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Procter & Gamble, makers of Crest toothpaste, Tide detergent, and Pampers diapers, has publicly thrown their support and money behind the homosexual political agenda

The company recently wrote to all their Cincinnati employees urging them to support the overturning of a city law which forbids giving special rights to homosexuals. In 1993, the citizens in Cincinnati refused to give special rights to homosexuals by a vote of 62% to 38%. P&G is now working to get that law repealed. The company has given $10,000 to help repeal the law. To our knowledge, Procter & Gamble is the first company to support the political agenda of the homosexual movement. While not explicitly saying so, in their public announcement supporting the repeal P&G clearly showed their support for homosexual marriage. P&G said they "will not tolerate discrimination [against homosexuals] in any form, against anyone, for any reason." To keep homosexuals from being legally married is discrimination for good reason, which P&G says they will not tolerate. Taking them at their word, P&G supports homosexual marriage.

American Family Association is asking pro-family groups and individuals to: (1) Boycott three products of P&G — Crest toothpaste, Tide detergent, and Pampers diapers. (Make sure your replacement is not a P&G product.) (2) Call Chairman A.G. Lafley at 513-983-1100 and politely let him know that you are participating in the boycott and will ask others to do the same. (3) Please register your support for the boycott in the form above. (4) Please forward this to your friends and family. (5) Print out this page and distribute at Sunday School, church, etc.

Partial List Of Proctor & Gamble Products: • Actonel medication • Always minipads and maxipads • Banner toilet tissue • Biactrin facial cleanser • Biz bleach • Bold detergent • Bounce fabric softener • Bounty paper towels • California perfume • Camay soap • Cascade detergent • Charmin bathroom tissue and wipes • Cheer detergent • Cinch all purpose cleaner • Clarion cosmetics • Cooler fragrance • Cover Girl cosmetics • Cremacoat cough medicine • Crest toothpaste and Crest products • Crystal Spring shampoo and hair conditioner • Dash detergent • Dawn dish detergent • DayQuil decongestant • Dismiss douches • Downy fabric softener • Dreft detergent • Dryel fabric care system • Eagle snacks • Era detergent • Fasteeth denture adhesive • Febreze household products • Fit fruit and vegetable wash • Fixodent • Folger's coffee • Formula 44 cough medicine • Gain detergent • Giorgio perfume • Gleem toothpaste • Head & Shoulders shampoo • Head & Chest cold remedy products • Iams pet food • Incognito fragrance • Ivory soap and detergent • Joy detergent • Kid Fresh wipes • le Jardin de Max Factor fragrances • Lifestage vitamins • Luv's diapers • Marathon mascara • Mary Quant cosmetics • Max Factor cosmetics • Maxi by Max Factor • Metamucil laxative • Mill Creek Old Fashioned Curative Shampoo • Mill Creek's New Skin Care System • Millstone coffee • Moisture Wear make-up • Mr. Clean cleaning products • Navy fragrance • Noxzema skin cream • Noxzema Continuous Protection cream • NP27 athlete's foot care • NyQuil decongestant • Olay lotions and products • Old Spice toiletries • Olean fat free oil • Oxydol detergent • Pampers diapers & wipes • Pantene shampoo • Pepto-Bismol • Pert shampoo • Pert Plus • Physique hair products • Pringle's potato chips • Puffs tissue • Pur water filters • Puritan cooking oil • Raintree skin cream • Safeguard soap • Santa Fe men's fragrance • Sassoon D dandruff shampoo • Sassoon D scalp and hair conditioner • Sassoon, Vidal hair products • Scope mouthwash • Secret deodorant • Sinex • Solo liquid detergent • Spic and Span cleaner • Summit towels • Sure antiperspirant • Surround cough syrup • Swiffer cleaning cloths and products • TAMPAX tampons • Tender Leaf tea • Tide detergent • Vaporub cough drops • Vicks medications • Women of All Color makeup • Wondra hand lotion • Zest detergent bar A statement from Procter & Gamble P&G Supports Repeal of Article 12 in Cincinnati Dick Antoine, Global Human Resources Officer Charlotte Otto, Global External Relations Officer 23 August 2004 Recently, a petition was submitted to the City of Cincinnati to place an issue on the November ballot to repeal Article 12 of the city charter. Article 12 was passed in 1993. It effectively excludes gays & lesbians from seeking protection from discrimination based on their sexual orientation. A number of people inside and outside the company have asked about P&G’s position on this repeal so we wanted to share our thinking. P&G joins a number of other major businesses, the Greater Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce, civic, religious and community leaders in supporting repeal. We support repeal for the following reasons: 1. Respect for all individuals is a key P&G value. The company believes that all people deserve protection from discrimination. We value differences and will not tolerate discrimination in any form, against anyone, for any reason (emphasis added). In supporting repeal, P&G is not promoting any particular lifestyle; instead, we are supporting values of respect and tolerance. 2. Article 12 is outdated and divisive – an artifact of Cincinnati’s past. It prevents Cincinnati from developing a reputation as an open and welcoming community. 3. Article 12 negatively impacts the city and region’s image and therefore limits P&G’s ability to attract and retain the best talent to help build our business. 4. Article 12 is the only law of its kind in the United States that allows discrimination against a specific group of people, a distinction that makes the city of Cincinnati out of step with doing what’s right. Only those who live in the city of Cincinnati will vote on this repeal. P&G has provided support for the campaign. A number of P&Gers have decided to get involved in the campaign. We expect the discussion about the repeal of Article 12 to be lively and impassioned. Some will portray repeal as providing “special rights.” While we respect other views, we don’t see it that way. We see repeal as a step to eliminate the potential for discrimination. P&G has a rich history of taking action to do what’s right. We hope this provides background on P&G’s position and involvement in the repeal campaign.

