Amen to your prayer and lesson. I wonder if the same could be said about the repetitive praise songs, where they say the same word or phrase over for quite a while? Many years ago my sister sent me a yoga book because I was confined. I got to the part where you focus on the “energy” coming up your spine and reaches the “3rd eye” in your brain. My foot broke during that time so I could no longer do the exercise. Now I realize that was God. So, ya, I am no fan of yoga and it’s phony or false “non spirituality”, cuz it is, no matter what they say about it not being spiritual.
I know what you mean and have wondered as you have. Hymnals are full of non-repetitive songs that don't put anyone in a trance state.
Amen. Let us pray against the occult invaded in the churches, and the idolatry of hindu worship in yoga. Also all forms of eastern religion of the martial arts. Also the spirit of the occult in hypnotism. In Jesus’s Name, amen.