Posted on 01/09/2020 2:41:16 PM PST by Roman_War_Criminal
For the first time ever, a blood red flag is being flown over the famous Jamkaran Mosque in the Iranian "holy city" of Qom. And as I will explain below, the fact that this mosque is directly associated with the Mahdi makes this symbolic gesture doubly significant.
The hoisting of this flag was broadcast on Iranian state television, and it was obviously intended to send a message to Shiites all over the globe. So precisely what was that message?
Well, we are being told that according to Shiite tradition a red flag represents both "blood spilled unjustly" and a call for revenge...
Red flags in Shiite tradition symbolise both blood spilled unjustly and serve as a call to avenge a person who is slain.
It is the first time in history that the red flag has been hoisted on top of the Jamkaran mosque in the Iranian city and comes after warnings of harsh retaliation against the US.
End Times Ping
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God Bless!
Gee... Nice custom paint job...
Sure would be a shame... You know...
Nice water tower. Be a shame if it got spilled.
Well, the reason Soleimani got corked is, as a result of his behavior and that of Iran, we were flying our own damned red flag. The Shi-ite rolls both ways!!!!
The hypocrites.
Blood shed unjustly is what islamic terrorists are all about.
They just don’t like someone giving it back to them.
If they're going to be pissed off anyway, let's give them a reason.
The red flag is a clarion call to every cell and every nut job to just go for it in attacking the USA and Israel assymetrically.
Sometime in the decade of 1995-2005, the mosque's reputation spread, and many pilgrims, particularly young people, began to come to it. In the rear of the mosque, there is a "well of requests" where it is believed the Twelfth Imam once "became miraculously unhidden for a brief shining moment of loving communion with his Creator."
They are operating off the Islamic definition of justice:
A person killing in order to spread the influence and power of Islam, is just. An infidel killing a Muslim is NEVER just.
I’d gladly push the ICBM’s button...
A very good, informative, educational post. Thanks. The Marxists (Bourgeois Socialists-see pg.42 Communist Manifesto) are teaming with the Mohammedans in a war to subjugate the citizens of the greatest outpost of “free” republics. A shutdown of all of Islam’s FOBs (Forward Operating Bases)/mosques (BOLO) inside of America may be necessary in conjunction with a multi non-Islam-world strike on selected targets/individuals inside sharia states starting with ones clamoring for war.
“A very good, informative, educational post. Thanks. The Marxists (Bourgeois Socialists-see pg.42 Communist Manifesto) are teaming with the Mohammedans in a war to subjugate the citizens of the greatest outpost of free republics”
So much overheated rhetoric on Freerepublic these days sounds like the months leading up to the invasion of Iraq. There was an “end times” case for taking out Saddam, too. The result: one of the biggest foreign policy disasters in US history, as Trump will be the first to tell you.
Perhaps we should round up all Muslims like the hero Democrat FDR did with the Japanese.
Please add me to your ping list. Thank you!
Not necessary with today’s technology. Individual puppets and their puppet masters will do.
What’s overheated about the situation we find ourselves in involving a terrorist regime hell bent on WWIII and genocide to bring about the apocalypse?
Maybe you think this is ‘normal’?
I’ll add you - thanks!
Each case (puppets and puppet masters) can be evaluated with today’s technology with concrete evidence. Alphabet agencies can know everything about us, but not the members of a totalitarian collective, especially inside this republic?
Infidels are akin to deplorables/useless eaters to bourgeois socialists.
“Whats overheated about the situation we find ourselves in involving a terrorist regime hell bent on WWIII and genocide to bring about the apocalypse?”
They said the EXACT SAME THING about Saddam, and it proved to be bogus. We spent $7 trillion creating chaos in the Middle East on the basis of this kind of fear-mongering.
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