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To: alfa6; snippy_about_it; SAMWolf; Professional Engineer; Peanut Gallery; The Mayor; bentfeather; ...

On This Day In History

Birthdates which occurred on November 26:
1607 John Harvard England, clergyman/scholar, major benefactor to Harvard University (library & half his estate)
1731 William Cowper England, preromantic poet (His Task)
1792 Sarah Moore Grimk‚ American antislavery, women's rights advocate
1816 William Henry Talkbot Walker Major General (Confederate Army)
1827 Alfred Moore Scales Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1892
1876 Willis Haviland Carrier developed air-conditioning equipment
1894 Norbert Wiener US, mathematician/discovered cybernetics
1905 Emlyn Williams Wales, actor/playwright (David Copperfield)
1907 Frances Dee US actress (Of Human Bondage)
1912 Eric Sevareid Velva ND, newscaster (CBS Weekend News)
1912 Eugene Ionesco France, dramatist (Rhinoceros)
1913 Foy Draper US, relay runner (Olympic-gold-1936)

1922 Charles M Schulz cartoonist (Peanuts)
(Good Grief!)

1924 George Segal NY, sculptor lifelike mixed-media figures (Bus Driver)
1925 Linda Hunt Morriston NJ, actress (Bostonians, Eleni, Silverado)
1929 Betta St John Hawthorne CA, actress (Corridors of Blood)
1931 Giuliana Chenal-Minuzzo Italy, downhill skier (Olympic-bronze-1952)
1933 Robert Goulet Lawrence MA, singer/actor (Camelot, Naked Gun 2)
1935 Marian Mercer Akron Ohio, actress/singer (Dean Martin Show)
1937 Boris Yegorov cosmonaut (Voskhod 1)
1937 Leo Lacroix France, skier (Olympic-silver-1964)
1938 Rich Little Ottawa Canada, impressionist/actor (Love on a Rooftop)
1938 Tina Turner [Anna Mae Bullock], Brownsville TX, singer (Proud Mary)
1943 Jan Stenerud Norway, NFL place kicker (Kansas City Chiefs)
1945 John McVie rocker (Fleetwood Mac-Rumours, Tusk)
1945 Mikhail Woronin USSR, gymnast (Olympic-2 gold/4 silver/bronze-1968)
1981 Jamie Fiske liver transplant recipient

Deaths which occurred on November 26:
1126 Al-Borsoki, emir of Aleppo-Mosoel, assassinated
1240 Edmund Van Abingdon, archbishop of Canterbury and Saint, died
1504 Isabella I Catholic Queen of Castille & Aragon (1474-04), dies at 53
1776 Dov Baer of Mezhirech hassidic rabbi, dies
1883 Sojourner Truth abolitionist, women's rights advocate, dies
1939 James Naismith Basketball inventor, dies
1954 Jonas Zemaitis (b.1909), a founder of the Lithuanian independence movement and presidium head, shot to death in Moscow
1965 Wild Bill Elliott cowboy actor (49'ers), dies of cancer at 60
1970 B O Davis Sr 1st black general, dies at 93 in Chicago
1973 Albert DiSalvo Boston strangler, stabbed
1982 Dan Tobin actor (I Married Joan, My Favorite Martian), dies at 73
1982 Robert Coote actor (Timmy-Rogues, Theodore-Nero Wolfe), dies at 73
1987 Thomas G Lanphier Jr US WW II pilot, dies at 71
2003 Ayatollah Sadeq Khalkhali (77), a judge known for sentencing hundreds of people to death following Iran's revolution, died

Take A Moment To Remember
GWOT Casualties

26-Nov-2003 1 | US: 1 | UK: 0 | Other: 0
US Specialist David J. Goldberg Qayyarah - Ninawa Non-hostile - weapon discharge (accid.)

26-Nov-2004 5 | US: 5 | UK: 0 | Other: 0
US Lance Corporal David B. Houck Al Anbar Province Hostile - hostile fire
US Lance Corporal Bradley M. Faircloth Fallujah - Anbar Hostile - hostile fire - grenade
US Lance Corporal Jordan D. Winkler Camp Fallujah - Anbar Non-hostile - unspecified cause
US Private 1st Class Harrison J. Meyer Ramadi - Anbar Hostile - hostile fire
US Private Brian K. Grant Ramadi - Anbar Hostile - hostile fire

Data research by Pat Kneisler
Designed and maintained by Michael White
Go here and I'll stop nagging.

