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1 posted on 06/05/2002 11:51:10 AM PDT by sheltonmac
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To: sola gracia; Thinkin' Gal; Jerry_M; Askel5; enemy of the people; nightdriver; Precisian...
2 posted on 06/05/2002 11:52:36 AM PDT by sheltonmac
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To: sheltonmac
Right from the start, he errs in saying God is no longer dealng with Israel. All else is immaterial after this.
3 posted on 06/05/2002 11:57:49 AM PDT by RaceBannon
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To: sheltonmac
One reason I support Israel is because of my religious beliefs, but even if I were an atheist, Muslim, or whatever I would support Israel because it is a democratic nation surrounded by dictactorships that hate me, my country, and everything that I hold near and dear. Israel stands on the front line defending the West from the horde.

Anyone that thinks if Israel would just go quietly into the night that the Arabs/Muslims of the world would live peacefully with everyone else is either a fool or blind. They would then turn their full attention to destroying us.
5 posted on 06/05/2002 12:08:22 PM PDT by mikesmad
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To: sheltonmac, sola gracia, Thinkin' Gal, Jerry_M, Askel5, enemy of the people, nightdriver, Precisian
"PREMILINIAL" etc. is something I haven't observed anyone to have remotely all figured out yet--I STRONGLY SUSPECT ALMIGHTY FATHER BEING A GREAT GENERAL AS WELL is not ready for any mortal to have it all figured out yet.

Personally, I find your contentions MUCH MORE at odds WITH FATHER'S CLEAR STATEMENTS than those of the typical spokesperson you decry. Messages to follow will somewhat illustrate the point.

Perhaps Scripture will have little impact on your reasoning but I like the Scriptures in the following on the topics touched on above.


By Steve Shultz

Can you imagine how utterly angry, furious, and LIVID Satan must have been to hear God speak through the prophet Jeremiah about Israel's enduring future. . .

Jeremiah: 31: 35-36 "This is what the LORD says, he who appoints the sun to shine by day, who decrees the moon and stars to shine by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar--the LORD Almighty is his name: 36 "ONLY IF THESE DECREES VANISH FROM MY SIGHT," declares the LORD," will the descendants of Israel EVER CEASE TO BE A NATION BEFORE ME."

Not only does the prophecy say Israel will continue, but that it will ALWAYS continue AS A NATION!!
. . .
Further, just as the cross of Jesus made a public spectacle of Satan's defeat, the Lord, even in the Old Testament wanted to rub Satan's nose in it. So he continues, through Jeremiah, the above prophecy by restating the fact in this amazing way, saying that this promise will endure, even if Israel's sin continues for a season . . .

Jeremiah 31: 37 "This is what the LORD says: 'Only if the heavens above can be measured and the foundations of the earth below be searched out will I reject all the descendants of Israel BECAUSE OF ALL THEY HAVE DONE," declares the LORD.

Remember, in the previous verse (vs. 36) God's promise through Jeremiah is that Israel will continue AS A NATION and it will continue, even though others would accuse [DO YOU--Aleksandar Vojvoda, jlogajan, trevorjohnson--REALLY want to be included in that "others"????] "But Look at all the sins they have committed!"



That's right, it's part of the NEW COVENANT. . . THE FAMOUS NEW COVENANT ..stated a few verses before.

Would you like to read it ALL in context?

Jer 31:33-32:1

(33) "THE IS THE COVENANT I WILL MAKE WITH THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL AFTER THAT TIME," declares the LORD." I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. (34) No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, 'Know the LORD,' because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest," declares the LORD." For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more."

(35) This is what the LORD says, he who appoints the sun to shine by day, who decrees the moon and stars to shine by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar--the LORD Almighty is his name: (36) "Only if these decrees vanish from my sight," declares the LORD, "WILL THE DESCENDANTS OF ISRAEL EVER CEASE TO BE A NATION BEFORE ME. (37) This is what the LORD says: "Only if the heavens above can be measured and the foundations of the earth below be searched out will I reject all the descendants of Israel BECAUSE OF ALL THEY HAVE DONE," declares the LORD.

(38) "The days are coming," declares the LORD, "when this city will be rebuilt for me from the Tower of Hananel to the Corner Gate. (39) The measuring line will stretch from there straight to the hill of Gareb and then turn to Goah. (40) The whole valley where dead bodies and ashes are thrown, and all the terraces out to the Kidron Valley on the east as far as the corner of the Horse Gate, will be holy to the LORD. The city will never again be uprooted or demolished."


