“For instance, there cannot be just one pastor over a church. There must be at least two.”
Don’t know about that. I’ve been Baptist my whole life, never seen a Baptist Church with two co-pastors. There might be a youth pastor, or a pastor for homeless ministries, but never seen a Baptist church with co-pastors, or two or more pastors all with authority over the entire church.
Which is odd because every Assemblies of God church I know about has a husband and wife team as pastors.
Pastors are the same as elders or shepherds.
In every example we have, there was a “plurality” of elders in each church, never just one pastor - e.g., Ac 20:17; 21:17-18.
Just as we do not see women pastors in the New Testament, we also do not see the Lord‘s church being under the leadership of one pastor.