Try reading some of the “early church fathers”! They were often confused, inconsistent and incoherent as well as contradicting each other. Like I said, nobody worships Martin Luther. He is not the “founder of Protestantism” as is often asserted and he was just a man, a sinner just as we all are.
Why are you persisting in tossing Luther out there? Do you think it diminishes the points we are making? He’s not “our” pope. And no one quoted him as an expert witness to prove anything. I posted the link because there’s a lot of misinformation/disinformation about him and the Bible and this article dispels many of them. I would think you’d want to be accurate in your statements here.
The only reason I cited Luther is because questions about how ho formed the Canon were asked. Luther is the founder of Protestantism, so naturally many people assume he was the one who decided for Protestants which books were in the Bible.
Catholics cannot think outside of the following one man box.
They follow the pope and cannot conceive of someone not following a human leader.
I can’t remember how many times I have told them that I DO. NOT. FOLLOW. LUTHER and DO. NOT. CARE. what His opinion was about anything. And yet they keep throwing up Luther and what he allegedly said in my face as if it means anything.