Jesus, the Jewish Carpenter -- came to die for Jew and Gentile alike. But he clarified to the "woman at the well" that salvation is of the Jews." And so it is. Israel-- the Jewish people, hold a very dear and special place in the Lord's heart. Jesus stood looking down upon Jerusalem and wept that they did not recognize His coming. But HE prophesied that they WOULD recognize Him when He came again. He prophesied . . .

"I tell YOU, YOU [Jerusalem and the Jewish people, as a NATION] you will not see me again until you say, 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.'" Luke 13:35

A few days later, at the crucifixion of the Jewish Jesus at the hands of both Gentile and Jew, the High Priest prophesied (without intending it) that Jesus had died for the NATION of Israel. But don't take my word for it . . .

"Then one of them, named Caiaphas, who was HIGH PRIEST that year, spoke up, "You know nothing at all! You do not realize that it is better for you that ONE MAN DIE FOR THE PEOPLE than that the WHOLE NATION PERISH." John 11:49-50

Even the High Priest knew
that the death of Yeshua would save the


Jeremiah is talking again. A few chapters earlier. He is prophesying about the days we are living.

Jeremiah is essentially speaking into the time NOW, when Israel and the Palestinians are fighting and most of the world opinion has turned against Israel. He's comparing and contrasting when people celebrate the PASSOVER--and what their celebration will EVENTUALLY include!!

At the PASSOVER, Jews around the world declare and remember God's faithfulness in rescuing and delivering Israel from slavery in Egypt. But Jeremiah, speaking of how the Passover celebrates this great deliverance ---- prophesies that the time is coming in the future (the future we are NOW COMING INTO) when Israel will no longer celebrate the Passover as the greatest event but they will celebrate a future DELIVERANCE as the greatest event. Read it for yourself . . .


"So then, the days are coming," declares the LORD, "when people will no longer say, 'As surely as the LORD lives, who brought the Israelites up out of Egypt,' 8 but they will say, 'As surely as the LORD lives, who brought the descendants of Israel up out of the land of the north and out of all the countries where he had banished them.' Then they will live in their own land." Jer 23:7-8


Jews are coming home by the hundreds of thousands! Satan is furious. He does not want this prophecy to be fulfilled. More are coming. Millions more. Even from the other countries around the world, they are coming to Israel.

And Satan HATES it!! He is doing all in his power to stir up hatred and war against Israel. He is trying to turn world opinion against them. He is doing it through false accusation and in some cases true accusations. As in any war, neither side is completely virtuous. But as we showed above, God's promise of deliverance is NOT BASED ON THE VIRTUE OF ISRAEL, BUT IS BASED ON HIS PROMISE AND DESIRE TO RESTORE THEM. Therefore . . .

This war is not against flesh and blood but against Principalities and Powers.

There are many innocent victims on both sides of this conflict, Palestinian and Israeli. But this thing is being orchestrated by Satan -- He wants Ishmael and Isaac in a war --brother to brother.

What is the part of Christians to pray?


We must pray against this war. It may break out but we must pray that it will NOT break out --outside of the Lord's timing.

And we must pray that there will be reconciliation between Jews and Palestinians--- Because this war is not about those two sides except that the Lord's desire is to bring reconciliation to these brothers, Ishmael and Isaac.

But make no mistake... This war is about the Jews coming home according to the prophet Jeremiah and all the major prophets--and it's about Satan wanting to wipe the Jewish people off the map by driving them into the sea.

Finally, we must pray that all Christians---- and America, will stand with Israel, THOUGH THE HEAVENS FALL! Remember, Jesus died for his own Jewish people and for the NATION of Israel too (not just the Church). And because His blood is at work, He will bring correction to their sins, and shortcomings.

But Israel's sins HAVE NOT and WILL NOT nullify the promises of God.


"This is what the LORD says: 'Only if the heavens above can be measured and the foundations of the earth below be searched out will I reject all the descendants of Israel BECAUSE OF ALL THEY HAVE DONE," declares the LORD. Jeremiah 31: 37

Pray too for America --- for in standing with Israel, or not ---- AMERICA WILL DECIDE HER FUTURE!

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: "MAY THOSE WHO LOVE YOU BE SECURE [and May America love Israel] May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels." For the sake of MY BROTHERS AND FRIENDS I will say, "Peace be within you." For the sake of the house of the LORD our God, I will seek your prosperity. Ps 122:6-9

OF COURSE, if you think all the above is nonsense about events long since historically past; 100% totally ended period—then you are welcome to try yawning through events coming up shortly.

