As an initial step in trying to draw meaningful lessons from the disturbing events of the past few years, we can categorize them into certain dominant themes. Most of us who try to faithfully practice the Catholic Faith could compile similar lists of these dominant themes from the past three years, including:
Coronavirus Insanity. The Coronavirus response never made sense. We knew from the beginning that either (a) the virus was far worse than the “experts” were telling us, or (b) the response was far more intense than necessary to combat the threats posed by the virus. As we have now learned from the destructive lockdowns, the tyrannical insistence that we cover our faces (it did not really matter what we covered them with), the refusal to treat patients with Ivermectin, and the global persecution of the unvaccinated, it was all an elaborate and deadly farce.
Biden Madness. Biden should never have been put forth as a candidate for the presidency and now even many of his most ardent supporters realize that. But his bumbling senility was a feature rather than flaw in the eyes of those who pushed him into the Oval Office: they needed someone who could wreck American interests while being excused as acting under the influence of progressive dementia. He has accomplished this task perfectly.
Unsurprisingly, the woke agenda spread through pleas of tolerance, but now its proponents insist that society can no longer tolerate the non-woke viewpoints still held by the majority of citizens in Western societies.
Rise of Woke Agenda. At some point in the past few years, the woke mob evidently achieved a critical mass within most governments and corporations. As a result, we now face a situation in which woke ideology is far more oppressive in some Western societies than Catholicism ever was in formerly Catholic nations. Unsurprisingly, the woke agenda spread through pleas of tolerance, but now its proponents insist that society can no longer tolerate the non-woke viewpoints still held by the majority of citizens in Western societies. Our collective toleration of immoral lies has led to a situation in which truth is no longer tolerated.
Institutionalized Injustice. We know that our governments, courts, and law enforcement agencies have always been subject to capture by political interests, but today we see something that far transcends ordinary corruption. Those in power can commit heinous crimes in full public display without fear of prosecution. Conversely, it is no longer surprising to see peaceful Christians arrested for simply being Christian in public.
Increased Persecution of Catholics from the Vatican. Traditional Catholics have faced opposition from the Vatican since the promulgation of the Novus Ordo Missae, but today we see open hostility toward Traditional Catholicism from Francis and his collaborators. They tolerate all religious viewpoints other than those always held by Catholics.
Mass Psychosis. These developments are neither subtle nor controversial: any reasonable person can discern why the items on this list should disturb us. However, as both a cause and indication of the mass psychosis that infects society, we see that staggering numbers of purportedly educated people will believe the mainstream media that assures them that none of these developments are problematic. The phrase “diabolical disorientation” appears to accurately describe both the global state of affairs as well as the minds of most people who believe the nonsensical narratives promoted by those who control the media and entertainment industries.
Despite all of this, there is one striking positive item we must consider: the fact that Traditional Catholics have thrived during the period in which they have faced increased persecution.
Advance of the Great Reset. All of these developments tend to advance the so-called Great Reset agenda. There is a definite sense in which those who seek to control the world need to carry out the current phase of their agenda in the full view of the world’s population they seek to enslave, because they must thoroughly defeat and demoralize those who would resist.
Despite all of this, there is one striking positive item we must consider: the fact that Traditional Catholics have thrived during the period in which they have faced increased persecution.
Consideration of these dominant themes suffices to alert us to the reality that we live in perilous times, but that alone cannot possibly be the full meaning we can draw from the fact that God has permitted these evils. What else can we learn from what has transpired since Francis introduced the world to his Pachamama?
Before considering the most important lessons from the Coronavirus era, we can draw some intermediate conclusions by synthesizing the dominant themes listed above. Once we have these intermediate conclusions, we can better identify and appreciate the lessons God appears to be teaching us more clearly than ever.
The Forces of Evil Have Grown in Power and Overt Malice. First of all, it is evident that almost all of the evil developments in the Coronavirus era contribute in some way to the advance of the Great Reset. We might hesitate to view Francis’s actions in that light were it not for the fact that he has so brazenly supported the various Great Reset initiatives. As such, our first intermediate conclusion is that there is an extraordinarily powerful group of global leaders who have primary responsibility for many of the evils committed against us in recent years.
Even more distressing is an element of unmasked wickedness involved with the Great Reset initiatives. Transgenderism, pedophilia, enthusiasm for unlimited abortions, and gratuitous persecution of the innocent are all signs of pure evil.
Even more distressing is an element of unmasked wickedness involved with the Great Reset initiatives. Transgenderism, pedophilia, enthusiasm for unlimited abortions, and gratuitous persecution of the innocent are all signs of pure evil. We have always had people who promote these evils, but they have been scorned outcasts. Today, however, they are increasingly championed and protected while their opponents are censored and persecuted. Our enemies are extraordinarily powerful and wicked — and it is clear that they are led by the prince of lies.
The Evil Powers Specifically Attack Traditional Catholicism. Are the ostensible leaders of the Mormons, Baptists, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, etc. similarly involved in leading their followers and the world into the Great Reset? No, it seems that Francis’s role is truly unique in that regard. Unless we think this is completely arbitrary — which would be an odd conclusion given Francis’s dedication to the Great Reset initiatives — we can reasonably conclude that it is vital to subdue actual Catholic behavior to facilitate the Great Reset.
Tellingly, though, the Great Reset leaders do not mind nominal Catholics; rather, they target those who actually practice the Catholic Faith. We know, for instance, that Biden, Pelosi, Trudeau, and Francis all identify as Catholic and yet unabashedly oppose what the Church has always taught on various social issues important to the Great Reset. Conversely, while all of these nominal Catholics preach universal tolerance, they show themselves increasingly hostile to those who simply wish to peacefully practice the integral Catholic Faith.