To: Friends of Equal Rights NO Special Rights From: Phil Burress The attached letter was emailed to P&G employees. P&G has already given $10,000 to the local pro-homosexual special rights group. A second attachment is a letter written to P&G by a 30+ year employee objecting to P&G entering this debate. Employees at P&G know that they will be harassed for not bending their knee to the bosses on the 11th floor. CCV has been told that many employee are fed up with P&G’s heavy handed ways of telling employees they will accept homosexuality or else. This employee took a stand and he knows that if they fire or punish him for speaking his mind, there are pro-family attorney’s who will come to his aid. P&G needs to hear from leaders, employees and customers about their attempt to force their values on the people of Cincinnati. For those who are interested, the following information goes into more detail about Article 12 (Issue 3). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Prepared by: Equal Rights NO Special Rights Inc. Phil Burress, Chairman (513-733-5775) Re: "Special Rights" Legislation During the past few weeks, we have received many calls from cities across America where "special rights" laws are being passed or considered. I am sure that "special rights" legislation has become a pressing issue for all of you, as well. As you may know, Cincinnati fought this battle years ago. Following are some information and insights gleaned from our struggle that may be of benefit to you. THE "HOMOSEXUAL RIGHTS" DEBATE From 1992 to 1998 Citizens for Community Values (CCV) and its sister organization, Equal Rights NO Special Rights (ERNSR) debated the issue of laws providing special rights based on private sexual behavior. We all know that discrimination, per se, is not wrong or illegal. To the contrary, to say that one is "discriminating"-in his choice of friends, his choice of food, his choice of reading materials, etc., etc.-is a complement. Personal discrimination based on legitimate values is a virtue, and discrimination even when based on whimsical preferences, is a right. On the other hand, most people in our society recognize that discrimination with respect to treatment of individuals, when based on immutable characteristics such as skin color-characteristics that have no bearing on an individual's behavior or morals-is wrong. Properly, in 1964 Congress passed the Civil Rights Act to protect against that kind of discrimination. Unfortunately, CCV and ERNSR had to spend more than one million dollars to prove that discrimination based on others' sexual behavior is not in the same category as discrimination based on non-behavioral characteristics such as skin color. Sadly, we had to work hard to prove that homosexual activists' claims of discrimination, whether or not they were valid, did not give them a constitutional right to pass ordinances providing them special protection based on sexual behavior. Many times people have made claims in court that their "sexual orientation" was a status similar to those classes protected by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It is important to note that in every such case decided by a federal court, those claims have been denied. In Cincinnati, this debate was referred to by its ballot designation, "Issue 3." Following is the history of that debate. History of Issue 3 1991: Cincinnati City Council adds sexual orientation to the anti-discrimination language of its EEO policies. 1992: Cincinnati City Council passes legislation known as the Human Rights Ordinance, making it illegal for private employers and property owners to discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religion, marital status, age, disability status, HIV status, sexual orientation, national and ethnic origin and Appalachian regional origin. 1993: "Equal Rights Not Special Rights" puts a Charter Amendment on the ballot known as "Issue 3" to change Cincinnati's City Charter to prohibit the enactment of any law granting special preferential treatment based on sexual orientation. Issue 3 passes by a 62% margin. 1993: U.S. District Judge Arthur Spiegel rules that Issue 3 is unconstitutional and issues a permanent injunction. [Note: homosexuals, bisexuals, and lesbians were equated as suspect class.] 1994: U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th District reverses Judge Spiegel's decision thereby allowing Issue 3 to be implemented. 1995: Citing the 1993 ballot results and the Court of Appeals ruling Cincinnati City Council, by a 5-4 vote, removes the "sexual orientation" classification from the Human Rights Ordinance. 