I’m in no position to be boxing anyone’s ears - neither Catholics nor Mormons nor fellow Christians.
It’s just this gift (curse?) I have that sees too much stuff in black and white.
I get confused when the meanings and/or useage of words start shifting around me.
Makes me quezy - like Eliza on an ice floe.
In the beginning...THE WORD that was with God and that was God...and The WORD that was made flesh and dwelt amongst us...When the words get crazy, just thinking about THE WORD MADE FLESH snaps everything back into focus. If words fail us and the argued threads of doctrine become to dense and esoteric to fathom, we need only remember the WORD being made alive in us everyday, renewing our inner men daily...though our outer man perishes. It all comes down to the simple promise our Lord made, makes and will always make...”Lo I am with you always, even unto the end of the Word!”