Posted on 10/24/2024 8:46:12 PM PDT by SaveFerris
When will the IDF finally carry out the much-anticipated retaliatory strike directly against the Iranian regime? If Israel has decided to delay the attack because of a U.S. intelligence leak, the question arises as to how much longer the Israeli military can wait. Meanwhile in Lebanon, the IDF seizes a massive Hezbollah weapons haul, as the terror group’s infrastructure continues to crumble. Watch now.
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Israel will remain under severe threat as long as the mullah regime in Iran remains. They have have suffered some severe blows and their surrogates have been considerably weakened. However as long as they remain and wish to do harm to Israel they are a real threat. The technology of warfare keeps changing, becomes more innnovative and lethal. For instance North Koreans are now in Russia training on the latest stealthy drones. They will soon be deployed against Ukraine. They will develop expertise and combat experience. What will stop the mullahs from hiring North korean mercenary teams armed with ever innovative and stealthy drones? The mullahs have the cash that the North Koreans desperately need.
The Roman Republic faced a similar existential threat from Carthage. Cato the Elder, a Roman Senator ended every speech, no matter what the topic,with the phrase “Carthage must be destroyed”. Eventually it was and the threat to the Roman Republic was eliminated. Israel needs its Cato. The mullahs may be weakened but their antipathy to Israel has not lessened. Given time, money and innovation, they are a real and constant threat.
I am not alone in questioning the narrative of IDF naivete having provided the actual plans for retaliation on Iran to a hostile US bureaucratic apparatus.
We are living in incredible times
I imagine they’re aware of the duplicity of the Democrat Biden administration - at least I would think
Maybe Israel should issue a symbolic arrest warrant for that scuzz ball woman, just to piss Biden off.
Ezekiel 38
Here we are in God’s time, perhaps on the very precipice of
one of His prophecies given to Ezekiel 2,600+ years ago,
seemingly about to be fulfilled.
What a time to be alive.
Which is why I do what I do - in whatever minor way I can
Yes, Harris is a chump, but I was actually referring to the wench that gave the Iranians, the attack plans. 👍
Oh LOL 😂😆
And 4 other countries shared by the unUS!
In consideration of survival of its people, I would fully expect that they follow the sage wisdom,
“Keep your enemies close, and friends closer.”
I would be sorely disappointed if Israel did not have both its own spies - and friends - advising it from within our government.
Israel may or may not deliver the Big Attack. Israel is using the threats and ostensible preparations to keep the mullahs in their hidey holes for now. There will surely be some sort of attack but it may well not be bombers and cannonfire. It may be electronic. I would not be surprised to find out that Iran’s electricity grid or grids are suddenly hopelessly paralyzed while refineries and shipyards are wrecked by explosions originating with some truly advanced computer hacking. The best result would be the mullahs panicking and crying out-”How did they do this?”
That leak may have been an Israeli ploy along with the continual threats to do something really ba-a-a-ad to Iran to keep the mullahs panicky and maybe make them prone to make stupid moves. Who knows? second guessing Bibi is a foolish task.. One way or another that we cannot even guess at He is intends to neutralize Iran and maybe dispose of the mullahs.
The ultimate donor of those plans may have been Bibi adding psychological warfare to his approach.
Surely so.
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