Independence Day


On this day the Foxhole celebrates the spirit of America
America the beautiful.... more than the mountains -

the seas -

the liberty and the freedom...

What we celebrate most is the heart and soul of true and good Americans, of Patriots, people who love this country and support its interests, the American spirit.
What makes an American?
It's not just a birthright.
Our great country, this land of the brave, proud and free was founded by immigrants searching for a better life. Immigrants who proudly became Americans and taught their children what it is to love this country of ours.
Throughout our history immigrants continued to arrive with a love of America in their hearts and minds and continued this tradition of passing down patriotism.
Here at the FReeper Foxhole we have our own SAMWolf as one such example.
SAM's family is proud to be American. Their family emigrated to America and became citizens. Following in his fathers footsteps SAM volunteered to serve his adopted country and joined first the Army and later the National Guard.
SAM is such a terrific example I forget that he wasn't born on our soil, but I shouldn't... because remembering that fact makes me even more proud of him. SAM has served his country well and I believe he continues to do so.
While he and I were talking about how we would present this holiday to our readers, SAM and I talked about his parents. He told me about his mother, and how during the sixties (the years of draft dodging) she wondered how some people born here could not appreciate what they had. Why would they flee to Canada and not want to serve their country? His parents appreciated their new country and were grateful to be able to make America their new home. They believe the same to this day.
As for me, I was born here as were my parents and raised to have a love for my country just like SAM's parents raised him and he passed on to his children.
We are no different SAM and I, one American by birthright, one American by emigrating to this land and becoming one of her citizens.
We are proud to be Americans and love our country, despite her problems. We believe our readers feel the same, and that is the 'Spirit of America' we celebrate today.

Do you get a feeling of pride in your heart when you see our Flag go by in review or hear the Star Spangled Banner? Does John Phillip Sousa's music stir your soul? Do you get a tear in your eye when you see the all the headstones in a US Military cemetery? We do.

Beyond the fireworks, parades and BBQ's, to us the 4th of July marks the birth of an idea. An idea Abraham Lincoln described as "..a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." An idea that embodied a "government of the people, by the people, for the people...". An idea that changed the world for over 225 years.

SAM and I, working together, did our best to put into words what we feel in our hearts about our Country every day and especially on the 4th of July, while neither of us are writers, we combined both our own words in a joint effort and have also included a couple articles by others which we note.
Mostly, holidays like July 4th, Memorial Day and Veterans Day, we think about those who came before us. The following article best puts into words our feelings on July 4th.

The Road To The Stars and Stripes
Many of us, to be quite candid, merely take this grand Republic of ours for granted; too busy to acknowledge that our present day existence is the masterwork of a distinguished group of unselfish Americans, whom we call Patriots.
We assume America is always going to be here; fortunately, that assumption is true, but only because of countless extraordinary Americans, who took their responsibility seriously, risking their lives to preserve this special place we call home.
Our precious foundations, written on a few small pieces of paper: the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights have been defended by that distinguished long blue line of Americans, starting at Lexington and Concord, through Bunker Hill, Valley Forge, Tripoli, the Alamo and Gettysburg; changing otherwise common places into hallowed ground. Their line continued to Belleau Wood, the Meuse Argonne and Chateau Thierry. With relentless fury, they proved to be a unique assembly of the finest men this world could produce.

On that infamous day, December 7th, 1941, the line was tested again. In those dark moments when the world was stunned, and our Country was facing insurmountable odds, this unparalleled group of Americans held firm and pressed forward to ensure our liberty. They proceeded through ominous war clouds over the vast Pacific to Wake Island, Guam, Guadalcanal, and the Philippines. Who can ever forget the unsung heroes of Iwo Jima or those sacred crosses left behind in Normandy? 
They answered the call once more in Korea, and again in the jungles of Vietnam; brave men who cared for more than just themselves, unabashedly claiming title to being an American Soldier willing to die for his country that the ideals of which we all believe might live forever.

America's yesterday, totally consumed by valor, bravery, sacrifice and proud determination, has provided Americans of this generation with the privilege of enjoying as free citizens the greatest nation on earth. These valiant Americans will continue to inspire us to cherish our freedom and to protect and defend America from the clutches of tyranny; be it from our adversaries on the outside of our national perimeter, or from the more inconspicuous elements within our very precious shores; thus ensuring life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all future generations of Americans. They too will share in our great American heritage with the knowledge that tomorrow will come, even better than today, and the legacy left us will be handed down until the end of time.

Our proud American tradition of being the most outstanding example of what free men can accomplish is, and forever will be, inspired by the actions of all American Patriots, past, present and future; guided by the grace of God and the magnificent Flag that represents our nation, the Stars and Stripes of these United States of America.
Refresh your memory, travel through Virginia, the Carolinas, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. Hear the Patriots speak boldly. Listen to the bell proclaim freedom and follow Old Glory from her birth in 1776 to her present state. The fairest of the fair, the grandest of the grand, and the strongest of them all.
Recall "One Giant Step for Mankind" as gallant Americans placed the American Flag on the moon. Where will Old Glory fly tomorrow? It is up to you, you are Old Glory. Your dreams are her dreams. Think of your proud American heritage, treat it as a sacred trust and hand it on to our posterity with honor and dignity.
Copyright 1989 Bud Hannings, Seniramm Publishing, Glenside, Pennsylvania

While it is unfortunate that today we have people who do not have this patriotism in their hearts or minds, we are not completely disillusioned.
Some immigrants continue to arrive with the goal of becoming citizens for the right reasons.
We also have many patriotic American's who pass this patriotism on to their children.
Who we are remembering today;
From the battles leading up to the Revolution and still today we've had people willing to fight and die for all that we hold dear, for the idea of it all. Hero's all.

The Founding fathers and other famous Patriots, but more than them, we celebrate the ordinary man, who wasn't so 'ordinary' after all.
There will always be the famous, Jefferson, Adams, Madison, Henry, Franklin, Hale, Paine, Washington, Revere and more, but there will also always be those we don't know at all.
The lesser known and unknown of our country's Patriots.
The 'common' soldier, the printer, the farmer, the seamstress, the innkeeper, people who love liberty and will do what they must to attain it and keep it.
The soldier who wounded fights on, lays down his life for his fellow man, the patriot who passes secrets in the night to send a message, save a unit, advance a battle. The farmer and his son's who bury rifles in their fields, the orator who writes moving speeches to stir the soul of the cause, the spirit of Patriotism.

We can't help but think about those still in harms way, while we are at home celebrating this most important American holiday.

SAM and I ask that if you are so inclined please remember our troops in prayer today while enjoying the Independence we are celebrating.
To our readers; We would appreciate if you would please share with us your thoughts on this anniversary of our Independence, what it means to you and any plans you have for the day. We appreciate each and every one of you in supporting the Foxhole mission.
