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To: Clint N. Suhks
"Not to mention your *ALL gays are pedofiles* threads."

See…that’s a blatant lie. I don’t know anyone who accuses ALL homosexuals of being pedophiles.

So because you don't know anyone who's made such accusations therefore nobody ever has and I'm lying.

Well you're wrong. I've encountered individuals online who've made precisely this claims.

And while the threads I refer to above may not have stated outright that ALL gays are pedophiles...they implied as much by claiming pedophilia is a normal, accepted and integral part of the homosexual community.

203 posted on 05/16/2003 7:00:28 PM PDT by Jorge
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To: Jorge
Your so-called "clinical definition" is of course not the dictionary definition, nor is it the accepted meaning of the term "homophobe" as it is understood in our society.

It’s NOT my so-called definition it’s the APA’s, go to their web site and look it up. Homosexual activists in 1969, to demonize anyone who thinks their behavior is wrong, coined the “dictionary” definition. The pejorative comes from the Stonewall riots that spilled into the annual APA meetings. In psych circles it was defined as anxiety experienced by people with unacknowledged homoerotic proclivities and repressed homoerotic feelings. Current use of the word is just a pejorative to straight people which suggests they should seek remedial counseling. You’re nothing more than a public schooled lemming believing what ever the left wing media/homosexual propagandists tell you to.

So to avoid verbal contortions, I was of course refering to the *normal usage* of the term.

The only contortions are your tap dancing around the truth of you parroting homosexual propaganda. You might as well call us “breeders” while you’re at it.

Everybody on both sides of the debate knows what the term "homophobe" means..

Not really, I had to explain it to you and its propaganda connotations. Apparently your education doesn’t go any further than slang words out of the dictionary.

I am only accused of being "one of their propagators" by people who either don't have a clue as to where I actually stand,

Yes, we’ve read them over and over…YAWN.

or they are completely unable to respond to my challenges and therefore must resort to personal attacks.

Identifing your use of homosexual propaganda is hardly an attack. You being simple-minded enough to accept its genre is quite telling. Your words have consequences…grow up.

So because you don't know anyone who's made such accusations therefore nobody ever has and I'm lying. LOL. Well you're wrong. I've encountered individuals online who've made precisely this claims.

You specifically addressed it personally as “Polycarp’s pedophile threads” NOT other “individuals” online. (Sound of Texas Two-step in background)

And while the threads I refer to above may not have stated outright that ALL gays are pedophiles...

Ummm…you referred to Polycarp’s threads but I’ve read a high percentage of “other” threads so maybe you can cite who you’re talking about.

they implied as much by claiming pedophilia is a normal, accepted and integral part of the homosexual community.

Now you’re just being a liar… YOU implied Polycarp says ALL gays are pedophiles. “How many people do you think you're winning to your side with these kinds of positions?” And what kind of positions are “these”??? ALL GAYS ARE PEDOPHILES…you have no credibility only sophistry.

206 posted on 05/16/2003 10:01:24 PM PDT by Clint N. Suhks
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To: Jorge; ninenot; Cap'n Crunch; Land of the Irish; ultima ratio; Maximilian
I haven't the slightest clue as to what you do romantically in your spare time nor whose, ummm, leisure activities you may promulgate. I am going to go out on a limb here and suggest that you are entirely toooooo concerned about civility to practioners of anal sex (not to put to fine a point on it). You have also used the homophile line of suggesting that anyone whose stomach churns over the practices of the lavenders has some sort of unhealthy obsession with lavenders (suggesting "repressed" lavenderism, no doubt).

Please note in this post that I neither accuse you of being lavender nor of advocating the weird compulsion that makes it necessary to separate Lance and Bruce with a crowbar, if at all. I merely accuse you of suggesting an exaggerated kindness, politeness and civility towards Lance and Bruce that they have not earned (and certainly is not merited by the curious affectional disposition toward the exit structure of the digestive system of one or the other or both) and of paving the way to social issue surrender which is NOT an option.

And, of course, unless you are a Roman Catholic, how we Catholics deal with the lavender fifth column in our own clergy and among our bishops is our business and none of yours; so don't weasel around with sweet nothings to substitute for necessary harsh action against Father Fudgie. We pay for his misbehavior and you don't.

If you are Catholic, let's take a poll in the pews as to how much we value Fr. Fudgie or how we want him punished. Let's see how the actual donating Catholics REALLY feel.

Like most normal people, I could care less what non-clerical lavenders are up to so long as they don't do it in the streets and scare the horses and so long as it does not affect me or mine. What lavenders do behind closed doors in the privacy of their own premises is likely to remain private as was ever the case before many of them acquired verbal diarrhea and began to insist on befouling newspapers, television, radio, conservative websites and other facilities available to decent and normal people with their insistent propaganda.