Good and Evil Factions Appear to be Separating. All of us are sinners in great need of God’s mercy, but we can nonetheless identify a dramatic separation between those who wish to do God’s will and those who do not. On the one side, we see significant overlap between those who insist that men can become pregnant and those who tell us we must trust the science to stop eating meat to save the environment, and get another Coronavirus vaccine. On the other side, we see a significant overlap between those who want to defend traditional morality and those who believe that the Great Reset initiatives are misguided and extraordinarily dangerous. Moreover, the enmity between these two groups appears to grow with each news cycle.
In one way or another, almost every person earnestly seeking to do God’s will has felt some increased persecution in the Coronavirus era.
God Has Not Abandoned Us. Despite these signs of great hostility from exceptionally powerful forces, we see that those who seek to do God’s will have been able to resist and even thrive to a large extent. In recent months, we have seen great fruits from the traditional Catholic movement, with the largest ever Chartres Pilgrimage and the consecration of the glorious Immaculata Church in St. Marys, KS. And, in what seems to be the greatest sign of Divine favor, we have seen the apparently miraculous preservation of the body of Sister Wilhelmina, foundress of the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles in Gower, Missouri. God is good and has not abandoned us!
We could draw other intermediate conclusions, but these suffice as building blocks for the lessons God has been teaching us so emphatically since the beginning of the pandemic. Fortunately, we do not need to exercise much creativity in discerning these lessons because they happen to be the same lessons from Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount.
“Blessed are ye when they shall revile and persecute you . . .” (Matthew 5:11-12). In one way or another, almost every person earnestly seeking to do God’s will has felt some increased persecution in the Coronavirus era. And, to the extent that we attempt to actively promote the integral Catholic Faith, we often experience even greater persecution. Those who do not feel some persecution for trying to be Catholic ought to suspect that they may not actually be following the true Catholic Faith. Therefore, we should not shy away from persecution if we are trying to serve God according to what the Church has always taught.
“You are the salt of the earth.” (Matthew 5:13-20). As the world grows more evil, many souls are opening their eyes to the fact that we are in the midst of a fierce spiritual battle. All too often, though, we see that our ostensibly Catholic shepherds (including most “Novus Ordo” Catholics) can do nothing to lead these souls to the Church — the salt has lost its savor, which is why the architects of the Great Reset have had so much success. Conversely, we see that Traditional Catholic parishes have grown dramatically, having to add Mass times and build new churches. We can thus see that now more than ever we have a duty to promote and defend the immutable Catholic Faith to the utmost of our ability, consistent with our duties of state.
“Lay not up to yourselves treasures on earth.” (Matthew 6:19-21). While it is true that some people have grown incredibly wealthy from the corruption surrounding the Coronavirus insanity, most of us have realized that the government can take away everything we have, for the flimsiest of reasons. So we have this great indication that we should not focus so much on earthly treasures, with a corresponding sign that we must do more than ever to petition God’s favors by serving Him as well as possible. As Jesus told us, we must focus on building our “treasures in Heaven, where neither the rust nor moth doth consume, and where thieves do not break through, nor steal.” (Matthew 6:20)
“No man can serve two masters.” (Matthew 6:24-34). In a special way, God has allowed it to become clear that we cannot be fully committed to Him and to His enemies at the same time — we must choose. How, for instance, can we in good conscience continue to support many of the organizations that have now made it abundantly clear that they have chosen the woke mobs over God? We must choose to serve God and readily drop all allegiance to those who oppose Him. If we place our trust entirely in God, He will not abandon us.
Through his deliberate persecution of Traditional Catholics and simultaneous support for various anti-Catholic groups, Francis has unambiguously shown his true colors and thereby eliminated the excuse of those who “were just following the pope.”
“Enter ye in at the narrow gate . . .” (Matthew 7:13). So many Catholics have abandoned the Church in recent decades, but those who have remained have had to choose between the narrow gate through which all the saints have entered, and the gate that Francis had widened to its outermost limits. For all but the most invincibly ignorant, it seems that there is no longer any reasonable excuse to follow Francis’s lead through the wide gate. Through his deliberate persecution of Traditional Catholics and simultaneous support for various anti-Catholic groups, he has unambiguously shown his true colors and thereby eliminated the excuse of those who “were just following the pope.” It is more clear than ever that we must enter the narrow gate by following the immutable Catholic Faith.
“Beware of false prophets . . .” (Matthew 7:15-20). Jesus tells us to beware of false prophets, who show us by their bad fruits that they will lead us to perdition. Today, it may seem almost impossible to completely avoid false prophets because they have apparently infiltrated even the traditional Catholic orders. Nonetheless, it is clear that God has allowed us to find good shepherds who will give us the Catholic Faith and sacraments. We must do all we can to find and support the good shepherds; and we must see the false prophets for the wolves that they are.
“Not every one that saith to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven.” (Matthew 7:21-27). Again, thanks to Francis and his collaborators, it should be clear that many souls who profess to be good Catholics are in fact vying for the worst destinations in hell. We must, therefore, be like the wise man:
“Everyone therefore that heareth these My words, and doth them, shall be likened to a wise man that built his house upon a rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and they beat upon the house, and it fell not, for it was founded upon a rock.” (Matthew 7:24-25)
God is permitting the Great Reset, and Francis’s evils, to proliferate for a reason, and we have a duty to pay attention to the signs He is giving us. This is especially true when those signs tell us that now is the time to do what all Christians have always known to do. Seen in this light, it seems that God is permitting the multiplying evils of the Coronavirus era through a merciful desire for us to serve Him and save our souls. No rational Catholic should even consider ignoring these lessons, for they may be the most important of our lives. Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us! Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!