Indeed, and complicity is the case with us all when we fail to do what we should. TradCaths will pronounced Teddy K Catholics as excommunicated, but that is not up to them, but a judging such begins with the local ordinary and can extend all the way to the pope. Whose leadership is the one that is to be followed in Catholicism, but even Ratzinger affirmed bloody proabortion, prohomosexual Teddy K.
TradCaths who rebel against leadership based upon their judgment of what valid church teaching is are essentially acting as Protestants in so doing.
We are quite proud of the FACT that we can bind and release!
John 20:23
Whose soever sins you remit, they are remitted to them;
and whose soever sins you retain, they are retained.
—Wannabe_Catholic_Dude(Hail Mary!!)