Father, we pray for Hunter Biden. Convict him concerning righteousness, show him Your goodness and give him the spirit of the fear of the Lord. May the eyes of his understanding be enlightened, Satan, we bind you from your deceits, temptations and unclean spirits in the name of Jesus. We bind him to Heaven and decree that he will fulfill the call that the Father has on his life. You are gracious, merciful and kind, Father,and wish that all would come to the knowledge of You. Forgive me for joining in unloving thoughts and speech concerning him. Forgive me for rejoicing as You reveal his wrongdoings. We pray concerning him: Thy good and perfect will be done. Amen.
AMEN. GOD isn’t willing for any to perish.
Amen, my Dearest Sister, and I will Always Remember your Prayer for Mercy for him whenever I See his Name from Now on. Thank You, Lord, for Stirring my Own Heart through Your Servant's Prayer, and Forgive me, in Jesus' Name, amen.