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The FReeper Foxhole Celebrates Independence Day - July 4th, 2003
Snippy and SAMWolf
Posted on 07/03/2003 9:11:14 PM PDT by snippy_about_it
Edited on 04/21/2006 7:58:10 AM PDT by Admin Moderator.
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To continue to illustrate what this day means to us, we've taken the Company A, 7th Regiment of United States Infantry 'Cottonbalers' creed and changed it to encompass all Americans who have and continue to keep this country free and proud.

Before you stands a damn fine soldier
by God!
I can be counted on to accomplish any mission
any task
any job. I have been in the area. My face is covered with dust, sweat, and blood. I have known the sweet fragrance of freedom for I have paid the price. I am a damn fine soldier
by God!
I earned my nickname at Chalmette in the War of 1812. We stacked cotton bales on the levee and with Andrew Jackson stood the fury of the British square. With spent musket and cannon the British retired from the field that day. They had met some damn fine soldiers
by God!
I remember the Alamo
traveled south and left my mark and my blood at Monterey, Vera Cruz and Cerro Gordo. I marched triumphantly into Mexico City
proudly proclaiming
by God!
The sound of fury from Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Chickamauga and Chattanooga still rings in my ears and I witnessed the closing acts of the internal strife at Gettysburg. I had fought my brother but done my job
by God!
I helped win the West
met a proud adversary after Little Big Horn and can count my fallen comrades against the Creeks, Seminoles and Utes. I stormed the slopes of San Juan Hill and Santiago and met triumph in the Philippines. I am an AMERICAN
by God!
My rest was short
I crossed over the sea and marched into France. I fought and died at Chateau Thierry
stood like a rock on the Marne
and smashed onward into Meuse Argonne and St. Mihiel. I left behind a lot of damn fine soldiers
by God!
Peace at last
and rest
but not for long. I assaulted the beaches of Morocco and bloodied my tired feet in Tunisia, Sicily, Naples, Anzio and Rome. I then landed on the French Riviera, moved to the Vosges Mountains and spent a hard winter in the Colmar pocket. There I earned the French Croix de Guerre. I fought on into the Rhineland, pushed through the Ardennes, viewed the horrors of war near Dachau, marched into Nurnberg and saw a dying third Reich in Bertchesgaden. We led the way
by God!
I was one of the first to see action in Korea. I unslung my rifle and inched up my belt once again. I stopped the Chinese, relieved battered Marines and kept the Corridor open with blood. I spilled guts in the Iron Triangle and showed by courage with eight Medals of Honor. They were all damn fine soldiers
by God!
I fought the tough Viet Cong through rice paddy, steaming jungle and mountains. I met the determined NVA and rose to every challenge in this country far away. I fought and spilled my blood when others chose to run I did my duty
I honored my country
I am a damn fine soldier
by God!
In Germany I stood tall for all those years and helped bring down the Berlin wall
my resolve, my strength, my presence brought peace and freedom to long troubled lands
but the peacemaker finds little rest and tyranny struck again. From the forests and swamps of Georgia I came to the sands of Saudi Arabia
I again shouldered my ruck and my weapon
I left behind my family and gave up my comforts
I answered the trumpets call
I came with brothers and sisters to draw a line for freedom. The torch has now been passed to a new generation
all damn fine soldiers
by God!
So today I stand again on Freedoms frontier
a fighting team
willing and able. When you speak of freedom, I am freedom. When you speak of the Infantry, I am the Infantry
my brothers before me, present and those to come
all proud soldiers
all damn fine soldiers
To: SAMWolf; *all
To: All
Announcing Day 3 of

"Viking Kitties Lightning Strike".
Readers of the Foxhole have been invited to visit Free Republic's first virtual fireworks display.
Bring your favorite Fireworks / Patriotic Graphics and join the celebration.

Click on the Graphic to join the fun
posted on
07/03/2003 9:15:21 PM PDT
(My dad fought in World War II, it's one of the things that distinguishes him from the french.)
To: All
~ America ~

