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To: SkyDancer
Those in Christ, the redeemed among the living and of the dead will be removed before The Time of Jacob's Trouble. It is Jesus's Promise to the Church at Philadelphia that they will be kept from even the hour (time). Rev 3:10)

The dead in Christ will receive newly created bodies and behavior mechanisms which are not in this 4D realm we now sense. (1Thess4:13-17) They will be as invisible (2Thess2:3) to the 4D earth dwellers as the being who wrote upon the wall in palace party central, Babylon (Daniel 5).

In that same instant of the resurrection of the Dead in Christ, we who are alive in Christ and remain shall be transformed in the twinkling of an eye (1Corinthians15:53-58), into beings no longer in this 4D realm, into new hyper-dimensional bodies and behavior mechanisms, and will be snatched away into the clouds together to meet the Lord int he air and return to the Third Heaven (John14:1-4) for our Bema Seat review by none other than The Lord Christ.

How close is this removal to the start of the last seven years of human History and the Time of Jacob's Troubles? No one can say, but know this, it happens far enough before that the Redeemed ALL get their Bema Seat review and receive their crowns which they cast at Jesus's feet in the Third Heaven. (Rev 5)

Imagine if you can, what this nation will undergo when thirty of forty million alive inhabitants are suddenly no longer in this 4D realm, individuals from all walks of life, all occupations, and all responsibilities for the maintenance of the infrastructure, like fuel and water and electrical transmissions and all means of transportation. The chaos and horrors will only grow worse for the earth dwellers who were not removed by The Lord Christ.

5 posted on 04/10/2021 8:15:57 AM PDT by MHGinTN (A dispensation perspective is a powerful tool for discernment)
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7 posted on 04/10/2021 8:29:23 AM PDT by SkyDancer (To Most People The Sky's The Limit ~ To A Pilot, It is Home)
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This ‘world’ is in the depths of ‘Jacob’s Trouble’... Maybe IF the ‘key of David’, were taught as given, far fewer would be hunting for a quick trip off God’s green earth. Could it be ‘the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled’ be the cause of Jacob’s trouble?

Christ never taught the ‘removal’ of His or any church... figment of imagination in confusion. Since when did The Heavenly Father ever cower away from the adversary ... This earth was created by the Heavenly Father and Christ gave us power over the devil... and not by flying away.

18 posted on 04/10/2021 11:57:33 AM PDT by Just mythoughts (Psalm 2. Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?)
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