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End-Times User Agreement ^ | 2/8/21 | Pete Garcia

Posted on 02/14/2021 5:56:56 PM PST by Roman_War_Criminal

You know them and I know them. The laundry list of technical jargon 99.9% of people scrolls or skip through to use whatever technical device they need or want. They usually come with your “optional” software updates. They come with most apps. They come with loans and appliances you buy. The User Agreement/Terms and Conditions/End User License Agreement (EULA)/etc. are the stock and trade of corporations seeking to cover their own hindquarters. The rub is that it’s only truly optional if you agree to their terms and conditions. Then you can use their product. If you don’t, well, tough luck. Better find another program or system to use.

Now for most things we want, we can certainly ‘not agree’ and move on with life if the terms and agreements seem overtly Orwellian. The loss of privacy, loss of ownership, 24/7 surveillance, geotracking (even if you opt-out), merchandising/selling your personal data, biotech tracing, arbitration clauses, etc., are often couched in such legalese that people either don’t understand or don’t want to think about it. You really just want to listen to this new song or play this new app, so you hit agree, give up a little more of your freedom, and go about your day.

However, there are things most people need and consider ‘essential,’ and end up agreeing regardless of how they really feel about it. Even if doing so makes you feel like you need a shower afterward. The last days are kind of like that…in that, we are increasingly placed in this either/or scenario. Either you get on board with the current antichrist-zeitgeist (anti-Christian, anti-Semitism, anti-conservative, pro-Humanist, pro-Hedonist, etc.) or you are increasingly shut out from the public arena of ideas.


Recently, Mike Lindell (My Pillow CEO) came out with his Absolute Proof video that I watched and found compelling. Clearly, anyone with a couple of brain cells could see that the 78-year old dementia democrat candidate stole the election. Well, he didn’t, but his comrades in the deep state, the permanent D.C. political establishment, the Democrat Party, and our new social media overlords did. Somehow, the man who couldn’t fill a high school basketball gymnasium, couldn’t string two sentences together coherently, and couldn’t keep his foot out of his mouth (or his nose out of girl’s hair) suddenly won more votes than any previous president, ever.

This got me thinking back on the election and everything since which has ensued, and I realized, I was angry. I wasn’t throwing things around or shaking my fist at the TV angry, but the kind of anger that lies just beneath the subconscious. I found myself reflecting on it one night and I asked God, why? Why Biden? Why let Trump go when clearly, he’s been good for the nation, good for the Christian, and good for Israel? Why let the Democrats get away with such a brazen theft of the American population’s will? Why did Mike Pence all of a sudden lose his backbone?

The response I got back was immediate.

Just to clarify, this is not a “thus sayeth the Lord” moment. It was just a distinct impression I got that was both clear and concise.

If not now, when?

What happens when 2024 rolls around, and the Democrats put up an even more egregious attempt to overthrow the election? We know they aren’t going to quit until they can permanently seal our nation into a one-party system.

Why delay?

Indeed. Why delay.

I think our deliverance is going to come a lot sooner than many think.

For all the good things Trump did, there were also missteps, one of which, was listening to theologians and preachers who either don’t understand Bible prophecy or purposely confuse it. An example of this prophetic malfeasance, mostly by conservatives in the religious spectrum, is that somehow, the US is going to come out on top in the end.

The Bible does not say that, anywhere. In fact, there is no mention of any nation that even remotely resembles the United States in Scripture.

Many of these prophetically-confused religious leaders come from either the post-millennialist camp (who believe the Church is responsible for Jesus’ return), or the Amillennial/Preterist camps (who believe we are the kingdom). They believe (as many did) that they should fight for the revival of this nation. Nothing wrong with revival. We are to occupy until He comes.


There are two streams of thought going on in my head right now regarding where we are as a nation. In one stream, I realize, I have to live in this nation, whatever it becomes. Do I want to live under an increasingly socialist/communist regime that persecutes Christians and increasingly promotes an Anti-God agenda? No. I want to live under the constraints of a Constitutional Republic (like many of you). So we work, vote, promote systems that enable that while avoiding or boycotting things that work against it.

