That was already explained. The devil from the beginning lusted after power. He became the "god of this world" (2 Corinthians 4:4) who could offer Christ all its kingdoms (Matthew 4:8,9) because he seduced the steward of this world to sin, as the original liberal employing the victim-entitlement deception on Eve to persuade her to believe she was the victim of injustice, and of a lie, thus her disobedience to God was warranted and would obtain for her that which was rightfully hers from God, who was obligated to "share the wealth." Eve "voted," induced Adan to do the same, and "elected" the devil to power. But resulting in a cursed serpent and world and a lesson on testing and deception which we still fail to heed.
"Therefore why the restriction on the one fruit of twelve in the garden after the other eleven had already been eaten? Why were the rest of the trees removed from Adam and Eve?"
Where are you getting twelve trees from?
"Maybe, and this is a BIG maybe, the one fruit is a catalyst that once was initialized must be followed up by diligent regard for the order and manner in which the rest of the fruits are to follow. If so, maybe we as a planet are being guided on eventually how to reach the stars, irregardless if there are other beings out there."
You are a subject of esoterically delusion if you think this is about reaching the stars by eating of 12 trees. Penitent repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus, thus receiving His word which is "milk" and "meat," is what results in "reach the stars," meaning being with the Son forever. Christ is the tree of life. Glory to God.