No, not Richard Starkey.
..before my mom went to be with Lord last year, she watched Rabbi Schneider all the time...
My friend, Brenda Weltner has “finished” her study of The Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. This is the most comprehensive and complete analysis of Revelation I have seen. Starting from the fact that the Chapter 12:1-2 Great Sign has happened (31 months ago) and we are all still here, she re-examined all of the “traditional” eschatological “doctrines.” She has put this all into a book.
A Kingdom of Priests: The Stories of Revelation” is available in paperback at Amazon,
or as a Kindle version. A PDF version is available for free at the links below:
She has been making YouTube videos about her journey. Here is her channel:
To those that have ears, ignore the negative naybobs telling tou that we still have useable currency, so the antichrist is not yet on the scene. Thankfully, ALL the born agains through out time and those alive today are leaving before the lawless one is reveal, so we are not looking for proof of the antichrist acting on the stage.
Just got in to a pretty harsh debate on people who don’t believe we’re in the days of the church of Laodecia. We’re abutted right up to the edge of Revelation chapter four. He only comes as a thief in the night when people are not seeing the signs of the times.
The most consistent signs of the end mentioned in scripture are changes in the heavens with the sun, moon and stars. We see this in both the old and new testaments.