1996: The U.S. Supreme Court strikes down Colorado's Amendment 2 (Romer case), which uses similar language as Cincinnati's Issue 3. 1996: The U.S. Supreme Court instructs the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit to reconsider its previous decision on Issue 3 in light of the Supreme Court's ruling on Amendment 2. 1997: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit hears arguments from both sides before reconsidering their earlier decision. 1997: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit upholds its 1994 ruling on Issue 3. [Note: the Court distinguishes between the two in that Issue 3 is a local Charter Amendment versus Amendment 2 which is a statewide initiative. 1998: The U.S. Supreme Court refuses to hear the case. Article XII of the City Charter goes into effect. To summarize the above, let me say that the history of Cincinnati's Issue 3 demonstrates that regardless of where a city stands in the "special rights" legislation process, there is hope. It was not until after Cincinnati City Council voted 7-2 to pass a Human Rights Ordinance granting special privileges based on sexual orientation that citizens in Cincinnati entered the debate. After long, hard battles, Cincinnati now is the only city in the nation where voters have changed the City Charter (by a 62%-38% margin) to prevent its City Council from passing any ordinances granting special rights based on sexual orientation. For example, Cincinnati City Council is prohibited from passing any "hate crimes" laws or "human rights" ordinances or from granting "domestic partner" benefits. The language that now appears in Cincinnati's City Charter reads as follows: No Special Class Status May Be Granted Based Upon Sexual Orientation, Conduct or Relationships. The City of Cincinnati and its various Boards and Commissions may not enact, adopt, enforce or administer an ordinance, regulation, rule or policy which provides that homosexual, lesbian, or bisexual orientation, status, conduct, or relationship constitutes, entitles or otherwise provides a person with a basis to have a claim of minority or protected status, quota preference or other preferential treatment. This provision of the City Charter shall in all respects be self-executing. Any ordinance, regulation, rule or policy enacted before this amendment is adopted that violates the foregoing prohibition shall be null and void and of no force or effect. THE "D" WORD The accusation of "discrimination" has been one of the activists' most effective tools. You know the fundamental argument regarding discrimination, as briefly stated above. When the "D" word is thrown at you, cite the Cincinnati example. How can discrimination based on a person's sexual behavior be illegal discrimination when the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals twice unanimously upheld a change in Cincinnati's City Charter to prohibit its City Council from passing any laws based on claims of such discrimination? In addition, the Human Rights Ordinance that was passed by Cincinnati's City Council in 1992 was in effect for two and one-half years before we were able to repeal the law. During the entire time that the ordinance was in effect, not one case of discrimination was proven. Not only is it wrong to pass laws based on sexual orientations, but also the claims of discrimination based on sexual orientation are greatly exaggerated. SEXUAL ORIENTATION: A LOADED TERM During the lengthy debate we assembled a long list of "sexual orientations" and repeatedly asked whether laws barring discrimination based on "sexual orientation" would embrace all of the orientations on our list. The homosexual activists refused to answer the question. It is important to remember that our Creator's plan was that human sexuality be expressed only in a lifelong, monogamous relationship between one man and one woman. In accordance with that plan, He created males and females with complementary reproductive organs; i.e. He, the Creator, designed each one of us to be heterosexual. For a number of reasons, including some complex same gender identity disorders, certain human beings have an inclination to engage in sexual relationships with members of the same sex. The existence of that inclination is not a matter of choice. As in the case of any inclination contrary to the Creator's plan, the decision to actually engage in homosexual behavior is a matter of choice. To repeat, the inclination often is due to sexual