You ask me Why I Love Her?
Well, give me time and I'll explain.
Have you seen a Kansas sunset
Or an Arizona rain?
Have you drifted on a bayou
Down Louisiana way?
Have you watched a cold fog drifting
Over San Francisco Bay?
Have you heard a bobwhite calling
In the Carolina pines,
Or heard the bellow of a diesel
At the Appalachia mines?
Does the call of Niagara thrill you
When you hear her waters roar?
Do you look with awe and wonder
At her Massachusetts shore,
Where men who braved a hard new world
First stepped on Plymouth's rock?
And do you think of them when you stroll
Along a New York City dock?
Have you seen a snowflake drifting
In the Rockies, way up high?
Have you seen the sun come blazing down
From a bright Nevada sky?
Do you hail to the Columbia
As she rushes to the sea,
Or bow your head at Gettysburg
At our struggle to be free?
Have you seen the mighty Tetons?
Have you watched an eagle soar?
Have you seen the Mississippi
Roll along Missouri's shore?
Have you felt a chill at Michigan
When on a winter's day
Her waters rage along the shore
In thunderous display?
Does the word "Aloha" make you warm?
Do you stare in disbelief
When you see the surf
Come roaring in at Waimea Reef?
From Alaska's cold to the Everglades,
From the Rio Grande to Maine,
My heart cries out, my pulse runs fast
At the might of her domain.
You ask me Why I Love Her?
I've a million reasons why:
My Beautiful America,
Beneath God's wide, wide sky.
~ John Mitchum ~
posted on
07/03/2003 9:16:32 PM PDT
(My dad fought in World War II, it's one of the things that distinguishes him from the french.)
To: snippy_about_it
Good Morning Snippy. Happy 4th of july
posted on
07/03/2003 9:17:48 PM PDT
(My dad fought in World War II, it's one of the things that distinguishes him from the french.)
To: Mr Ducklips; Monkey Face; WhiskeyPapa; New Zealander; Pukin Dog; Coleus; Colonel_Flagg; w_over_w; ..
.......FALL IN to the FReeper Foxhole!
.......Good Friday Morning Everyone!
....Happy Independence Day!
If you would like added or removed from our ping list let me know.
To: SAMWolf
Just for you SAM.
To: snippy_about_it; SAMWolf; AntiJen
posted on
07/03/2003 9:28:27 PM PDT
(The mind is its own place, and in itself can make heaven of hell, a hell of heaven~Milton)
To: cherry_bomb88
Hi Cherrybomb. Great screen name for the 4th!!!
posted on
07/03/2003 9:29:24 PM PDT
(My dad fought in World War II, it's one of the things that distinguishes him from the french.)
To: snippy_about_it
Hey Snippy have I told you how freaked out my dog and cats get when they hear that wolf howl?!? ;-)
posted on
07/03/2003 9:30:07 PM PDT
(Join the FReeper Web Ring. Ask me how!)
To: SAMWolf
Isn't it???? :o)
posted on
07/03/2003 9:30:20 PM PDT
(The mind is its own place, and in itself can make heaven of hell, a hell of heaven~Milton)
To: AntiJen
Stop it woman!!!
To: cherry_bomb88
I haven't seen a Cherry Bomb in years. They were great model disintegraters :-)
posted on
07/03/2003 9:32:19 PM PDT
(My dad fought in World War II, it's one of the things that distinguishes him from the french.)
To: snippy_about_it
Hahahahaha! Sorry. CRS disease.
posted on
07/03/2003 9:32:33 PM PDT
(Join the FReeper Web Ring. Ask me how!)
To: SAMWolf; snippy_about_it
To hear that recited by John Wayne sends chills down my spine, SAM. Anyone who wants to spend the time downloading a 2.7Mb .mp3 can click the link...
America - Why I Love Her ~ recited by John Wayne.
America is my home by birth, like Snippy, even though I was born in England. Dad was serving there in the US Air Force. Every day, when I awake, I thank the Lord for the good fortune to be born American.
The images and essay you two posted, the patriotic images being put up elsewhere, the music, the knowledge we have young men and women who volunteered to put themselves in harm's way for us...these things all bring a lump to my throat and tears to my eyes. I couldn't be prouder of those who call themselves Americans!
posted on
07/03/2003 9:35:10 PM PDT
(The Right Person, in the Right place, at the Right time...)
To: HiJinx
Thank you Jinxy, we feel the same.
To: HiJinx
Good Morning HiJinx.
I can't read Snippy's adaptation of the "CottonBalers" creed and nor get a tear in my eye.
posted on
07/03/2003 9:39:33 PM PDT
(My dad fought in World War II, it's one of the things that distinguishes him from the french.)
To: SAMWolf
To: SAMWolf
And great for blowing up toilets in school!!! LOL
Now the cherrybombs you get are, well, wimpy....I could drive to Missouri or Indiana and get some, but they just don't pack the same punch as the ones we used to get in Mexico!
Damn libs have to ruin all our fun!
posted on
07/03/2003 9:43:01 PM PDT
(The mind is its own place, and in itself can make heaven of hell, a hell of heaven~Milton)
To: SAMWolf; snippy_about_it
You can't belong to something, the way we did, and not have feelings about that. I know us big tough guys aren't supposed to be that way, but dang it, we are.
And our ladies tend to bring out the feelings, eh?
posted on
07/03/2003 9:43:52 PM PDT
(The Right Person, in the Right place, at the Right time...)
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