Soros wrecking crew, or ANTIFA army hire run by the FIB.
No description? They need to publish the photos.
Can we get a 24bit RGB value from the back of her hand?
This stuff has been happening all across the United States and Canada. Vandalizing and burning churches.
In the 1990’s there was supposedly a wave of black church burning. It was an outrage, rightly so, whoever did it.
Now it is crickets.
Robespierre is back.
And, of course, no comment on this being a hate crime... Just cool, calm, neutral reporting of her actions which can’t possibly be explained.
This must be a BLMBILMM (”Black Lives Matter But Indigenous Lives Matter Most”) movement, regarding Canadian indigenous peoples’ demands for an apology from the Pope. Several Catholic churches have been burned in Canada recently too.
Ws that a “Woman”-woman or a Trans woman?
Biden’s America
Every day another example of Jacobin madness.
How long is this going to continue?
Satan knows his true enemy and sends his slaves to do battle.
Black Muslim. She was wearing a long black abaya type garment without head covering. She’ll never spend a minute in jail.