identity disorders dating back to childhood years and beyond the individual's control, but the decision to engage in the behavior still is a matter of the will, a matter of choice. Our question to the activist was always this: If we were to grant special privileges to those who choose to participate in behavior peculiar to one "sexual orientation"- homosexuality-would we not be obligated to grant the same privileges to those who choose to engage in the behaviors associated with any of the orientations listed below? By simply placing the word "rights" behind each one of these sexual orientations listed below, we begin to see the problem posed by granting so-called "gay rights" based on sexual orientation. List of Sexual Orientations: * APOTEMNOPHILIA - sexual arousal associated with the stump(s) of an amputee. * ASPHYXOPHILIA - sexual gratification derived from activities that involve oxygen deprivation. * AUTOEROTIC ASPHYXIA - sexual gratification derived from an activity in which the individual masturbates while depriving him or herself of oxygen through hanging, strangulation, or other means; this activity is incredibly dangerous and causes many inadvertent deaths each year. * BISEXUALITY - the capacity to feel erotic attraction toward, or to engage in sexual interaction with, both males and females. * COPROPHAGIA - sexual gratification derived from eating feces. * COPROPHILIA - sexual arousal associated with feces. * EXHIBITIONISM - the act of exposing one's genitals to an unwilling observer to obtain sexual gratification. * FETISHISM/SEXUAL FETISHISM - obtaining sexual excitement primarily or exclusively from an inanimate object or a particular part of the body. * FROTTEURISM - approaching an unknown woman from the rear and pressing or rubbing the penis against her buttocks. * HOMOSEXUALITY - people who form sexual relationships primarily or exclusively with members of their own gender. * GERONTOSEXUALITY - distinct preference for sexual relationships primarily or exclusively with an elderly partner. * INCEST - sex with a sibling or parent. * KLEPTOPHILIA - obtaining sexual excitement from stealing. * KLISMAPHILIA - erotic pleasure derived from enemas. * LESBIANISM - female to female homosexuality. * LEWDNESS - sexually unchaste; inciting to lust or debauchery. * MASTURBATION - erotic stimulation of one's own genitals. * NECROPHILIA - sexual arousal and/or activity with a corpse. * PARAPHILIA - a condition in which a person's sexual arousal and gratification depend on fantasizing about and engaging in sexual behavior that is atypical and extreme. * PARTIALISM - A fetish in which a person is sexually attracted to a specific body part exclusive of the person. * PEDERASTY - Sex between an adult and a child, usually an adult male and a male child. * PEDOPHILIA - Sexual contact between an adult and a child. * BISEXUAL PEDOPHILIA - term used for an adult who derives sexual gratification from sexual contact with a child without regard to the sex of the child. * HETEROSEXUAL PEDOPHILIA - term used for an adult who derives sexual gratification from sexual contact with a child of the opposite sex. * GAY PEDOPHILIA - term used for a male adult who derives sexual gratification from sexual contact with a child of the same sex. * LESBIAN PEDOPHILIA - term used for a female adult who derives sexual gratification from sexual contact with a child of the same sex. * PROSTITUTION - the act or practice of offering sexual stimulation or intercourse for money. * SEXUAL MASOCHISM - obtaining sexual gratification by being subjected to pain or humiliation. * SEXUAL SADISM - the intentional infliction of pain or humiliation on another person in order to achieve sexual excitement. * TELEPHONE SCATALOGIA - sexual arousal associated with making or receiving obscene phone calls. * TOUCHERISM - characterized by a strong desire to touch the breast or genitals of an unknown woman without her consent; often occurs in conjunction with other paraphilia. * TRANSSEXUALITY - gender identity that is contrary to a person's anatomical gender. * TRANSVESTISM -the practice of dressing in the clothes of the opposite sex as a form of sexual inversion. * UROPHILIA - sexual arousal associated with urine. * VOYEURISM - obtaining sexual arousal by observing people without their consent When they are undressed or engaged in sexual activity. * ZOOPHILIA/BESTIALITY - engaging in sexual activity with animals. If you have any questions about the above or about any aspect of Cincinnati's long Issue 3 debate, please feel free to call us.