On this day...
0399 St Siricius ends his reign as Catholic Pope
0579 Pelagius II begins his reign as Catholic Pope
1095 Pope Urban urged the faithful to wrest the Holy Land from the Muslims, heralding start of Crusades.
1648 Pope Innocent X condemned the Peace of Westphalia, which ended 30 Years War
1688 Louis XIV declares war on the Netherlands.
1703 Bristol England damaged by hurricane, Royal Navy loses 15 warships
1716 1st lion exhibited in America (Boston)
1778 Capt Cook discovers Maui (Sandwich Islands)
1789 1st national thanksgiving
1793 Republican calendar replaces Gregorian calendar in France
1825 1st college fraternity founded (Kappa Alpha (Union College, NY))
1841 1st date in James Clavell's novel Tai-Pan
1861 At Wheeling, a convention adopts a constitution for new state West Virginia
1864 Confederate troops vacate Sandersville Georgia
1864 Skirmish at Sylvan Brutal/Waynesboro, Georgia
1864 First Battle of Adobe Walls
1865 Alice in Wonderland published
(Uncle Billys walking tour of Georgia)
1868 1st baseball game played in enclosed field in San Francisco, at 25th & Folsom
1885 1st meteor photograph
1895 Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association formed
1896 1st large indoor football game, U of Chicago beats U of Michigan 7-6
1896 A.A. Stagg of U Chicago creates the football huddle
1913 Russian kingdom forbids Polish congregation of speakers
1914 Battleship HMS Bulwark explodes at Sheerness Harbor England, 788 die
1917 Bolsheviks offer armistice between Russian and the Central Powers.
1924 Mongolian People's Republic proclaimed
(2nd communist country)
1938 Poland renews nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union to protect against a German invasion. (That worked real well.)
1940 Nazis force 500,000 Warsaw Jews to live in walled ghetto
1941 Amateur tennis champ Bobby Riggs turns pro
1941 Lebanon gains independence from France
1941 US issues an edict that “the government of Japan will withdraw all military, naval, air and police forces from China and Indochina.”
1941 Japanese fleet departes from the Kuril Islands en route for its attack on Pearl Harbor.
1942 "Casablanca" premieres at Hollywood Theatre, NYC
1943 HMT Rohna, a British transport ship carrying American soldiers, was hit by a German missile off Algeria; 1,138 men were killed, including 1,015 American troops.
1944 Himmler orders destruction of Auschwitz & Birkenau crematoriums
1949 India adopts a constitution as a British Commonwealth Republic
1952 The 1st modern 3-D film "Bwana Devil" starred Robert Stack and premieres
1962 Fab Four have their 1st recording session under the name "Beatles"
1965 France launches 1st satellite, 92 lb (42 kg) A1-capsule (Asterix)
1966 1st major tidal power plant opens at Rance estuary, France
1969 Lottery for Selective Service draftees bill was signed by President Nixon
1969 Cream's final concert (Royal Albert Hall)
1973 Nixon's personal sec, Rose Mary Woods, tells a federal court she accidentally caused part of 18-minute gap in a key Watergate tape
1974 Approximately 140 die when suspension bridge collapses (Nepal)
1978 Purple Mountain Observatory discovers asteroid #3011 & #3297
1982 Clyde King named Yankee manager
1982 Yasuhiro Nakasone elected PM of Japan succeeding Zenko Suzuki
1982 Howard Cossell calls his last fight after being disgusted by the Larry Holmes-Tex Cobb mismatch
1984 John W Mercom Jr announces NO Saints are up for sale for $75 million
1985 23rd Space Shuttle Mission (61-B)-Atlantis 2-is launched
1988 Pioneer 6's closest approach to Earth since 1965 launch (1.87 M km)
1990 Buffalo Bills become 6th 1st place NFL team to lose on same weekend
1990 Matsushita purchases MCA for $6.6 billion
1990 Mikhail Gorbachev tells Iraq to get out of Kuwait
1991 Condoms are handed out to thousands of NY High School students
1993 Political campaigners James Carville & Mary Matalin wed
1995 Dolphins QB Dan Marino sets NFL record with 343rd touchdown pass
1996 The Sands Hotel in Las Vegas was blown up to make room for a new Sheldon Adelson
2000 Sec. of State Katherine Harris certified Gov. George W. Bush as winner in the state’s presidential election, 2,912,790 to 2,912,253, a 537-vote margin. Ralph Nader received 97,488 votes
2002 A poll of 50,000 people, commissioned by Durex condom makers SSL International and released in Malaysia, showed the French had sex an average 167 times a year, pipping the Danes and the Dutch for the number one spot. It was a bad year for sex in the United States, which came in eleventh with an average of 138, after heading the rankings in 2001. Britons scored an average of 149 times. At the bottom of the pile, Singapore's 110 times was two less than Thailand's. Four in 10 people in India did not have sex until they were married and Norwegians were most likely to have sex on the first date, the survey showed. Norwegians, along with South Africans, were also more likely than any other nationality to have a one-night stand. Those in Taiwan were least likely; just 20 percent surveyed had a one-night stand.
2004 A UN spokesman said the son of Secretary-General Kofi Annan received payments from a firm with a UN Iraqi oil-for-food contract more than four years longer than the world body previously admitted

Note: Some Holidays are only applicable on a given "day of the week"

Lebanon : Independence Day (1941)
Mass : John F Kennedy Day (1963) (Sunday)
Bern Switzerland : Onion Market Day-autumn festival (Monday)
US : Stamp Collecting Week Ends
US : Lefotver Week (Day 2)
Tibet : Festival of Lights
National Accordion Month!

