Oh really? Do your homophobes have latent homosexual tendencies that they are in denial of? Thats the true clinical definition.
When you use the term homophobe its right out of the homosexual propaganda book, thats why youre accused of being one of their propagators. It's exactly no worse than using the term "faggot" no matter how much you tap dance around it.
Just like your use of the homosexual propaganda term anti-gay which tries to frame someone as being anti-person, obviously you conveniently forget love the sinner hate the sin when you use their trash rhetoric.
Not to mention your *ALL gays are pedofiles* threads.
thats a blatant lie. I dont know anyone who accuses ALL homosexuals of being pedophiles. You just cant reconcile that empirical data links their pathology to the pathology of pedophilia as well as other paraphilic disorders. It's called science. And instead of trying to help them you ignore these little warning signals.
Your so-called "clinical definition" is of course not the dictionary definition, nor is it the accepted meaning of the term "homophobe" as it is understood in our society.
So to avoid verbal contortions, I was of course refering to the *normal usage* of the term.
Are you trying to make me laugh on purpose or what?
Everybody on both sides of the debate knows what the term "homophobe" means..at least when it comes to it's normal use.
I am only accused of being "one of their propagators" by people who either don't have a clue as to where I actually stand, or they are completely unable to respond to my challenges and therefore must resort to personal attacks.
Believe me..I've been attacked from both sides of this debate. I've been called a homophobe by some gays and I've been called a pro-gay apologist by the some anti-gay homophobes.
None of it surprises me.
See thats a blatant lie. I dont know anyone who accuses ALL homosexuals of being pedophiles.
So because you don't know anyone who's made such accusations therefore nobody ever has and I'm lying.
Well you're wrong. I've encountered individuals online who've made precisely this claims.
And while the threads I refer to above may not have stated outright that ALL gays are pedophiles...they implied as much by claiming pedophilia is a normal, accepted and integral part of the homosexual community.