Posted on 06/11/2022 6:45:06 AM PDT by Roman_War_Criminal
Contrary to the projections of the United Nations, demographers warn that recent evidence suggests the world is headed into a population collapse, not an era of overpopulation.
While the United Nations predicts that humanity will continue down a path of massive population growth until the year 2100, peaking at over 11 billion, a demographic study published in The Lancet found that the world is only a few decades away from a sharp and consequential population decline.
In an October 2020 study titled “Fertility, mortality, migration, and population scenarios for 195 countries and territories from 2017 to 2100: a forecasting analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study,” researchers theorize that while the human population will continue to grow until 2064, hitting approximate 9.73 billion – right now the population sits around 8 billion – due to low fertility rates the population is set to fall by over a billion in the remaining part of the century.
The study, which recently gained massive attention on social media, predicts that by the year 2100, with fertility rates well below the replacement level of 2.1 child per woman, China will have a population of just 773 million compared with the current figure of 1.39 billion. Such a drop represents a decrease in population of nearly 50 percent.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Just enough serfs to keep them fed and in luxury.
The UN is part of Klaus Schwab’s plan to takeover the world with his Nazi Cult and this time Exterminate 6 Billion people
Got to get the population down to about 500,000,000. Get rid of a lot of useless eaters.
I’m all for us dying out. Not mass slaughter or abortion. Just slowly dwindling down.
5 billion in the movie;
‘12 Monkeys.’
Do not worry about over population. After all many got the Fauci clot shot.
Original article vs reference opinion stuff:
The key is *which* populations might grow or shrink. Neither UN models nor this predict an even, steady status quo, and neither account for geopolitics and evil eugenicists.
The US has added 51 million to its population since 2000 and 130 million since 1970. We have a labor participation rate in the low 60% levels. We have a surplus of labor.
Biden has allowed 2 million invaders to come into the US during the past year. It will be far more this coming year.
Well yeah; that’s what happens when you forcefully inject a life taking killer clot shot.
Klaus Schwab is an 84 year old geezer who controls nothing of consequence. He offers successful, rising younger people a fancy, prestigious trip to his seminars, and they go because it'll be fun and and look great on their resumes. He likes people to think that he therefore controls all those people later in life, but there is zero.evidence of that.
He's a rather pathetic boogeyman who has figured how to live a lifestyle well beyond that of most academics by grifting from large corporations. It's his own personal racket, not a threat to conquer the world.
Don’t forget we have 23 million on disability and unemployment. I have no idea of the number of retired.
Shouldn’t they work on the Day and Night Crisis because it happens every day ,LOL
Documentary Says WHO Is Pushing Covert Sterilization in Vaccines
Children’s Health Defense TV (CHD.TV) garnered a large audience Friday with its premier of Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda. Produced by vaccine watchdog Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the film details the story of doctors in Africa who discovered in 2014 that vaccines pushed by WHO and the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) contained a hidden sterilization agent.
The Lancet keeps putting its feet in its mouth. Ruined reputation.
According to Gore, aren't the poles supposed to ice free, and polar bears not exist, and whatever years he predicted the world had left?
Yes, and not only that, we don’t even have jobs these people can do and earn a living wage. Awhile back, I noticed a horde was entering from Guatemala, where average IQ is 75-80.
There are practically no jobs for those with an IQ lower than 83:
See also here starting at ten minute mark (whole thing worth watching):
How many fruit pickers and bean pickers do we need? And what do they do the rest of the year? Won’t many of them end up on welfare and Medicaid?
On top of that, we have a housing shortage right now which is causing rents to skyrocket and driving real estate prices to crazy levels. Where are they all going to live? On the street? We already have a huge homeless problem.
This is totally insane!
Agree. We don’t need any more unskilled labor. Over 50% of immigrant-headed (legal and illegal) households use at least one major welfare program. We are importing poverty. Local taxpayers are picking up the costs for cheap labor that depresses American wages. Schools, hospitals, prisons, etc. are being stretched to their limits. Legal immigration is a bigger problem than illegal aliens.
It’s bad enough they are unskilled. Below an IQ level of 83, it’s impossible to train them to do anything more than the simplest rote tasks. We’ve already exported or automated most of these jobs away, and many more will be lost to automation in the near future.
If ever there there was a time to curtail immigration, it’s now. We need to build more housing as it is, and get our labor participation rate back on track.
Nothing will happen until Jan 20, 2023 at the earliest. In the meantime we will have another 6 million illegal aliens, 3.3 million permanent legal immigrants, and another 1 million anchor babies. And add another million or so refugees/asylum seekers.
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