But I wouldn’t recommend it.

For one, Father may have some feelings about willfully refusing to believe that He meant what He said and said what He meant.

For another, I suspect events may quite soon enough become more dramatic than yawns would be fitting for. 9/11 was just a warm-up. IF you’d REALLY like to test your contentions at the cost of 10’s of thousands of more American lives, I suppose you could lobby hard for us to dump Israel on it’s tin ear. Israel would not end up suffering beyond their period of coming discipline for being so apostate. Father God will insist that they are protected as a NATION and as a people even if He has to clone additional children of Abraham from hairs in his tomb or create millions more legions of angels.

But if you prefer, please don’t allow my pontificating to disturb your sleep, sleep on. . . . while you can.

6 posted on 06/05/2002 12:43:17 PM PDT by Quix
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To: sheltonmac
Many Christians, however, are too wrapped up in their flawed eschatology to realize that their first responsibility is to the church, the body of Christ, and not to a nation of unbelievers. As a result, eyes glance up in anticipation at the eastern sky every time Israel is mentioned in the media, and the practice of interpreting Scripture through newspaper headlines becomes commonplace.

This author's sanctimonious opinions not only are ignorant of eschatology, they are ignorant of Scripture as well. The Biblical reasons to support Israel are numerous, and end-time prophecy does not even enter the picture for most Evangelical Christians.

1. The first principle for all Biblical understanding is that G-d is immutable. That means that He never changes His mind, and He never goes back on His Word. He promised Abraham a Seed and a Land FOR ETERNITY.

2. Replacement theology has permeated the Evangelical community for over 100 years, and yet even in those denominations where it is the strongest, there is support for Israel (example: Presbyterian and Lutheran) - and those denominations are not strong on eschatology at all, and if they are they trend AGAINST premellinialisim. So much for that part of this specious arguement.

3. Replacement theology is one of the most dangerous trends of the reformation. It in effect "voids" G-d's covenants with the Nation of Israel - but expects G-d to honor His "unconditional" covenant with individual believers. Wholesale removal of pages of the Bible are necessary to support this heresy.

"Thus says the Lord: “If heaven above can be measured, And the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel For all that they have done, says the Lord." Jeremiah 31:37

And for those of you who believe the lie, "Israel is the Church and the Church is Israel" in a mystic sense, the word "seed" should get your attention.

"Have you not considered what these people have spoken, saying, 'The two families which the Lord has chosen, He has also cast them off’? Thus they have despised My people, as if they should no more be a nation before them."; Thus says the Lord: 'If My covenant is not with day and night, and if I have not appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth, then I will cast away the descendants of Jacob and David My servant, so that I will not take any of his descendants to be rulers over the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. For I will cause their captives to return, and will have mercy on them.’" Jeremiah 33:24-26

This is talking about the Nation and People of Israel. As well, this prophecy and its accompanying curse apply to those who claim that "G-d is finished with Israel"... so beware. No, most Evangelical Christians know that Jesus is a Jew. They know that all 12 of His disciples are Jews. They know that Paul is a Jew. They know that the gifts and callings of God are irrevocable (Romans 11:29) - no matter what some "replacment theology" anti-semites might say...

The author needs to spend a little more time in Romans and Deuteronomy before claiming that Israel is no longer at the center of God's plan.
7 posted on 06/05/2002 12:46:57 PM PDT by safisoft
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To: sheltonmac

Many, if not all, of the key points of the typical END TIMES positions have been reliably traced back to the early Christian Church of the first few decades--few hundred years. The Darby, 19th century claim is not giving the full facts by a significant margin.

8 posted on 06/05/2002 12:51:44 PM PDT by Quix
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To: sheltonmac, sola gracia, Thinkin' Gal, Jerry_M, Askel5, enemy of the people, nightdriver, Precisian

MY BIBLE indicates to me that my first responsibility is to LOVE GOD WHOLLY and my 2nd to Love my neighbor as myself.

The Church in terms of an organization or even in terms of the Church Universal is a ways down my list.

In terms of Loving God and Honoring Him, I figure honoring, supporting, blessing those/that NATION HE SAID TO BLESS is a good way to make Him smile. I'm really into causing Him to smile.

9 posted on 06/05/2002 12:57:01 PM PDT by Quix
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To: sheltonmac

I *******KNOW******* what I felt deep and intensely in my spirit when the bus drove me into Jerusalem the first time. That experience trumps a very long list of arguments.

