: Publius
Howdy to Publius Bump!
23 posted on 09/25/2001 6:32:53 PM PDT by ConservativeLibrarian
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To: Publius
I'm covered with big Goldwater buttons in my 3rd grade year book.

The Girl next to me had 1 small Johnson badge. (she was a commy!)

24 posted on 09/25/2001 6:44:22 PM PDT by Bill Rice
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To: Bill Rice
Not a Commie. Just fooled by the Establishment Media.
25 posted on 09/26/2001 11:49:24 AM PDT by Publius
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To: ConservativeLibrarian
A what-the-hell, it's Thursday bump.
26 posted on 10/04/2001 11:13:56 AM PDT by Publius
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To: ConservativeLibrarian
I-haven't-bumped-this-in-a-while bump.
27 posted on 10/31/2001 8:46:48 AM PST by Publius
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To: ConservativeLibrarian
It's-a-dull-Monday-afternoon bump.
28 posted on 11/05/2001 1:43:32 PM PST by Publius
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To: PoisedWoman
Here's a bump for you. It explains why I think a toast to Barry is so important.
29 posted on 04/27/2002 10:18:07 PM PDT by Publius
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To: Publius
That's an interesting and great story about the Goldwater/Kennedy debates idea.

Well my political start was with the Reagan campaigns, so I missed out on '64. The article seems to try and thread race into every aspect of that campaign, so I immediately smelled a RAT. Was it really that important to the '64 campaign, or anything close to how this author portrays it? I'm sure it mattered, but this story reminds me of how a Stephanopolous would write it.

30 posted on 04/27/2002 10:34:12 PM PDT by Diddle E. Squat
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To: Publius
"You're on your own."

One can only wish it were so.

31 posted on 04/27/2002 10:52:10 PM PDT by wcbtinman
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To: Diddle E. Squat
The article seems to try and thread race into every aspect of that campaign,

Yer right, totally written from a liberal bias. According to the author, no one could ever possibly have sincerely believed in the principles of property rights, prosperity through small government and individual initiative, or (gasp) handling racial problems at the state/local level. Such professed principles are only an excuse for the powerful to trample and exploit the 'less fortunate', and of course RACE was/is the ever-present bogey-man. The learned liberal perfesser sees only two kinds of Goldwater voters: those who were consciously racist, and those who were too ashamed to admit their real reasons for supporting him. Everybody else supported LBJ and all Dem-sponsored legislation, naturally!

Of course, the truth is that this is an example of psychological transference: impugning one's own faults to one's opponents. Fact is, nobody wants elections to be about RACE more than liberals/Democrats. And nobody wants more to make race a non-issue than principled conservatives. Especially Senator Goldwater. But trying to make people forget about race and concentrate on the principles of good government and personal responsibility was a political impossibility in 1966. I remember... I lived just a few miles from Compton/Watts in 1965. And I remember how frightened all whites were. Only liberals look at their fear and call it 'compassion', while those who refuse to assuage black anger with gov't money and enhanced 'rights' are called 'racist'. Raised in a liberal household, it took me about 25 years to figure that out. (Most blacks have had it figured out all along.)

32 posted on 04/28/2002 1:56:40 AM PDT by pariah
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To: Diddle E. Squat
The issue of race was critical to the '64 campaign. Before abortion, it was the leading social issue of the day.

It had taken years of demonstrations and work in Congress to get the Civil Rights Act of '64 passed. Goldwater had opposed the bill on constitutional grounds because it was a carbon copy of the 1876 Civil Rights Act that had been struck down by the Supreme Court shortly after enactment. (Goldwater had a great understanding of American history.)

But, yes, race was the key issue of the 1964 presidential race.

33 posted on 04/28/2002 3:05:38 PM PDT by Publius
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To: Publius
Thanks for the explanation.
34 posted on 04/28/2002 3:23:37 PM PDT by Diddle E. Squat
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To: Publius
“You're on your own” – that’s the message the conservative movement has for Americans, according to David Frum...

And who wouldn't rather be "on their own", when the alternative is to have the Democrats "taking care of you" thru the medium of the federal bureaucracy?

35 posted on 04/28/2002 3:45:51 PM PDT by okie01
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To: pariah
Beatty makes the usual liberal elitist presumptions: conservatives are a.) not very bright and/or b.) racist.

It's a shame that liberals continue to make these mistakes -- thereby revealing that they are a.) not nearly so bright as they might think and b.) quite the racists, themselves.

36 posted on 04/28/2002 4:27:31 PM PDT by okie01
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To: Publius
Goldwater was the first politician I publicly supported. My hometown was 80% New Deal Democrat. It was... interesting-
37 posted on 04/28/2002 4:42:00 PM PDT by backhoe
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To: pariah
But trying to make people forget about race and concentrate on the principles of good government and personal responsibility was a political impossibility in 1966.

Actually, 1966 was an excellent year for Republicans and conservatives. The race situation had worsened to the point where liberals were having trouble using the old white guilt reflex to get votes. Inflation was heating up. The first serious peace marches -- and student disturbances in California -- were getting headlines and worrying the middle class, which had not yet turned against the war.

The Republicans recruited in the business community and brought forth the best slate of candidates they had fielded since 1948. Ronald Reagan came from behind and polished off Gov. Pat Brown in a landslide. Chuck Percy took out socialist Sen. Paul Douglas in Illinois. There were many other victories.

Richard Nixon campaigned tirelessly for Republican candidates and earned the IOU's that gave him the edge two years later for the presidential nod. Lyndon Johnson made one of his rare political mistakes that year and criticized Nixon publicly at a press conference, calling him a "chronic campaigner". Nixon asked for and got from the networks time to reply to Johnson, and his measured response brought his political career back from the dead.

1966 was the turning point for the Republicans and was the critical stepping stone to their return to power in 1968.

38 posted on 04/28/2002 9:39:30 PM PDT by Publius
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To: okie01
A surprising number of people would prefer to have the federal bureaucracy take care of them from cradle to grave.

In the last election, it was about half the electorate.

39 posted on 04/29/2002 8:33:55 AM PDT by Publius
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To: backhoe
Although your town may have been 80% New Deal Democrat, I'd be willing to bet that in 1980, most of the people became Reagan Democrats.
40 posted on 04/29/2002 8:35:41 AM PDT by Publius
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