American Family Association Donald E. Wildmon 107 Parkgate Dr. Tupelo, MS 38801 American Family Radio P. O. Drawer 2440 Tupelo, MS 38803 Telephone: 1-662-844-5036

Stephen M. Crampton, Chief Counsel AFA Center for Law & Policy Post Office Drawer 2440 Tupelo, Mississippi 38803 Telephone: 662-680-3886

Equal Rights NO Special Rights Inc. 513-733-5775 Phil Burress, Chairman David Miller

Information Distributed By P.O. Box 531, Mansfield, TX 76063-0531 817-781-5733

Call Procter & Gamble Chairman A.G. Lafley at 513-983-1100 and politely let him know that you are participating in the boycott and will ask others to do the same.

The boycott against Procter & Gamble is working -- generating a great deal of media attention and causing company officials to scramble for excuses. This momentum must be maintained, and we've added some new contact phone numbers in bold below that will help you make your concerns known. You should know going in that the company is almost certain to respond to your concerns by saying that you have your information wrong, that it is not advocating for same-sex marriage. You might hear that Procter & Gamble is only trying to prevent "discrimination" against homosexuals allowed under Article 12, a city ordinance in Cincinnati. This is not true. The law the company is actively opposing merely ensures that businesses can operate according to their own moral compasses and cannot be compelled to offer benefits to homosexuals if to do so violates their values. What Procter & Gamble fails to take into account in defending itself is that the same gay activists they have aligned with have as their No. 1 goal the legalization of homosexual marriage; repealing Cincinnati's Article 12 is only the first step in the process. By helping with efforts to repeal Article 12, Procter & Gamble is helping pave the way for the legalization of same-sex marriage. (To read a CitizenLink story detailing the situation, click here.) Here's what you can do to join the boycott — and let the company's top officials know where you stand: 1) Don't buy Tide or Crest. In addition, when you purchase other brands of laundry detergent and toothpaste, you should avoid other Procter & Gamble products. They include the detergents Gain, Cheer and Ivory Snow; and the toothpaste Gleem. 2) Call or fax company CEO A.G. Lafley and let him know you are part of the boycott and will urge others to join you. The company's phone number is 513-983-1100. The fax number is 513-983-9369. 3) Contact other key members of the company's management team directly, to let them know what you think of Procter & Gamble policy. The names and numbers are listed below: • Charlotte Otto, Global External Relations Officer: 513-983-8300 • Terry Loftus, Associate Director/Media Relations: 513-983-9736 • Martha Depenbrock, Specialist Manager/Media Relations: 513-983-5366 • Doug Shelton, Manager/Media Relations: 513-983-7893 • Linda Ulrey, Associate Director/Media Relations: 513-983-8975 • Teri Jones, Manager/ Media Relations: 513-983-4929 • Jeannie Therrington, Assistant Manager/Media Relations: 513-983-7624 • Gail Nolte, Associate Director/Consumer Relations: 513-698-6699 • Carol Talbot, Associate Director/Corporate Contributions & Community Relations: 513-983-2147 • Gayle Nessenuf, Associate Director/Corporate Communications: 513-983-9977 • Jane Fawcett-Hoover, Vice President/U.S. National & International Government Relations: 202-393-3408 • Carolyn Brahm, Director/U.S. National & International Government Relations: 202-393-3406 • Jim