If you think Jerusalem's being a burden for the whole world is not a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy, you might consider getting your logic RPM's adjusted. They just don't seem to be going around fast enough to cope with the data.

10 posted on 06/05/2002 1:01:34 PM PDT by Quix
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To: sheltonmac
Many Christians, however, are too wrapped up in their flawed eschatology to realize that their first responsibility is to the church, the body of Christ, and not to a nation of unbelievers. As a result ... the practice of interpreting Scripture through newspaper headlines becomes commonplace.

Thanks for a breath of sanity! I believe we can accurately call the sensationalist doom-mongers of the early '70s the "abortionists of the Jesus movement." When millions of fervant, zealous new believers appeared on the American scene, the devil was ready to shunt their energies off into puerile, silly, stupid speculations. And of course, the devil really approves of an ideology which cedes to him the right to run the whole earth!

The tragedy is, so much ink is spilled, so much energy wasted, on these fools errands today. O God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, grant that our children may live to see the end of this curse, this blight, this "last days madness" upon Your people!

14 posted on 06/05/2002 1:40:35 PM PDT by TomSmedley
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To: sheltonmac
I always find it funny that people like to believe the prophecies concerning the Messiah that are fulfilled in Jesus, believe that Jesus is truely who He said He is - the Son of God, with the full divinity as the Father Himself who forgives sin and will judge man (Mat 7:22-23) and then conveniently toss out the Hebrew scriptures because we have a "new covenant". Yet the reason many Jews didn't believe Jesus was the Messiah was because of all of the "Son of David" Messianic prophecies in which the Messiah will rule and reign from Jerusalem with a rod of iron (Psalm 2:9; Rev 2:27) and all of the nations shall come to Him and receive instruction. (Isa 11:10; Rom 15:12) That even if they don't celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles "Sukkot" they won't receive any rain. (Zach 14:18). These same people would then discount the prophetic picture as shown in the Feasts (in which the first 4 have been literally fulfilled on the very day of the feast) not realizing that the word Feast means rehersal of things to come (so just who was the Passover Lamb that John the Baptist and Revelation refer to?). The next Feast which lasts for 2 days is the Feast of Trumpets (because no man knows the exact day the feast begins is celebrated for 2 days) in which the trumpet calls the people to repentance. At this Feast there is a judgment that is made in which the fates of true righteous is sealed as well as the true wicked but for the masses who are not sure the go through the 10 days of Awe. Then the judgment is made of the seperation of the goats (depart from me you worker of iniquity Mat 7:23) and the sheep (Mat 25:21) on the Day of Atonement "Yom Kippur" Then comes the only Feast in which the Jews and Gentiles participate in (and is commended to be celebrated in the 1000 year kingdom reign of Christ) is the Feast of Tabernacles "Sukkot" in which the final harvest is revealed to the Lord and you live in temporary houses.

But ask anyone who holds to the premillennialist view what Christ had in mind when he proclaimed, "Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place" (Matt. 24:34).

Did Jesus come already and I missed it? How about this comment from Jesus: "Mat 16:28 Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom."
What happened when James, John and Peter witnessed Jesus who was transfigured into full glory on the mountain (Mat 17:2) with Moses (the righteous dead in Christ) and Elijah (those caught up with Christ) (1Th 4:16-17)

Ask them what the apostle Paul meant when he said, "For they are not all Israel who are of Israel, nor are they all children because they are the seed of Abraham" (Rom. 9:6b-7a).

Ask them what the apostle Paul meant when he said,
"Rom 11:25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.
Rom 11:26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:
Rom 11:27 For this [is] my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.
Rom 11:28 As concerning the gospel, [they are] enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, [they are] beloved for the fathers' sakes.
Rom 11:29 For the gifts and calling of God [are] without repentance.
Rom 11:30 For as ye in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief:
Rom 11:31 Even so have these also now not believed, that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy.
Rom 11:32 For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all."

Ask them why God felt it was necessary to establish a New Covenant (Heb. 8) if the Old Covenant is yet to be fulfilled. Chances are the answers you receive will be less than satisfactory.

