Strawmen all over the place. First of all, Catholics can't be full Preterists, only partial Preterists. (Full Preterism is heretical; it denies the Second Coming.) Partial Preterists do not deny that Revelation has prophetic content all over the place, but we assert that its primary fulfillment (up to chapter 20) happened in the first century. So does v chapter 1 verse 1 of Revelation itself.
Most of the better partial preterist scholarship today is being done by Calvinists. It's dishonest to pretend it's some kind of Catholic distinctive or Catholic headfake. You'd be calling most of the PCA "Catholic," and they don't cotton to that.
This entire “preterist “ thing seems like a 19th century creation just like the pre tribulation rapture.
Although we believe that here “on earth, the seed and the beginning of the Kingdom” has begun, we still wait “until there be realized new heavens and a new earth in which justice dwells”
An example of early Church belief exists in the Didache, written just after 100 A.D. It says, “May your grace come and this world pass away!”
The Catholic church is “whatever it takes to not be called the Antichrist power”, whether that’s preterist or futurist, or nothing at all. They are definitely NOT historicist. Don’t believe me. Ask the Jesuits.
Luis De Alcazar
Francisco Ribera
Cardinal Robert Bellarmine
Michael Walpole
Manuel De Lacunza
The Catholic church says “Nope, we are not the Antichrist” “The Antichrist was either before us or after us” “No need to look any further.” “Thank you and see all of you at mass, where the priest will command Christ to come down to us, then we will eat his flesh and drink his blood, literally”. (”Christ must obey the priests”)