The other stream, recognizes, that God’s word comes true no matter what I think. God’s will, is laid out in the pages of the Bible, and it states, the what, when, how, and why things happen. Some people chose to eisegete (add into) the text what they want to happen. However, we are called to exegete (take from) the text what it says, using a literal, grammatical, and historical interpretation.

The Bible clearly states that as the end times draw closer, things will go from bad to worse. In fact, things will get so bad that Christ Himself has to return to make things right. Humans can’t do it, no matter how well-intentioned.

As for the Republican squishes who either openly turned on Trump (and the American people) or simply rolled over and showed their bellies, they did so because they think life will go on. They think allowing the democrats to get away with the most egregious voter fraud in our nations’ history this time, they will survive to fight another day. Little do they know, there will never be another Republican victory moving forward. Never.

And I’m ok with that now.

Because I had to get my priorities realigned and realize my political alliances are not with the Democrats or the Republicans. I’m a Monarchist. My allegiance is to Christ the King. He will come back and fix all this, I don’t need to allow anger to fester in my heart like a disease. I am not even supposed to plant roots in this life. My (our) home is a heavenly one. Our reality is an eternal reality.

Brethren, join in following my example, and note those who so walk, as you have us for a pattern. For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame—who set their mind on earthly things. For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself. Philippians 3:17-21

Our time here on earth is fleeting at best. We are like blades of grass, here one day, and gone the next (Psalm 103:14-16). And while we have to live here for the balance of time remaining in my life, or, until the Lord comes for us at the Pre-Tribulation catching up; I will try my best to make do with what the Lord has entrusted to me. That’s all I can do. That’s all any of us can do.

Yes, things are so upside down, topsy-turvy these days that I would not be surprised one bit if the Democrats came out with their 2024 campaign slogan next year promoting-

War is Peace

Freedom is Slavery

Ignorance is Strength

Vote Democrat!

Truly, it wouldn’t surprise me or you, because Romans 1 clearly lays out that those who reject Christ, are increasingly given over to a debased mind. They are quickly losing their ability to reason, or even think straight. Biden is a perfect example of this. [By the way, I know plenty of 78-year-olds and older, who are clear-headed and of sound mind] Joe Biden’s problem is that he spent so much of his life lying and flip-flopping, he doesn’t know what he believes anymore. He just spends his day being led by the hand to sign blank papers and read off Teleprompters. He’s been double-minded for so long, he has lost his ability to reason (James 1:8). He is not alone either, I think most of Washington D.C., is filled with people who have long since lost touch with reality.

And that is ok.

My hope is not in D.C.

My hope is in Christ.

As should yours.

My freedoms may dwindle.

However, my freedom is in Christ.

We are freed from the bondage of sin and death. No one can take that from you or me. We can’t even do it to ourselves. Because when you are born again (John 3:16), you are permanently changed. You go from being spiritually dead, to spiritually alive. And because you can’t do that by your own power, it has to be by the power of Christ and His shed blood that redeems you 100%. He didn’t pay for some of your sins, He paid for ALL of your sins; even the ones you haven’t committed yet.

Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-3 (emphasis mine)

Furthermore, once you are born again, God seals you with His Holy Spirit (Eph. 1:11-14, 4:30). You can’t unseal yourself any more than you could seal yourself by your own works. Our salvation is not dependent upon our works- it’s not our good deeds, our tithes, our baptism, our church attendance, etc. Our salvation lay squarely in the faultless sacrifice of God’s own Son, at Mt. Calvary, perfectly fulfilling the Law’s demand, and taking God’s full wrath upon Himself on our behalf.

Therefore, don’t let this world ruin your thinking or your attitude. Don’t worry that the world is increasingly shutting us out of the public arena. Jesus tells us that even though we have little strength, the door will remain open (Rev. 3:8-10). Satan knows he can’t steal our salvation, but he loves to crush our hope and spirit. He loves to cause us to be depressed, angry, or anxious. Don’t let him. Ephesians 6 gives us the tools to fight the fiery darts of the enemy. The days may turn sour in the here and now, but just remember we have far better days ahead.

Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2 Corinthians 2:16-18

TOPICS: Current Events; General Discusssion; Religion & Culture; Religion & Politics
KEYWORDS: apostasy; endtimes; judgement; persecution
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To: EasySt

You don’t seem to know me very well, even though I’ve been on FR for 21 years. I’m hardly one to sit on the sidelines, much less cheer on the Devil’s progress.

I’ve been an activist in so many things since the early 1990s that I sometimes forget some of them when asked to give someone a list.

It’s just that now our opportunities seems limited, especially here where the Dems have total control of state and city, and we have only one weak member of Congress in all of Manhattan. Plus the fact that the Dems have become vindictive and threatening.

I am working out a possible political plan for later.

But what I really meant was, as followers of prophecy we can’t be called abandoners of our guy when he loses—or is believed to have lost, as the viewpoint may be. We look at the bigger picture.

I don’t think you absorbed all of what I wrote. Since it says “thy ROD and thy staff” in everybody’s favorite psalm, we know that correction and even temporary punishment are to be accepted and rejoiced about even, if they are meant to bring more people to salvation.

21 posted on 02/15/2021 1:21:50 PM PST by firebrand
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To: Roman_War_Criminal

Hank you for another wonderful thread.

God sure is sifting and it’s beginning to look like many who called themselves Christians, especially high profile Christians, are not.

God’s been drawing the line in the sand for years now, forcing unbelievers to choose sides.

I think now He’s drawing it to force those who claim to be believers to choose sides.

22 posted on 02/15/2021 4:20:14 PM PST by metmom (...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith..)
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To: Kevmo

There is also the wings of eagles reference in Revelation that some think is a reference to the US airlifting Jews to safety.

Although I don’t see that happening in this current *administration.*

23 posted on 02/15/2021 4:21:56 PM PST by metmom (...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith..)
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To: firebrand

I am convinced that Trump accomplished what God put him in office for.

If there was more for him to do to usher in the end times and Great Tribulation, then he would still be president.

Since God is the One who establishes governments, it appears He has decided it’s time to move on with His plans.

Our responsibility at this point, I believe is 1 Corinthians 10:31.

“ So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”

24 posted on 02/15/2021 4:29:24 PM PST by metmom (...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith..)
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To: metmom

Up to the election I was reading Isaiah. Thought Trump was our Cyrus. The election was over and I started into Jeremiah. Doom and gloom for Judah. Yes, Trump (God bless him) did what he needed to do. Now it’s up to the people of God to convince Him that we are worth saving. I totally “ditto” your post.

25 posted on 02/15/2021 4:46:54 PM PST by stevio (Drain the Swamp!)
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To: metmom

Yes indeed!
There are tens of millions of lost souls out there who really think they are Christian and saved sadly. They are perishing like the other heathens.

1 Corinthians 1:18
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

26 posted on 02/15/2021 5:19:09 PM PST by Roman_War_Criminal (Jesus + Something = Nothing ; Jesus + Nothing = Everything )
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To: Dogbert41

That’s Egypt - papyrus vessels ESV

Papyrus from ancient Egypt

27 posted on 02/15/2021 5:52:17 PM PST by SaveFerris (Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold ......)
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To: SaveFerris

28 posted on 02/15/2021 5:53:47 PM PST by SaveFerris (Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold ......)
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To: metmom

I see it as a reference towards a modern air force rescuing the remnant of believers in Christ. The antichrist will be given power to round us up, kill us, and ‘wage war’ with us. There won’t be many of us left when the time comes for the rapture,

29 posted on 02/15/2021 8:51:22 PM PST by Kevmo (So America gets what America deserves - - the destruction of its Constitution. ~Leo Donofrio, 6/1/09)
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To: metmom

Very wise words.

30 posted on 02/16/2021 4:10:53 AM PST by firebrand
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To: metmom; SaveFerris
a people terrible from their beginning

Well, we were born in revolution. Could be us. Also ensign upon the mountains. Rushmore?

31 posted on 02/16/2021 4:34:49 AM PST by firebrand
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