Because only by the tranaction by the Lamb of God receiving our sin and innocent blood of the Lamb Jesus inparts to us His righteousness. But the fullfilment of the scriptures concerning the Messiah ben David (Lion of the tribe of Judah) have yet to be fulfilled!
18 posted on 06/05/2002 1:53:44 PM PDT by 4Him
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To: sheltonmac
While I would agree with your theology, I must disagree with your politics. Israel should be supported politically and militarily based solely upon the fact that they are one of the few democracies in that part of the world. Freedom is a good thing. :o)
20 posted on 06/05/2002 2:17:17 PM PDT by webwide
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To: sheltonmac
Absolutely, perfectly, completely right on the money.
23 posted on 06/05/2002 4:07:48 PM PDT by Campion
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To: sheltonmac
Matt.24:34 "this generation =(age) shall not pass away"
24 posted on 06/05/2002 5:45:46 PM PDT by moteineye
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To: sheltonmac
Curb your pride Lee.
26 posted on 06/05/2002 6:46:10 PM PDT by exnavy
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To: sheltonmac
"God is no longer dealing with national Isreal" It is a prideful man who thinks he can predict Gods actions.
30 posted on 06/05/2002 6:59:56 PM PDT by exnavy
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To: sheltonmac
The writer attacks the easy targets of TV preachers and Christian writers who have made certain predictions. Nobody I know of puts any stock in what any TV preacher who begs for money has to say and the "Left Behind" authors acknowledge that their work is fiction, as do all the readers of their books. But that seems lost on the writer of this piece. Hal Lindsay, like many others, made the mistake of thinking he could personally come to specific dates and times for future events. This is clearly wrong, and any quick glance at the Gospels tells us that no man knows the day or hour of Christ's coming, so this is doomed to failure. But this does not prove or disprove the eschatology in question. It's all just a "straw man" that is easy to knock down. The writer would do better to address and try to refute their eschatology, which he does a poor job of, at least from what I see IMO.
43 posted on 06/05/2002 7:39:15 PM PDT by Iowegian
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To: sheltonmac
My support of Israel is not based in theology but in politics. I would like to see the world organized by nations whose leaders are democratically elected. The enemies of Israel are many, but I do not see enemies who have maintained their national sovereignity and have democratically elected leadership. I do believe that Israel has enemies in the EU, but those countries have ceded most of their sovereignity by their membership in the EU. How many countries in the world are nationalistic and have democratically elected leadership? The truth is that the supporters of Israel do not do so out of blind theological zealotry as the author implies, that distinction better belongs to a major portion of Israel's enemies.
64 posted on 06/05/2002 8:24:32 PM PDT by Biblebelter
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To: sheltonmac
I don't entirely accept the idea of the Christian church being the only Israel in the modern age. I do believe that God will not be finished with Israel until the Second Coming. The Old Covenant has passed away but not God's plan for the ancient nation of Israel.

Your comments on the prophecy hucksters were dead-on. Someone loaned me the first Left Behind book. My eyes rolled back in my head when the hero was in such turmoil over whether he should focus on the spiritual welfare of the new woman in his life or just exploit her sexually (since his wife was already raptured and he could consider himself a widower of some sort). Real soap-opera material there. The book was laughable. One might almost suspect the authors of trying to ridicule the Bible and evangelical Christians in general. I seem to recall that at the end of the book, they were getting ready to assemble a "Tribulation Force" to fight the Antichrist.

The whole miserable spectacle even outdoes Hal Lindsey's attempt to turn Daniel and Revelation into a nuclear warfare manual. One might as well turn to The Omen as Bible study material.

One of the strange things about the book and the series generally is that they make being "Left Behind" much more interesting and more desirable than being raptured with Christ, almost as though it would be better not to be raptured and instead to suffer the Tribulation period. Very odd when you think about it since the traditional thrust of this genre is escaping the Tribulation.

For more comedic relief, visit
75 posted on 06/05/2002 10:02:03 PM PDT by George W. Bush
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To: sheltonmac
Another point missed by the premellenialists: Daniel is told to seal up his prophecy because its fulfillment was a long way off. Now, even the premellenialists say that much of Daniel's prophecy was fulfilled by the time of Christ, some 4-500 years later.

John, however, is told not to seal up Revelation because its fulfilment was very near. According to premellenialists, we are still waiting 1900 years later.

So 400+ years is a "long way off" for a premellenialist, while 1900 years is "at hand."

90 posted on 06/06/2002 6:13:24 AM PDT by hopespringseternal
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To: sheltonmac
"This may seem like a radical concept to those who look upon writers of doomsday fiction as prophetic geniuses, but that's what happens when people are drawn away from that boring, dust-covered, leaherbound Bible on the coffee table by novels with flashy covers and catchy titles. "

As long as you have all the answers, there is no problem.

95 posted on 06/06/2002 6:49:36 AM PDT by Don Myers
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