The American Catholic Church (sic) is now officially “pro-choice”.
Sounds like Pelosi and Biden are more Catholic than Father Pavone.
Yet,the criminal lawbreaking illegals are helped by the Catholic Church who gets paid millions of dollars by the dem party to “help settle” the lawbreakers......
All it required was a dedicated communist as Pope...
It’s pretty bizarre now.
Major Jewish organizations support prominent anti Semites
The pope is out there supporting communism, abortion, tranny-ism, homosexual priests, you name it. If it seems anti Christian, he seems to support it.
Part of the clergy, including pope Francis, are more interested in following the world, than following the Christ!
I think, since Jesus was very outspoken and criticized the hierarchy, they would kick him out of the Church too, if they could!
Has been for a long time.
But this is from the Vatican itself.
RCINC is the oldest most profitable multinational corporation on the planet.
RCINC cries poverty but always come up with scratch to pay hefty billable hours by pricey attorneys to smear victims of sexual abuse by employees ( priests)
RCINC advocate open borders but principality is surrounded by a 40’ high wall with restricted controlled access through guarded gates
Under Frankies guidance, RCINC has made a financial decision pro life stance is not profitable. Rationale is the need for collection basket revenue form the size 18 in yoga pants college educated Karens in wealthy US suburbs