Good Morning Dolly and thanks for the new thread.
Some more good news and it’s coming out of DC:
“The House of Representatives passed legislation, 240-to-179, allowing Congress to undo any last-minute rules and regulations put on the books in the waning days of President Barack Obama.”
Good morning! Glad to see this thread. Have missed all the “live” threads.
It looks like Attorney General will be Sen. Sessions.
(This is from Breitbart by way of the NY Times and Bloomberg news, 2 questionable sources IMHO). Would feel better about this if the news was coming directly from President Trump.
For those that are Familiar with the any of this set up new?
I can’t imagine that it had those checkpoints before
Morning Dolly, thanks for the thread. Looks like another exciting day in the new era of conservatism......
We should be happy that we can start buying the green bananas again...
Good Morning to all Deplorables in good standing!
Here’s the link to the live C-SPAN stream from the lobby Trump Tower, featuring the comings and goings of whos who, into and out of, the “golden elevator doors.”
Confirmed or reported with some veracity. (per FBN’s Varney regarding a press release)
Reince Priebus- Chief of Staff
Steve Bannon- Chief Strategist & Senior Counselor
RET LTG (D) Michael Flynn- National Security Adviser
US SEN (R-AL) Jeff Sessions- US Attorney General
US REP (R-KS) Mike Pompeo- CIA Director
Thank you to all hands that are preparing these transition threads.
morning guys. Jesus Sessions as AG. Didn’t see that coming! Great pick.
We need a thread for the Trump Tower cam.
Someone just walked in and people were coming up and taking pics of him. Didn’t recognize.
Anyone watching? Kind of looks like Eric Bowling.
I would like to be on the ping list, please.
Enjoying every minute, I’m awake with what our president elect is doing.
Please add me to the ping list! Thanks!
The other day, the store manager of my big supermarket spotted me (still wearing my red cap) to share a brief mutual "victory" conversation. He had always given me the "thumbs up" during the campaign.
He jokingly said "Where's my red cap?" and I replied I only had the one on my head....and I was keeping it forever, lol.
To make a long story short, I just ordered a hat for him through the internet as a surprise gift and I can't wait to give it to him. He's a super guy along with all the butchers, check-out staff, bakery ladies, even bag boys who were all Trump supporters. They had to be (and were) discreet on the job, but my cap elicited their covert winks-and-nods approval during all those months when I was moving about in their store.
My cap will sooner or later join my memorabilia collection along with my "Crooked Hillary" bumper sticker. I agree with the freepers who are still posting "This was the most fun election ever" sure was, as well as the most joyous and satisfying.....ever, ever, ever.