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Israel WARNS of Turkey WAR as Erdogan Builds LONG-RANGE Missiles & Navy | Watchman Newscast LIVE (VIDEO REPLAY)
Erick Stakelbeck on TBN YouTube Channel ^
| Streamed live 11 hours ago as of this posting - 01/09/2025
| Erick Stakelbeck on TBN
Posted on 01/10/2025 1:42:36 AM PST by SaveFerris
Within Iran and its terror proxies severely weakened, is a new adversary to Israel emerging? Turkey’s Islamist leader, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is notorious for his anti-Israel rhetoric and is now building up his military as well. Erdogan just announced that Turkey will expand its long-range ballistic missile stockpile and its navy and there are concerns that Erdogan could soon begin his own nuclear program as well. All of this comes as an Israeli government commission just warned that an eventual war with Turkey could be on the horizon. Could this be a prophetic showdown, with Syria as the trigger? Watch now!
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Current Events; Evangelical Christian; Mainline Protestant; Ministry/Outreach
KEYWORDS: erdogan; erickstakelbeck; iran; israel; kurdistan; receptayyiperdogan; syria; turkey
Video is 32:51
To: RushIsMyTeddyBear; metmom; SkyPilot; tuffydoodle; tang-soo; righttackle44; delchiante; ...
Turkey in Syria is quite an interesting development - not something I expected so soon - but then I didn't expect Syria to collapse, let alone collapse so quickly
Hopefully no one will complain that it's a VIDEO when it clearly says "VIDEO" in the thread title (duh - don't click on the thread if you don't want to watch a video)THREAD PING!
(hopefully something you can share with family and friends who may be interested in what's happening in our world in these Last Days and regarding what the Bible says about the future)
Lurkers, please click on my screen name to see my homepage for additional information.
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posted on
01/10/2025 1:44:38 AM PST
(Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the Days of Lot; They did Eat, They Drank, They Bought, They Sold ......)
To: SaveFerris
posted on
01/10/2025 2:09:16 AM PST
(You can't remove RINOs by voting for them!)
To: ArcadeQuarters
Dunno - if Turkey attacks first then there’s no obligation?
Or I thought somebody said
We sure do live in interesting times
posted on
01/10/2025 2:11:33 AM PST
(Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the Days of Lot; They did Eat, They Drank, They Bought, They Sold ......)
To: SaveFerris
It’s long past time America kicks Turkey out of Cypress.
To: SaveFerris
Edogan is like Hussain in Iraq. Supporting jihadis all over the place. Always has been.
posted on
01/10/2025 4:02:08 AM PST
To: ArcadeQuarters
“War against NATO?”
If Turkey attacks Israel, as a member of NATO, the US will have to back their NATO ally. Toss Turkey from NATO.
posted on
01/10/2025 4:09:36 AM PST
(Drill Baby Drill!)
To: wildcard_redneck
**It’s long past time America kicks Turkey out of Cypress.**
No. Greece has their anti-Americans. Remember Flight 007? Soviets claimed it was a spy Plane. Greece agreed.
To: SaveFerris
Erdogan = Gog (Ezekiel 38-39)
Turkey is building an Islamic Coalition. The former Istanbul mayor who became famous with the recitation of an Islamist poem wants to rebuild the Caliphate and conquer Israel for Allah. God has bad news for Erdogan
posted on
01/10/2025 5:52:59 AM PST
It is not that I care about Greece, it's that I want to punish turkey and Cypress provides the perfect opportunity to do so within NATO territory. It is also a great way to force Turkey out of NATO. Furthermore I believe the turkey has aspirations to become the new caliphate and the quickest way to cut that off is to boot Turkey out of NATO and threaten turkey with letting Russia seize Istanbul and gain control of the Bosphorus Strait. Being booted out of NATO and the threat to end Turkey's control of the entrance to the Black Sea would calm them down in a big hurry.
To: SaveFerris
I think a lot of folks knew that things would get much worse after Assad pulled out.
posted on
01/10/2025 7:59:15 AM PST
(Jeremiah 17:9, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?")
To: ducttape45
The smart ones, at least.
posted on
01/10/2025 8:00:01 AM PST
(Endut! Hoch Hech!)
To: dfwgator
Agreed. Gog/Magog is now that much closer to happening.
posted on
01/10/2025 8:11:21 AM PST
(Jeremiah 17:9, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?")
To: SaveFerris
Turkey has a very respectable military and is well trained. See link for details of their military.
A war with Turkey would cause unacceptable losses of life and infrastructure to Israel. Israel would use Nukes. They have them.
posted on
01/10/2025 8:37:16 AM PST
(cane cutter, deckhand, oilfield roughneck, drilling fluid tech, geologist, pilot, pharmacist ,MAGA)
To: SaveFerris
Kick Turkey out of NATO. Negotiate with Iraq and New Syria, to arm the Kurds to fight Turkey. Arm Armenia. Arm the Cypriots and Greeks.
The Hellenes, Kurds and Armenians together could simply argue they’re taking back Anatolia. Make Anatolia Great Again?
Forget the Caliphate, Restore Byzantium.
posted on
01/10/2025 8:40:09 AM PST
To: dfwgator
Israel now has an informal border with Turkey. A very risky business.
posted on
01/10/2025 3:34:40 PM PST
('The past is never dead. It's not even past.' William Faulkner)
To: BlackVeil; All
[Israel now has an informal border with Turkey. A very risky business.]
Yep. And yep.
Thanks everyone for replying and adding information to the thread.
posted on
01/10/2025 8:32:15 PM PST
(Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the Days of Lot; They did Eat, They Drank, They Bought, They Sold ......)
To: EQAndyBuzz
”If Turkey attacks Israel, as a member of NATO, the US will have to back their NATO ally.” NATO is obligated to support members that are attacked, not one-sided offensive actions by individual members.
posted on
01/10/2025 8:40:27 PM PST
(They're lying.)
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