Apropos of another of your posts, I live on the Northern Plains in Northwest Illinois and I read newspapers, internet posts, take in an occasional movie and watch some television and, of course, listen to talk radio (and have hosted some in Southern New England where I lived until a few years ago). If you don't think there is an incessant lavender campaign to be accepted as normal, then you must not read or watch much or get out very much.

Do lavenders have equal rights? You bet. Equal and not one milligram more. Despite their moaning and groaning, no one in government has the backbone to discriminate against their, ummm, affectional preference. Actually, quite the contrary since some governments subsidize with benefits homosexual fornication without subsidizing heterosexual fornication. Not that I am complaining about the latter, you understand. I also am not aware of any governments which have had the "courage" to recognize deep meaningful relationships between persons and their German Shepards (denying veterinary care and pensions to Bowser) or bigamists or trigamists or quadramists.

My wife and I are not interested in riding on a flatbed trailer and simulating normal sex in a normal sex parade past the Stonewall Bar in New York and would have no problem if other normal couples were prohibited from such public effrontery. We think the same standards should apply to Lance and Bruce when they feel the urge to do the analogous gay roleplaying as they pass St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York's annual sodomy rights extravaganza. Such behavior is not speech and is not protected for normal folks much less for perverts.

Neither normal (heterosexual) people nor queers have any business having ANYTHING sexual to do with children. Equal right to be punished for such misbehavior seems perfectly reasonable.

If Ellen Degenerate, Anne Heche (who seems to have taken the marriage cure), Michael Jackson, Peter Townshend, Roman Polanski, the Arkansas Antichrist, Mrs. Antichrist, Ted Kennedy or anyone else involved in what passes for entertainment at this low point in American history resulting from the period January 21, 1993 through January 21, 2001, wants to wallow in the slime, I don't need, ummmm, the details and I would appreciate it if those people who prioritize what news to purvey might give a bit more attention to actual achievements like medical research into genetic therapies, the execution of malefactors, the firing of those who teach "fisting" in Massachusetts public schools, the academic successes of first generation Americans whose parents fled tyrannies such as Hanoi or Havana, etc.

We are ALL well aware that there are homosexuals who manage to refrain from pederasty and even some who prefer to so refrain. We are also aware of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) and its infamous slogan of "Sex Before Eight or It's Too Late." Whatever might that mean (other than their perceived need for early recruitment by statutory rape, lavender division)?

Such awareness does not mean that the punishment ought not to fit the crime. Homosexual rape is a more complicated business than the heterosexual kind. Neither is EVER permissible or to be winked at but the homosexual rape of an eight-year-old boy is really a rather special crime and requires appropriate creativity in its punishment. Fortunately, incarceration in the general population at a maximum security prison will usually do the trick.

If those "gays" who do accept such behavior regard themselves as persecuted, I earnestly hope that they ain't seen nothin' yet compared to the persecution that they will see.

If you claim that no one who is "gay" accepts such violence and perversion against children as normal, accepted and integral to the homosexual community or just rampant promiscuity or sexual practices which have spread among mankind a pernicious and usually fatal disease which ought to have caused quarantine long before SARS did, you are remarkably naive.

You may well disagree with any or all of the above. You know what? Ask me if I care. Don't bother to attempt to convince me that being nice and fluffy and possessing extraordinary and indeed heroic politeness has much to do with the ideology or effective practice of conservatism.

It is liberals who obsess over the manners of aggressive conservatives, hoping that conservatives will play the role assigned to them by their liberal and left enemies: the yellow stripe in the middle of the road run down by each passing tractor-trailer. Sorry, Jorge, it's time for conservatives to recover rudeness and call faggots what they are "faggots" if they insist on social acceptance or attention. That goes double for San Francisco's Dykes on Bikes aka the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (faggots dressed in nuns' habits advertising their perversions while attacking their very favorite enemy, Roman Catholicism).

Heterosexuals are the norm. The lavenders are the exception. If we have any sense, and we do, we will keep it that way. It is a flat out lie to treat these cases of arrested social development like Lance and Bruce as though their perversions were publicly acceptable.

If any genuine conservative is too squeamish to wage political war on behalf of morality and social normalism, no one is drafting him or her. He or she would just get in the way anyhow.

247 posted on 05/17/2003 4:47:42 PM PDT by BlackElk (Viva Cristo Rey! Kumbayaism and perversions delenda est.!)
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To: Jorge
they implied as much by claiming pedophilia is a normal,accepted and integral part of the homosexual community.

Who cares what the homosexual community thinks is normal. They, themselves, are abnormal deviants.

257 posted on 05/17/2003 5:41:17 PM PDT by Land of the Irish
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