Religious Observances
Bah '¡ : Day of the Covenant
Christian : Commemoration of St Berchmans
RC : Commemoration of St Sylvester, abbot
RC : Commemoration of St Leonard of Port Maurice

Religious History
1539 In England, the monastery at the Fountains Abbey was surrendered to the crown. It was the richest of the Cistercian houses, prior to the time of the Dissolution of all monasteries in England, under the reign of Henry VIII.
1775 The American Navy began using chaplains within its regular service.
1789 President George Washington proclaimed this date (a Thursday) to be the first national Thanksgiving Day holiday. (National Thanksgiving days were periodically proclaimed by presidents, until in 1863 Abraham Lincoln inaugurated the practice of annually setting the fourth Thursday in November aside for Thanksgiving Day.)
1962 English apologist C.S. Lewis wrote in a letter: 'No doubt [my body] has often led me astray: but not half so often, I suspect, as my soul has led IT astray. For the spiritual evils ... arise more from the imagination than from the appetites.'
1970 During a 10_day visit to the Philippines, Pope Paul VI was attacked by a knife_wielding man in Manilla. The pontiff was unhurt and continued his journey.

Source: William D. Blake. ALMANAC OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1987.

Cheating hubby exposed by parrot

A cheating husband was exposed after his wife's parrot mimicked his voice calling out another woman's name.

Frank Ficker, 50, has now been kicked out of the family home by wife Petra, also 50, after she heard their 12-year-old parrot Hugo impersonating him on the phone to another woman.

Petra, of Freiburg, Germany, said: "Hugo always liked to mimic Frank and he could do his voice perfectly.

"Frank asking who's at the door, Frank yelling at our nephews, Frank telling me he loved me. And then one day I heard him doing Frank's voice, but saying "Uta, Uta"."

Petra turned the house upside down and found two plane tickets for a weekend break in Paris booked for her husband - and a mystery woman named Uta.

She said: "I kicked him straight out. It's just me and my parrot now."

(A cautionary tale here gentlemen)

Thought for the day :
"Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, 'Where have I gone wrong?' Then a voice says to me, 'This is going to take more than one night'."
Charles M. Schulz

131 posted on 11/26/2005 6:38:00 AM PST by Valin (Purgamentum init, exit purgamentum)
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To: Valin

The Parrot Story reminds me of the joke about the Clinton's parrot. Did Know the Clinton's had a parrot read on, or not as the case may be.

It seems the Clinton's were at Camp David one weekend when the housekeeper, in whose care the parrot had been entrusted, discovers it in its cage late Saturday afternoon belly up, graveyard dead.

In a panic the housekeepere make the rounds of the DC pet stores looking for a matching parrot to take the place of the one that had assumed room temperture.

Finally at the very last pet store there is a parrot that was a dead ringer, if you will excuse the pun, for the now deceased bird. And as an added bargain the price is dirt cheap, only $50.

The housekeeper tell the pet store owner that she wants to but the parrot, however the pet srore owner is a bit leary.
"Listen lady, he says, I will sell you the parrot but I want you to understand that this parrot used to live in a bordelo. It's hard telling what he'll say"

The housekeeper says thats fine, I don't care and buys the parrot.

It's now Monday morning and the parrot is sitting in his cage in the White House dining room when in walks Chelsa for breakfast. "Awk, too young" says the bird.

Hillary coome in a few minutes later and is greeted by the parrot with..."Awk, too old"

Finally Bill come in and the parrot pipes up. "Hiya Bill!!!"

Ducking and Running now


alfa6 ;>}

132 posted on 11/26/2005 7:08:15 AM PST by alfa6 (Got a plane ya want featured let me know)
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To: Valin; snippy_about_it; bentfeather; Samwise; Peanut Gallery; Wneighbor; alfa6; Iris7; SAMWolf; ...
Good morning ladies and gents. Flag-o-Gram.

137 posted on 11/26/2005 10:36:40 AM PST by Professional Engineer (Ctrl+Alt+Riiiiiiight)
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To: Valin
1825 1st college fraternity founded (Kappa Alpha (Union College, NY))

Delta Delta Delta can I help ya' help ya' help ya'.

139 posted on 11/26/2005 12:59:18 PM PST by Professional Engineer (Ctrl+Alt+Riiiiiiight)
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To: Valin
'This is going to take more than one night'.


147 posted on 11/26/2005 7:08:46 PM PST by snippy_about_it (Fall in --> The FReeper Foxhole. America's History. America's Soul.)
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