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CBS (sorry)
Posted on 09/11/2001 6:47:21 AM PDT by RedBloodedAmerican
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Wake up America, what Clinton has done by making an ally of Arafat has now come home.
To: RedBloodedAmerican
Palestian front? Does not our own State Dept help them?
To: RedBloodedAmerican
I wonder if Hillary still thinks Palestine should become a state.
To: Diogenesis
I would hope in the aftermath of this incident this country has some appreciation of what's its like for our Israeli friends to deal with terrorism every day and it would behoove the State Department to stop its high minded hectoring of our ally on how to protect itself. We do have a common enemy after all.
To: RedBloodedAmerican
The PLO has a base 90 miles south of Key West.
To: RedBloodedAmerican
This is the first of many claims I'm sure. Any word from Israel, what's going on there?
To: RedBloodedAmerican
I don't neccessarily believe this, however I think we should bomb the hell out of them just for their claim of responsibility.
To: goldstategop
I would hope our Arab friends realize that we are the people who took out Nagasaki, Hiroshima, and Dresden. I doubt that we will respond to this by blowing up a few mud huts. See "Carpet Bombing".
posted on
09/11/2001 7:02:57 AM PDT
To: Luis Gonzalez
You're so right. All of our enemies have a base 90 miles away.
To: Luis Gonzalez
I hope it has a freakin' bullseye on it.
posted on
09/11/2001 7:03:37 AM PDT
To: RedBloodedAmerican
Time for some good old genocide!
To: ScreamingFist
Israel is in shock. All the stores with tv's are jam packed with people. This is horrible. Believe me, they can relate.
To: RedBloodedAmerican
I hope everyone is ready for Judgement Day. I'm ready to call for what will probably prove to be the final event; the scorched-earthing of those parts of the West Bank and Gaza under PLO control.
posted on
09/11/2001 7:06:01 AM PDT
Time for some good old genocide!
To: TrueBeliever9, 2sheep, dennisw, Thinkin' Gal, 2sheep
I wonder how the fanatical Moslems, anti-Jewish "Christians" and CNN will blame this one on the Jews too.
To: goldstategop
Good point. Prayers for the victims and for the emergency crews and medical personnel.
posted on
09/11/2001 7:07:56 AM PDT
To: RedBloodedAmerican
Can Arafat be insane enough to do this? Or was it Ozama Bin Laden? The destuction of the towers is almost complete, thousands and thousands of people have been killed, no doubt. This date will rank with December 7th, in infamy.
To: RedBloodedAmerican
It's way past time to get these bastards!! Bush needs to respond in a big way.
posted on
09/11/2001 7:11:42 AM PDT
To: Luis Gonzalez, Prodigal Daughter
OMG, you're right about enemy bases in Cuba. Do you think these planes were based there? If so, this will spell the end of Castro, which at this point looks like small compensation for this horror.
No matter where they came from, how did planes get through radar and everything else?
To: thread
I am going to say this - I've long said that the Pals were the gang who couldn't shoot straight, and if I'd been running their ops, there wouldn't be a police station or Israeli gov't building that wouldn't be a war zone. And they can't hit the place where they live - yet can come here and run a well coordinated, well funded attack? Lets destroy them if they did it - but if they didn't lets nail the ones who really did it - along with their funding governments - Libya, Iraq - and China.
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