Posted on 09/03/2021 8:44:49 AM PDT by Ken Regis
DEDHAM, Mass. (AP) — Former Roman Catholic Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, the once-powerful American prelate who was expelled from the priesthood for sexual abuse, pleaded not guilty Friday to sexually assaulting a 16-year-old boy during a wedding reception in Massachusetts nearly 50 years ago.
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It’s horrifying to think of what some people have been through in their lives. Especially at the hands of people who should have been trusted.
The most dangerous places for children these days isn’t in the Catholic Churches, but in public schools.
Even in my school days, I realized that I had been preyed upon by a band instructor, subtly but definitely, in retrospect. I later (much later) learned that he was an active homosexual and actually co-owned and operated a homosexual bar in my city after retiring. He was assaulted in a robbery at that bar and died from his injuries.
Hmmm.....isn’t the plea entered under oath?
Did he say, “It wasn’t my fault that his bottom was there when I was aroused?”
A really good lawyer can get a charge of sodomy plea-bargained down to tailgating.
McCarrick was flamboyant and ultimately got caught. However there are many more like him within the hierarchy who are a bit more discrete and continue to do their real harm to the Church and the faithful.
McCarrick’s lawyers can probably drag things out until he dies of natural causes, or plea bargain the case down so he doesn’t have to spend time in prison.
It seems to be a principle of American jurisprudence that anyone can plead “not guilty” even when their guilt is obvious to everyone.
If he did it, and swore he didn’t aftre3 swearing on the biblembefore God, well, justice will eventually be done evening he escapes true justice here on earth.
I want to know why, whenever the subject of the priests abusing boys is brought up in the media, the topic is always on the church’s culpability and nothing else.
Never a mention of the fact it is homosexuals in positions of power who are taking advantage of young boys. Same with the boy scouts or any other time a homo is caught abusing someone. That fact is either swept under the rug or a narrative of how the culture, or a company or organization is ‘bad’. Never is the dammed homo lifestyle to be blamed.
And please don’t give me the “it wasn’t only boys abused” BS, the overwhelming number of victims are young boys.
“ Never is the dammed homo lifestyle to be blamed.”
I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said – especially the part about systematic sweeping under the rug.
Part of the cultural problem is that people ignore the direct relationship between homosexuality and pedophilia.
I am curious as to what will be shown 20 or 30 years from now about male homosexual couples adopting young boys. What will become of these children?
Regarding churches, I wonder if anyone knows what portion of male church leaders are either active or repentant homosexuals.
Is there anyone who knows whether their “calling“ was to their faith or to their lust. I would make the same inquiry regarding Boy Scouts. It seems that if their calling was because of lust, they would seek these institutions as attractive environments for them.
"Though shalt not bear false witness"
The commandment is “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” The emphasis seems to be on lies that harm someone else.
Look at this photo of McCarrick. The poor man has been humiliated and degraded. He’s 91. Time to let all this die down, stop these prosecutions, and focus on the priests CURRENTLY molesting people.
I don't see this as an "either/or" situation. It's a "both/and" situation—go after all the boy rapists and clean out the Church, starting with the rotting fishheads at the Vatican.
The accusations against McCarrick have seemed credible, yet he continues to deny, and you think he is to be pitied, and that the seminarians he abused and whose vocations, hearts and souls have been wounded should receive no vindication?
If the accusations are true, his denials are scandal on top of scandal; yet he held a very high position and should receive justice accordingly, not only for his actions, but also as a warning to others who think they can get away with it.
There have to be consequences. If abusers can just outwit and outwait prosecutions it’s not much of a deterrent.
Most of the priest abuse is of young children. That they are pedophiles preying on easily accessed children isn’t about their sexual identity anymore than the male coach abusing girls on a youth soccer team is about him being straight. You’re either mentally ill and will act on your impulses with children or you have self control and will behave appropriately.
I’m one of those people who have never found it appropriate for children to be made up like grown adults, never understood the fascination of some mothers to photograph their infants and children naked, found the Nirvana album cover to be creepy.
Children should not be placed in compromising situations. That’s what parents are supposed to look out for whether it’s a pervert adult or toxic peer. We had a female teacher who would harass male students, some of the guys sexually. She’s long dead now. I see too much of a double standard here on FR with the “naughty teacher” threads.
No. It’s simply your declaration of challenging the charges.
No. The damage he did is still reverberating in his victims. Prosecute ALL the accusations against ALL of the priests.
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