McCarthy, Director/U.S. National & International Government Relations, 202-393-3402 • Scott Miller, Director/U.S. National & International Government Relations: 202-393-3404 4) Call or fax members of Procter & Gamble's board of directors and let them know you're part of the boycott. While many of them are Procter & Gamble employees, some are executives at other companies or private businesspeople. Contact information for some of them is below. • Board Member Scott D. Cook is chairman of the executive committee of Intuit, Inc. The company's phone number is 800-446-8848 or 650-944-6000. The fax number is 650-944-3699. • Board member Robert D. Storey is an attorney at the law firm of Thompson Hine in Cleveland. The firm's phone number is 216-566-5500 or (toll-free) 877-628-5500. • Board member Margaret C. Whitman is president and CEO of eBay. The company's phone number is 408-376-7400, and its fax number is 408-376-7401. • Board member W. James McNerney Jr. is CEO of the 3M Co. The company's phone number is 651-733-1110, and its fax number is 651-737-3061. • Board member Ernesto Zedillo, the former president of Mexico, is director of the Center for the Study of Globalization at Yale University. His phone number is 203-432-1900. 5) While e-mail addresses for the executives and board of directors at Procter & Gamble are hard to come by, we have located them for CEO A.G. Lafley and board members Robert Storey and Ernesto Zedillo. To access a form that will let you send one message to all three, visit the CitizenLink Action Center.

1 posted on 09/29/2004 8:37:36 PM PDT by Warden
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To: Warden

And if that isn't good enough reason boycott them because they are big wig advertisers for CBS...

2 posted on 09/29/2004 8:40:58 PM PDT by trashcanbred (Anti-social and anti-socialist)
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To: Warden

Sorry, but I think you're being way over the top on this one.

3 posted on 09/29/2004 8:41:32 PM PDT by Regret
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To: Warden


5 posted on 09/29/2004 8:43:25 PM PDT by Melas
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To: Warden
Off topic question:

Was it P & G products that carried a symbol on their products that was said to be satanic in nature? I could be mistaken, but I swear that I vaguely remember hearing that as a kid and seeing this post made me remember it.

(psst...paragraphs are our friends!)
10 posted on 09/29/2004 8:49:14 PM PDT by Sweet_Sunflower29 (God Bless The United States of America--)
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To: Warden

I will boycott all P&G products until they withdraw their support of a homosexual agenda giving them special rights. It is time for moral people to become outraged with immoral advocacy agendas and finally take action agaist them.

13 posted on 09/29/2004 9:00:18 PM PDT by Iam1ru1-2
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To: Warden

I'm already boycotting P&G. Their advocacy of anti-social radicalism has to come with a price tag.

14 posted on 09/29/2004 9:01:02 PM PDT by Antoninus (Abortion; Euthanasia; Fetal Stem Cell Research; Human Cloning; Homo Marriage - NON-NEGOTIABLE ISSUES)
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To: Warden


23 posted on 09/29/2004 9:30:03 PM PDT by Joe Hadenuf (I failed anger management class, they decided to give me a passing grade anyway)
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To: Warden

What's P&G's position on ¶s?

