Rather, God willfully created a perfect being, with a perfect free will which potentially could become evil, which therefore meant this perfect being, with a perfect free will could make choices, and choose to disobey Good, thus resulting in evil. The latter of which always "existed" as a possibility since if there is Good then by necessity evil must potentially be realized.
Which manifestation God knew of and allowed in His perfect plan, as the omniscient omnipotent author and giver of life, and who alone knows what every single effect will be of a life and even of our next thought, not only for this life and for eternity, who alone can and will make everything work out for what is Good and the good of those who choose Him over sin. (Rm. 8:32) And finite man, who is blind to the Big Picture, is in no position to judge the morality of the actions or inactions of an omnipotent and omniscient Being, and in doing so then man is essentially presuming omniscience.
“Rather, God willfully created a perfect being, with a perfect free will which potentially could become evil, which therefore meant this perfect being, with a perfect free will could make choices, and choose to disobey Good, thus resulting in evil. “
That is the most tortured abuse of the language I’ve seen in a long time. It’s almost as good as saying men can get pregnant and women can have penises.
So your perfect, all loving God created perfect beings and part of this perfection included the ability to do the most cruel of things.
Now THAT’S what I call “perfection” and “all loving”.
Moreover, being an omniscient being, your God knows that all this evil is going to happen and being all powerful he has the power to stop it but chooses not to.
Yep, it’s exactly what I would do if I was an all loving, all powerful, all knowing perfect God.
Is that what you would do?