25 posted on 09/29/2004 9:33:44 PM PDT by Doctor Stochastic (Vegetabilisch = chaotisch is der Charakter der Modernen. - Friedrich Schlegel)
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To: Warden

Suppose I told you Procter & Gamble created and ran an ad that
showed two men (in fuzzy focus at top center of the ad) in bed
after an apparent sexual encounter.

Suppose I told you the ad showed clothing scattered across the
floor like the two men were in a hurry to get undressed and get into
the bed.

Suppose I told you the P&G ad was captioned with these words:
"You were more concerned with taking them off than folding them up."
(In other words, the two men just could not wait to get into bed to
have homosexual sex.)

Suppose the ad goes on to say you can use Downy Wrinkle Release,
a P&G product, to unwrinkle your clothes left on the floor in your
haste to get into bed.

Suppose I told you this ad, which leaves the impression that
homosexual sex is normal, thrilling and exciting, was created by P&G and run
in a homosexual publication called "Xtra".

I know you would have a hard time believing me. So see it for
yourself. Click here to see the ad.
If that link is not no longer active, click here

There should be no doubt P&G is aggressively promoting the
homosexual agenda. A company doesn't create and run an ad that leaves
the impression that homosexual sex is thrilling and exciting unless
they support the homosexual agenda.

It should come as no surprise when P&G supports homosexual marriage.
This is the company that has aggressively come out in favor of
repealing the law in Cincinnati which forbids giving homosexuals
special rights, but at the same time has refused to support the Ohio
Marriage Protection Amendment which defines marriage as being only
between one man and one woman.

Remember, this is the company that said they "will not tolerate
discrimination [against homosexuals] in any form, against anyone,
for any reason." To keep homosexuals from being legally married is
discrimination [for good reason] that P&G says they will not tolerate.

American Family Association is asking individuals to:

(1) Boycott three products of P&G — Crest toothpaste, Tide
detergent, and Pampers diapers. (Make sure your replacement is not a
P&G product. Look on the back of the product.)

(2) Call Chairman A.G. Lafley at 513-983-1100 and politely let him
know that you are participating in the boycott and will ask others to
do the same.

(3) Click here to register your support for the boycott.

(4) Please forward this to your friends and family. They will have
to see it to believe it, also.

(5) Click here to print out and distribute the boycott Crest,
Tide and Pampers petition.



Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association

28 posted on 09/29/2004 9:40:40 PM PDT by LowOiL (Christian and proud of it !)
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To: Warden; All

Also posted here:

With reasoned debate and some pulled comments...

I note that one of the favorite tactics of homosexual promoters is to infer or state that those of us who denounce the homosexual agenda are "obsessed" with the topic. If that is so, then what is their interest? Why are they obsessed with defending homosexuality, without ever arguing the facts in a rational manner?

That is much more suspicious. Social conservatives will state reason after reason exactly why we oppose the homosexual agenda; whereas our opponents have nothing to say to refute any facts we put forward. All they can do is sling slogans, call names, and generally froth at the mouth.

32 posted on 09/29/2004 9:45:06 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Islamo-Jihadis and Homosexual-Jihadis both want to destroy civilization.)
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To: Warden

I'm sorry about the post not being in paragraph form. I've been active in stopping the spread of unrighteousness and homosexuality for a long time. I'm new to posting on Free Republic. I've posted here twice before this time. I have some great information to bring to your attention. I will make sure that my post are more readable from now on.

Rick Warden

35 posted on 09/30/2004 7:31:19 AM PDT by Warden (
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To: Warden
Employees at P&G know that they will be harassed for not bending their knee to the bosses on the 11th floor

This happened to a friend of mine at the USFS (personel director) because she refused to promote the sensitivity training for USFS employees to understand homosexual lifestyles, and needs.

The training included graphic details.
37 posted on 10/01/2004 8:47:40 AM PDT by Delphinium
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